Truth, and when it has to be Perfect
We can’t seem to thrive without it, most of us seem to spend our lives in some sort of quest of it, and living under the trickle down of the Bush Administration has driven a few of us nuts because of the total lack of it. I speak of truth.
Many came forward to speak it about the Bush Administration. If something existed in their life though that wasn’t right up there with the claimed standards of the rightwingnutty double dog christy Christs it was jerked out of the gloam and slapped right under every photo of every single article written about them speaking the truth, or fed into the ticker tape as we watched their lips move in unison with it on television. It has allowed the truths they speak to be shrugged off because those who oppose them are BETTER PEOPLE than the truth tellers.
Cindy Sheehan is luckily a person who was really boring. She is Hetro and worked at the Health Department helping people and raised soldiers for her country who went to church. Now she spends her life spreading Peace just like Jesus. She is such a nice, decent, kind, thoughtful person she, she, she, she ought to be shot! They have one hell of a time smearing her other than her divorce, and that seems to be caused by the death of her son so that isn’t any good either damn it! Sometimes they claim that she can’t let go and move on and then they shut the hell up suddenly about that too because what baseball loving, apple pie baking, mother worth her salt just “gives up” on loving her American children forever and ever! That damn woman is a thorn, AND THEN WALKS IN IAN FISHBACK!
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