Author: mickeyz

Our dead vs. their dead

“They were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.”As tragic as the Virginia Tech shootings are, let’s face it: 32 dead is a slow day in U.S.-occupied Iraq. “Those whose lives were taken did nothing...

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My movement is bigger than yours

There’s a huge difference between a minority of sincere Americans making well-intentioned gestures and a tangible, functional, effective movement capable of inciting/inspiring/demanding social change.A couple of my recent...

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If not now, when?

Where’s the proverbial tipping point?We’ve all heard some variation of this question: How much more are the American people willing to endure before they take radical action in large numbers? To help you conjure up...

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Death from Above

Promoted by Steven D. This diary is about a controversial topic for many people, i.e., the question of how much responsibility lies with ordinary soldiers for actions taken during wartime. Americans have never been fond of those...

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U.S. vs. Iran (a Marxist perspective?)

(Can someone please ask Harpo to quiet down?)Since quoting Marx makes a writer appear both more educated and more serious, I figured I’d start this piece about Iran with a bit of Marxism…from Duck Soup. Ambassador...

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