Author: Marie2

Mitt short on primary monies

According to WAPO Election Blog Team Mitt was at least eleven million dollars short in primary campaign funds.  So, they just took out a $20 million loan to get them to the General Election monies. In campaign financing...

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Getting a Tip; Missing the Scoop

Apparently Kos is a bit put out that his troll hunters blew it.  That a bit of news gold was dropped in their laps and was quickly shoved down some memory hole. Odd considering how so many were taken in by “The...

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Blinded By Clinton

— Or how Al Gore and Barack Obama won — Clinton fans seem as much, if not more, impervious to facts as Reagan zombies.  Thirteen years on they still refuse to accept what team Gore discovered in 1999 and what...

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Another Mitt Whopper

From RawStory Romney Wishes To Live In New Hampshire and “Save Some Tax Dollars. What the Mittster said in Manchester was: “So many friends here in New Hampshire,” Romney said at the beginning of his remarks....

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