Author: Mirrorshade Mind

The Planet Killer Lives in America

Promoted by Steven D. One for the Rapture Ready crowd to salivate over. PatriotDaily brings up in his diary Global Warming Impacts TODAY In USA: It’s a Woolly Payback one aspect of the global warming picture that...

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Time spent in Vain?

I must be a truely stupid or something. For some odd reason I thought people might be interested in finding solutions to problems. Apparently I’m totally wrong to believe anything of the sort. It appears no one is even...

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Bush’s Free Ride.

There is a question that has haunted me ever since 9/11 and the events that occurred after it. That question has been “how does Bush and gang get away with all this shit?” Then today the answer came in a blinding...

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You asked, So here’s my answer.

Ok, Arthur Gilroy here’s the answer you want me to explain to you. Just remember you asked. orginally you quoted the following from my comment. (note: the link you provided did not work on the Gilligan Island thing. So...

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Could the 2006 Elections be Suspended?

I know this sounds very crazy but lets look at the facts in no uncertain terms. When you think of how America got to where it is today 10 years ago I would have called anyone who suggested America would elect a President like...

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