The Planet Killer Lives in America

Promoted by Steven D. One for the Rapture Ready crowd to salivate over.

PatriotDaily brings up in his diary Global Warming Impacts TODAY In USA: It’s a Woolly Payback one aspect of the global warming picture that doesn’t recieve very much attention except by certain cirlces of the scientific community.

That subject is seismic changes caused to the crust of the earth. To expand a little more on how this could affect the USA directly in the near to far future I thought I would bring up the subject of how there is a “Planet Killer” that you never see mentioned by the American MSM or Government and resides in the heart of America.

The reason why it is never mentioned will after you read this diary be very obvious. 9/11, the War in Iraq, Hurricane Katrina and the current conflict in the Middle East are pimples of Human Stupidity compared to the disaster that is just waiting to happen in America and to the rest of the world.
About two months ago I watched a video called Supervolcano which was made in Canada and never aired in America. The story was based on scientific fact and historical research.

Many people in America are not aware that the “worlds largest active volcano” is located right under Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks and is monitored by the Yellowstone Earthquake and Seismic Activity Center.  

The mass of magma under this area is called a Caldera. The Caldera in this case is about forty miles wide.

The discussion that an eruption in this area could trigger a “planet killer size event” in the worst case scenario is a matter of scientific fact.

The only discussion by the scientific community is “WHEN IT IS GOING TO OCCUR”.

Recently the Norris Geyser Basin which geologist watch very closely for changes has experienced a “swelling of the earth” similar to the precursor of an eruption. The Yellowstone Volcano Observatory recently added seismic and gps sensors to monitor the changes occurring in the Norris Geyser Basin.

If this area was to erupt today all life within 300 miles of eruption would cease to exist within the first 4 to 12 hours of the eruption. The ash cloud would cover an area from as far south as Colorado and as far north to the middle of Canada.

New York and most of the eastern seaboard would see an ash fall of 2 to 3 inches within the first 12 to 72 hours.

Chicago would see an ash fall of 6 to 8 inches also in the first 8 to 48 hours depending on wind speed and weather conditions at the time of the first eruption.

Power grids would collapse as ash coats everything on the grid. People fleeing south or north on roads and freeways would find themselves in a death trap as the ash clogs the engines of their cars.

Those who stayed put hoping to “ride it out” would within days realize that the halt of all transportation in and out of their area has ceased completely. Ground Water and Water pumping stations would cease to function due to contamination. Food supply to any area would cease for lack of an effective way to provide relief

As Food supplies run out those who have not died from suffocation by the ash cloud would find themselves homeless as homes and buildings collapse from the weight of the accumulating ash.

Remember it’s raining what is in effect very fine concrete. It’s in the air you breath, the water you drink and the food you eat now. There is no escape and no relief. You’ll be on your own.

Now if one volcano wasn’t enough. Now it goes from bad to the worst case scenario.

The first eruption could also trigger more eruptions all along the fault line that lies under the Caldera. These additional eruptions (each a separate volcano) could act like a “zipper” opening the entire Caldera. The magma in the Caldera would continue to erupt until the pressure the magma is under is relieved.

The whole process once it reaches this “zipper” stage would become a “Planet Killer Event” with an ash cloud covering the entire northern hemisphere. Over time the southern hemisphere would also experience the effects of this ash cloud. This is an event that would plunge the entire world into a new and very deadly ice age within 6 to 8 months of the first eruption in the Norris Basin.

The seismic bounce back effect of the melting of the polar ice mass PatriotDaily’s diary brings up could very well trigger the shift in the fault under the Caldera and set off this series of events.

Terrorism pales to insignificances in the light of scientific fact and the global changes that will change the landscape of the this small planet humanity lives on in near future.

Homeland Security will be America’s biggest joke ever as most of America becomes an unlivable wasteland covered in volcanic ash. Millions upon millions of Americans will die with the world dying in stages after the event.

The questions are;

Who will be left to care about making war based on the differences of religious, political, racial beliefs?

What will it matter what you own when money becomes only a forgotten concept as all economic systems fail?

When this series of events begin to occur do you believe for one second the US government is going warn anyone or have an evacuation and survival plan in place based on it’s long record of always being reactive instead of proactive?

The ash cloud is an equal opportunity catastrophe for every land mass in the world. Those who survive will create a new world. One that I hope is much better than the world of greed, corruption and self interest that ignores the suffering of all humanity as this world of today does.

If you get the chance go enjoy the Grand Beauty of Yellowstone National Park but remember that under the ground lies the potential death of a planet.

Time spent in Vain?

I must be a truely stupid or something. For some odd reason I thought people might be interested in finding solutions to problems. Apparently I’m totally wrong to believe anything of the sort.

It appears no one is even interested in discussing possible solutions. Maybe solutions are no longer considered Politically Correct Thinking or something. Is it any wonder America has fallen so far from the country I use to know in my youth.

I really want to know is anyone paying attention or am I just wasting my time on people who are only interested in “complaining about everything” and never spend one minute making any attempt to discuss SOLUTIONS THAT MIGHT WORK?
What has got me really ticked off right now is a thing called “silence”.

It started yesterday when I posted a diary in response to the diary mymother posted Don’t think of a Troll which was an excellent diary about how people behave in the Blog-O-Sphere.

So today I deleted the orginal diary I posted yesterday since it received no comments. Today I want discover if anyone else might be interested in finding solutions or if I should just forget about ever writing another diary on this blog to nowhere.

Admit it! The world sucks. Why? I suspect this world sucks because everyone is so busy bitching that no one cares about finding real solutions to real problems.

It cost people nothing to bitch.

However anything that requires these same people to use the brain for something other than this form of mental mastrubation is of course rejected because it’s, “too hard”, “not enough time” or “pick any excuse that is convenient”.

So once again in an effort to suggest, share and discuss a possible solution to the topic which mymother brought up in diary I propose the following solution on how to deal with the problem of trolls and such.

I call it the Time Out System

Let’s suppose a TU has come across a comment that is rude, nasty, obnoxious, demeaning, a personal attack etc… The TU hits the “Time Out Button” which appears next to each posted comment.

What happens is that the comment is blanked out in the tread.

  1. This user and his comment then becomes a “separate diary” in the “Timed Out Section” of the site. What would appears in this new diary is the TU’s reason for calling the “time out” on the offending user.
  2. So when the TU hits the “Time Out Button” the TU has to add their reasons in a text box which is just another pop up reply comment box before the “timed out comment” appears in the “timed out section” of the site.
  3. When the TU hits the submit button after adding their reason for the time out the following would happen.

  4. The TU is automatically sent a email message containing a copy of the users name, comment, his reason for the “time out”. This email includes an “automated unblock code link” similar to the type of links that are required for software registration or email verification from a server.
  5. At the same time the user who has been “timed out” is also sent an email message that his comment has been “timed out on Booman Tribune” with a link to the new diary which is created by the TU’s “time out”.
  6. From this point the user who is the subject of the the time out is restricted to only posting comments to the “timed out diary” section of the site until the “reason for the time out” is resolved in a positive or negative outcome.
  7. In the original diary where the offensive comment appeared the comment is replaced with the following

( “user name” : “Timed Out” : “link to the timed out diary” )

This is done so that anyone who is interested in what caused a “time out” on this comment can make comments of their own about the “time out” or just ignore getting involved in the resolution of the issue.

Users are thereby allowed to get involved the resolution process and state their reasons why or why not a user who has been “timed out” should be unblocked or lose their account.

The resolution process allows the user who is “timed out” to “stated their case” with the issues the TU found to be counter productive to the diary.

TU’s should be hesitant to use the “time out system” because they will have the responsibility to resolve the issue in a timely manner.

If for some reason the TU posts their reason for the “time out” and then does not follow up within a 24 hour period to the “user rebuttal post” the user who has been “timed out” is then automatically unblocked and allowed back into the regular section of the site.

To prevent abuse by a TU who puts the same user repeatedly into a “time out limbo”.

Any TU can request that the user should be unblocked by submitting an email request along with their reasons including the link to the “timed out diary” to site administration for review of a TU who abuses a user by “timing them out repeatedly”.

If a positive resolution or understanding is reached the TU who “timed out the user” then clicks on the unblock user link in the email that they received. This action then changes the “timed out message” in the original posted diary to state,

( “user name” : “Resolution Reached” : “link to the timed out diary” )

Note that the original comment is not restored to the discussion tread for futher comments.

If a resolution is not reached between the TU and the user who has been “timed out” after the 24 hours limit has expired the entire timed out diary is closed to futher discussion and is reviewed by the site administration.

It is at this time that site administration can determine if the user should be allowed to keep or have their account terminated. These decisions by administration are then posted to a “Rulings Section” of the site so that new users can see the type of comments that would result in a “time out”.

So were you able to follow the logic of how the troll problem could be handled in a fair, reasonable fashion on sites like Booman Tribune, Dkos and such?

Now tell me if the time I spent thinking this solution through and writing this diary was worth something or if it was time spent in vain.

UpDate 7/22/06, 1:55 CST:Thank you everyone for responding. One of the things I try to do most while blogging is post a response to diaries when I see no one has made a comment to a diary. Everyone here puts a lot of effort into the diaries they write and it’s always nice to know that at least one person spent the time to read the diary.

Another thing I try to do is answer every reply in a diary but it takes me a while since I have a very slow type speed (5-8 wpm).

Thanks again for the comments!

Bush’s Free Ride.

There is a question that has haunted me ever since 9/11 and the events that occurred after it.

That question has been “how does Bush and gang get away with all this shit?”

Then today the answer came in a blinding flash of insight into today’s typical average American.

A Eureka moment of complete understanding!
I’m on the freeway going from point A to point B on a quest for a scrapper blade for my paint scrapper.

So here I am driving along and the question pops into my mind once again. Looking out the drivers side window is the answer I’ve been searching for all these painful years.

Next to me is an SUV with Dad and Mom in the front and a couple of kids in the back. It’s one of those expensive SUV’s with all the bells and whistles. What caught my attention about this SUV is that it had started to swerve into my lane.

The reason for this is that Dad is trying to dial a number on his cell phone which he is holding up above the steering wheel. He’s wearing a headset with a microphone but apparently he’s having a problem finding the number or something on it.

Mom who is sitting next to him is talking away on her cell phone which is a standard hand held type unit. She has one hand cupped over her other ear to block out whatever sound is interfering with her conversation.

The kids in the back of the SUV look like they are watching a TV Station or something on the LCD screen mounted to the roof of the interior of the SUV. They are wearing audio ear bugs which must be plugged into the DVD player or whatever it is that is being viewed on the LCD screen. Two of them seem to be fighting over whatever it is they are watching.

The third one is a young girl who is maybe fourteen or so. She too is wearing an audio headset which must be plugged into something other than the DVD both her younger brothers are fighting over watching. I’m assuming this is the case because she has a far away look and her mouth is moving slightly as she rocks back in forth in what I assume is the beat of the music she is listening to.

I’ve taken in all these observations in a couple of heartbeats as I move over in the lane to avoid being hit by this SUV which has swerved out of it’s lane. I slow down and let them get ahead of me.

That is when the answer to the question of “how Bush and Gang get away with all the shit they have gotten away with” slaps me upside the head.

Given that the occupants of this vehicle represent the typical American today. The answer is so simple anyone would miss it because it is so obvious.

We are so connected that in reality we have become disconnected from everything that occurs outside the created reality of total self absorption and immersion.

No one in that vehicle was interested in a conversation of substance of the type that occurred when I was growing up and traveling with my family. Everyone is existing in isolation from each other totally oblivious to the real world a conversation would expose them to.

America is paying so much attention to the gimmicks of this age of multi-media  infotainment that the road we are all traveling down is completely ignored until we reach our individual destinations. Even then those who have bought into this techno-nightmare will still be mobile and connected to the leash that follows them everywhere during everyday.

Reality is defined by who and what you are connected to at the moment. The road America is traveling down no longer gets any attention at all. There are no conversation about the scenery or anything that occurs outside the vehicle.

That is the reason why there is only a limited amount of outrage by a limited amount of people.

It’s how Bush and Gang have gotten away with this shit for so long.

It’s going to take a major serious accident that shuts down the freeway to force America to pay attention to the reality of the road America is traveling down and end the free ride Bush and gang have had.

You asked, So here’s my answer.

Ok, Arthur Gilroy here’s the answer you want me to explain to you. Just remember you asked.

orginally you quoted the following from my comment. (note: the link you provided did not work on the Gilligan Island thing. So I’m not responding to the comments left with reading what you might have written there.)

The pie war on Dkos was a pointless exercise in restricting the exposure of an advertisement that some people found offensive. I was offended by those who wished to “censor” that ad. In a Democracy you have to take the good with the bad sometimes.

It seems that this statement has inflamed many of the people who comment on Booman Tribune. That was not my intent. My intent was to offer my viewpoint on what I thought and still think of the pie fight on Dkos last year.
Now apparently I have to explain it to those who left comments that I didn’t understand the “real issue involved” in the pie fight.

I understood perfectly what the real issue was but like Arthur I find it inconceivable that anyone who believes in the word “freedom” cannot exercise a little common sense and tolerance so that “freedom” is more than just a word but a real world exercise.

So lets look at the “Advertisement” that sparked the original pie fight. For anybody with an ounce of common sense it was obvious this ad was “sexist” and “stupid”. It attempted to appeal to the base nature of the male by objectifying the a female who was well endowed in the upper chest region. Many females objected to this advertisement on Dkos being that it was a progressive political site.

I totally ignored the ad because any ad that attempts to appeal to me on this level or assumes through the use of the inference that I’m just “sex maniac” who has no control over my sexual impulses is not only downright wrong but shows a total lack of respect for me as a mature male. So to me this type of advertisement has little or no appeal.

So I exercised my “freedom to chose” by never clicking on the link for whatever it was they were attempting to sell me.

So what am I now defending? If you guessed right you know it was the decision of the site owners to take the money of the advertiser and laugh his ass off when the ad generated no revenue for that advertiser because they didn’t do any homework on the people who visited Dkos and their views on using “sex” as a selling point.

Stupid is as Stupid does. So I can tolerate this kind of stupidity because freedom allows anyone to be as stupid as they want to be. So this whole pie fight in my viewpoint was pointless because the advertiser was an idiot. Marko’s showed everyone that, Yes there were even stupid advertisers that would throw money at him which he could put to better uses in getting politicians elected who represent the people and not just coporations who want no accountablility for themselves and their actions.

The other thing I objected to was the hypersensitivity mode this ad caused everyone to go into. If women don’t want men to look at them as “sex objects” then they have the choice of wearing the required dress for women of the Taliban overlords when they had control of Afghanistan.

Women in America get upset when their physical attributes go un-noticed by males they want to attract. They also get upset when a male can’t take his eyes off the cleavage long enough to look them in the eye. So for males it is a no win situation. All I can say here is that if you women who are reading this have pegged me or the rest of the male population with a “male chauvinist” label you are wrong to do so.

Yes there are men who rape and beat women I can only say they better not even attempt it my presence because I will use any means up to and including killing them to stop it from happening. I’ve seen the results of women who were abused not only by men but by other women, in many cases their mothers or sexual partners. The same goes for men I know who have been sexually and physically abused.

Last month a very good woman friend of mine passed away. Her mother abuse her so badly in her childhood that she developed multiple personalities which allowed her to survive the experience. She had massive scars on her back from the beatings her mother gave her with belts, canes and lamp cords etc… No human being deserves this type of treatment.

Saying that a stupid advertisement causes this type of behavior is simplistic and ignorant of the reality that human beings who commit these atrocities on other people are preprogrammed by the attitudes, values and experiences of the generation which gave them life.

Attitudes, values and behaviors learned in childhood are not easy to overcome. Changing society to stop hurting each other is not something any government, special interest group or institution can force society as whole to do. It has to be done at the individual level on day to day basis.

Sorry everyone but this is a hot button issue with me on a very personal level because I’ve dealt with the fallout of way too many people who have suffered the petty tyrant who uses and abuses any human being they are in contact with.

Is their a connection between sex used in advertizing and rape and abuse? If your taught hate then yes. If your taught to love then there isn’t. So if what you love is sick, perverted and twisted by childhood, life experiences and you define your life by what you hate then the problem is more than just a picture which may act as a trigger.

So as you can see I rejected the advertisement on a personal level but I will defend to the death the right of Dkos to take that advertisers money because I believe in the words “freedom” and “tolerance”. In this case everyone on Dkos had the “right not to ever chose” to click on that advertisers advertisement.

What good is freedom without being given choice? The minute anyone wants to limit my choice in life is the minute I know that freedom has ceased to exist. This was the real issue that got glossed over in the pie fight.

So I’ll stand by my original statement. If anyone doesn’t understand why at this point then I suggest you spend a minute making a list of how you would “impose by force” the choices you would limit Americans to make. If you already have along list then maybe you should rethink this concept called “Freedom”.

There is one other thing I will point out about the pie fight on Dkos.

Don’t waste my valuable time with being a bunch of drama queens and getting off the main focus of any site and it’s real objective to make America free from the tyranny that is being imposed on it’s population by the politicians, corporations and the criminals who created this mess we all call America.

[Update]To all those who have commented. Each and everyone who commented is “Right”. So now you can feel much better about how you convinced me that your “Right and I’m Wrong”. Yep! Everyone here has just convinced me to “Agree with Everything and Everybody”. Keep it up and within no time at all the world will finally have Peace since there will be nothing left to argue about.

Could the 2006 Elections be Suspended?

I know this sounds very crazy but lets look at the facts in no uncertain terms.

When you think of how America got to where it is today 10 years ago I would have called anyone who suggested America would elect a President like GWB crazy. So I’m going to breach this subject in an attempt to take a critical look at what everyone in America might consider to be an impossible event.
What makes me suspect that the 2006 elections might be suspended is best summed up by the recent actions and decisions of this administration.

Background: Setting the Stage.

1. The Executive Branch of the American government has to date Displayed a Total Disregard for the Rule of Law.

To make my case here I refer everyone to the latest scandal of this president to simply ignore the Rule of Law (750 and counting) in addition to the illegal domestic NSA wiretapping, the outing of Mr. Wilson’s Wife as a CIA operative and the constant refusal to provide complete information to Congress by the White House. I am not going to elaborate any further since these subjects have been covered extensively in the media and on blogs like Dkos.

At the same time the Execuive Branch has turned back the hands of time and destroyed 150 years of social progress by appointing political agent provocateurs to gut agencies and programs that worked as non-partisan agencies in past administrations.

2. Both the Senate and House of Representatives

have abdicate their sole function as a responsible legislative body to rein in the abuse and concentration of power in the Executive Branch preferring to be only a conduit for every corporate special interest group concerned only with making double and in some cases triple digit profits.

Lawmaking is limited to maximizing the benefits for the rich at the expense of social, economic and educational programs that provided for and defined the common good in America.  

3. The Judicial Branch

of the government is now positioned by the appointment of agenda driven Judges to “hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil” on important issues such as the Rule of Law, Violations of Basic Constitutional Rights, torture, abortion, social responsibility and many other concerns which define a Democracy from a Banana Republic Dictatorship.

4. The Mainstream Media

has abdicated all objective reporting and is in fact a government controlled propaganda machine which fails to ask any `hard questions” or follow up with a challenge to information which everyone knows is a complete and total fabrication or outright lie. This failure has lead to a unstated policy that the Freedom of the Press is now the Freedom to Suppress any dissenting voices by the silent treatment, playing dumb and distorting actual facts and events.

5. Multi National Corporations

involvement and backing of the politics of this administration has turned the War on Terror into the War for Cheap Labor no matter what in may cost America in long term stability for future generations. This long standing war on the worker in America has entered a phase where Corporations no longer have to fear strikes by labor unions and rights groups since most of what America consumes is made in other countries. Boycotts, Labor Strikes and Lockouts are a thing of a past era.

6. Polls that show

over 50% of people in America do not care if this administration violates their Constitutional Rights in the name of Security and Waging the War on Terror. This indicates that this majority has little or no understanding of the basic legal principles enshrined in the Constitution or Bill of Rights. The War on Terror is in fact and reality a War on the American Worker to deprive the masses of countering the governments increasing Abuse of Power and it’s most basic responsibility to provide for the common good.

7. A Pervasive Mass Insanity

of self absorption and image without any substance has over the years eroded the ability of all Americans to think independently for themselves in a logical, sane and reasonable fashion. Reality is now defined in terms of an opinion, religious belief or the poltically correct response.

Facts are no longer used to connect the dots since the only thing that counts is who can shout the loudest and longest. This has allowed a general atmosphere of fear, intolerance, indifference and unconcern to prevail and has rendered mass protest against the never ending attacks by the government on the common good all private citizens meaningless.

8. The Questionable Methods Employed

in the last two Presidential Elections has instilled a sense of generalized doubt that such elections will ever be fair in America.

Summation of Above Points

Now given the above background any sane person in America will wonder where all this is headed. I have left out many other events and incidents in this background assessment. The reason being that many of those events and incidents were intended to distract attention from the real issues that are facing America.

So let’s be honest and try to make an attempt to add up the past 6 years and speculate where this is all going to end.

George W. Bush Jr. jokingly commented just after taking office in his first term that “this job would be a lot easier if I were a dictator.”

Today, 6 years after his election America is waking up to the fact that he might not have been joking on this subject.

Now if you take into account the long background of some of the people appointed to his administration you find that these same people worked for various administrations or associated with agencies and organizations who’s espoused a new vision of America as “God’s most favored Nation”.

Many of these people in the administration have direct and indirect ties to extremist religious organizations that openly dismiss Democracy as an unworkable institution. The rational is that America is a “One  Nation under Christ” and that the only recognize law is “God’s Law” as presented in the 10 commandments.

Ironically the Christian Extremist very closely resemble their Extremist Muslim Counterparts in that their methods, politics and absolutism parallel each other in their intolerance to moderation, open dialogue and compromise which would result in everybody finding effective solutions to the problems the world faces today.

When you take into account that the American public is starting to wake up to the fact that the entire government of America has been hi-jacked by a religious political doctrine for a secret agenda which has resulted in some of the largest corporate profits ever seen by multi-national corporations it stands to reason that most if not all of this is part of some larger complex plan.

Now throw into this explosive mix an administration with the lowest poll rating of any administration in history, the very real possibility of a limited nuclear war looming with Iran, the hyper exposure of Biological threats and the fear of a nuclear terrorist attack within the continental United States. The overall situation is one of never ending crisis after foreseeable crisis.

It is even at this moment being reveled that prior to the last Presidential this administration manipulated and suppressed information to retain it’s hold on the power of the Executive and Congressional Branches of the government shows that this group with the full backing of the media and multi-national corporations will stop at nothing to retain it’s grip on power.

It is because of all these points I have detailed that I can come to say that there is a very real possibility that a crisis of such magnitude will arise just in time for this administration to postpone or declare that no elections can be held until the situation becomes stable and order is restored.

What that crisis may be includes the following,

  1. A war in Iran where nuclear weapons are used.
  2. Massive rioting and unrest in all major cities from the use of nuclear weapons on Iran.
  3. A WMD terrorist attack in America similar to 9/11.
  4. The outbreak of a pandemic or other biological threat.

This are just a few of the justifications which might be used to postpone or call off all elections in November of 2006.

Desperate Times for Desperate Men breed Desperate Acts.

So now that I’ve laid out my reasons for why the elections of 2006 might not happen.

What are your thoughts on this subject?

Joey, He take care of everything. Coppice?

I posted this diary as a response to the recent diary on Medicare by Street Kid since as a comment it went beyond the 50 word limit.
It seems that the only purpose of this and other “have to fix it legislation” is to make it so complex, so hard, so legally indecipherable and convoluted that no one not even the brightest of legal minds can figure out what the hell is covered or not covered.

So all the money, time and effort spent “fixing the problem” becomes another front in a another war without end.

20 years ago I realized that the federal government is running one of the biggest scams in history called Social Security.

Social Security was the result of the policies of the five percent who ran America in the 1930’s. It was in many ways the cheap shit bastards who employed and scammed a Nation back then making some admission that they were exactly that. Cheap Shit Bastards!

These CSB’s were totally unconcerned for the welfare the people they employed to make them rich or the society they created. They had really screwed up big time in thinking they could own and control it all way back when.

So Social Security was invented by the government since the CSB’s were not about to lose a penny of profit in supporting a society where the lifetimes of the hard working employees were taken into account.

So the government took the lead and started a program to protect the workers who’s hard labor and sacrifice and made these people rich. The program was a success because it forced the worker not the employer to fund it. Everyone was happy. Well almost everyone.

Once the employer saw the incredible amounts accumulating into this account they just could not resist lobbying the government to invest or simply use this money to spur “economic opportunity and future growth of their profit making businesses”.

Pork barrel spending by the government gone wild. Everything was coming up roses in America. The government had a plan that was everything for everybody. That plan was Social Security.

When the Social Security was conceived and before the ink was dry on the original document the fix was in. A plan was developed to gut the program and turn it into the largest slush fund for the government to raid for pork barrel spending projects. Over the years it has become the lifesaver for bad economic policy and mismanagement for every administration.

Today I am convinced that there is one common thread which runs through every government program. That tread is like have the mob showing up at your door every day to demand a payoff for protection. You pay up because you do not have a choice in the matter.

Now when it come time for you to collect the measly little amount that they generously advertise as the “benefits due to you” you can just forget it because every year they have changed the rules of the game until not even they can figure out what your share is.

America is being run by the mob and the taxes your are paying are the price you pay into the “system” for this protection racket. Everything will work fine until it’s your time to collect a little of what was rightfully yours in the first place.

This mob no longer has to break your legs and arms to get you to pay them off. Instead they just take as much as they want before you ever see it deposited in your bank account.

As far as collecting any of the “supposed benefits” this protection racket advertises an individual who was forced to work on the quicksand of attempting to find steady employment which paid a living wage can forget it since this system only works in one direction.

If you look at Social Security as a pay off protection scheme then everything that happened over the last 76 years and what is happening now in the Congress will make a whole lot of sense.

Youse got a problem? Don’t worry! Joey, he take’s care of everything. Coppice?