Author: Marie2

On Seeing Lincoln

Daniel Day-Lewis is so brilliant in “Lincoln” that the rest of the movie almost doesn’t matter.  It’s as if he first became Abraham Lincoln and then showed up for the filming.  Good actors can...

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Oscar Free

A good guy with a gun:” “I come to the conclusion that the accused has made a case to be released on bail,” magistrate Desmond Nair said at the end of a near two-hour summing up, praising Pistorius for having...

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FBI Fights Fraud

Maybe.  Or something to fill in the agency’s extra time now that all the “Occupy” sites have been closed down and it’s getting harder and harder to entrap some poor slob in a terrorist plot: The...

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The Murphy Brown Brouhaha

That was way back in 1992.  Brought to the political debate by the GOP “family values” standard bearer Dan Quayle: “It doesn’t help matters when primetime TV has Murphy Brown – a character who...

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