Author: michaelmt

The Story You Missed–and Must Consider!

One of the most important stories of the past few months was buried last week–not just accidentally, in the wake of Abdul’s abdication and astroturf, but deliberately and securely. If you saw anything of Hillary...

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Missing the Point–The Clinton Tax Returns

Have you seen Senator Clinton decry the way that American companies have “offshored” so many jobs? It’s a cry that rings true in Ohio, and probably in Pennsylvania and Indiana. But as the Clinton tax reports...

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Amazon 3: The Missionaries

It was June 21, and the Incas in Peru were celebrating winter solstice much as their ancestors did–and as the Celts did in England, two thousand years and half a year ago… Meanwhile, most of the Christians in Peru...

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Trees and Terrorists

I began a short series of diaries yesterday with a look at the Amazon: Amazonia: Through Children’s Eyes. Today I’d like to share a horror story that almost no one sees–at least, not in the United States. Even...

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