The Ugliness of Republican Hysteria

Spent way too much of this weekend petitioning in the hot weather to get Joy and me on County Committee and our friend Devin Cohen on the ballot for Civil Court judge. I can’t complain too much because Devin is wearing himself out walking districts, petitioning for himself and others, meeting voters and generally doing his part. But even the small part we did with Devin wore me out. But it also gave me yet another personal encounter with Republican ugliness. It isn’t my first and it won’t be my last.
In 2006 I encountered a particularly nasty Republican liar in Bay Ridge while I was campaigning for Steve Harrison for Congress and they were campaigning for Vito “Two Families” Fossella. This Republican woman was telling voters that Fossella was an Independent. She got angry with me for correcting her each time by pointing out that he was a Republican that she actually shoved me. Well, lying and violence is Bush Republicanism, so what can we expect from our local Republicans?

Petitioning through Brooklyn this weekend we approached many people asking if they are registered Democrats. Many just say no, wanting to get on with their life. Some say yes and hear us out and either sign our petition or not. Then there was the ugly Republican, a man who illustrated precisely what is most wrong with the Republican Party today. This particular nasty Republican was a gentleman dressed in camouflage-pattered clothes (funny…don’t people notice they are in a city so camouflage just looks silly) with a dour look on his face. I was going to give him a miss, but my friend approached him and asked whether he was a registered Democrat.

His response:

“Absolutely not! What do you think is going to happen with a black man running this country. I even hear he may be a Muslim.”

Herein is the ugly underbelly of the Republican Party. Many republicans believe that only whites have the right to run the country. He even said something I didn’t fully catch about “they’ve never done anything for us.”  Well one can come up with thousands of examples of blacks who have done wonders for us, from Crispus Atticus to the many black heroes who gave their lives in military service, just to name one kind of example. How about the Tuskegee Airmen? Dr. Charles Drew may well have saved more lives than 99% of whites. Yet to Republicans none of these people matter because they are black. What do I think is going to happen with Obama running this country? I think we will do far, far better than when either Bush or Reagan or Nixon or Ford did when running the country.

And the Muslim comment is doubly stupid. First, he is not a Muslim. Anyone who believes that is believing a deliberate lie that has been disproven. They are as gullible as can be. But even worse, so what if he WAS a Muslim? I have known dozens of Muslims living in NYC, serving as EMTs, doctors, educators. I know one who rushed down to ground zero in 9/11 (while Bush and Cheney were hiding) to help.

Republicans are terrified. They fear blacks and they fear Muslims. They fear freedom of speech and a fair vote. They fear democracy. Republican fear reaches a kind of hysteria that I personally find pathetic.

But these acts of ugliness are not unique. There is racism on the left as well, but never so deep, so wide and so angry as Republican ugliness. Gatred goes much further and is much more ingrained in the modern Republican ideology. From Bill O’Reilly, Steve King, and Pat Robertson to the Delaware Pogrom and Indiana’s “2% solution” against Jews, references to blacks as monkeys, the institutional racism involved in leaving poor blacks to drown in New Orleans, and racism in Montana against Indians, right down to Republican hatred of Catholics, Jews,  and Muslims, Republican racism may not be unique, but it is particularly nasty, widespread and dangerous.

I have compared and contrasted right wing racism vs. the more subtle left wing racism in “Angry White Men and Conveniently Compassionate White Men”. I also should state that I know many non-racist Republicans, but I have found them almost universally disgusted by their own party since Bush took over, and they aren’t too happy about McCain. Democrats reflect the inherent racism in America, and let’s face it, the nomination of Obama with such high voter turnout shows that Democrats, as a group, are overcoming that at least to some degree. Republican racism reprepsents the embracing of an extremist right wing fanatical ideology that has split the Republican party. The man I met yesterday embodied the worst kind of American racism.

The party of Dwight D. Eisenhower is paralyzed by hysterical fear. The party of Lincoln is displaying unabashed racism. Pathetic. It is no wonder people are leaving the Republican Party in disgust.

Progressive Democrat Newsletter Issue 170

The primary is over and our nominee is Barack Obama.

This was going to be a historic moment no matter what. Once the field narrowed to Obama and Clinton, we KNEW we would make history. We would have either the first black or first woman nominated for President by one of the two major parties. Well, THIS, folks, is history. Real and amazing history. We have now done what our parents couldn’t do.
Now is the time to get it right. Now is the time to come together. Now is the time…the Dream comes true this year bigger and brighter than it has ever been dreamed before. Let’s do this thing TOGETHER.

Polls show that we are likely to take the Senate solidly and win the White House. But we can’t take that for granted and we have to fight for it.

The baseline polls show that Obama could solidly win 228 electoral votes and McCain win 202 electoral votes. The winning number is 270. The key swing states are: New Mexico, Colorado, Iowa, Missouri, Ohio and Connecticut lean Dem, Indiana and Virginia are statistical ties, and South Carolina and Michigan lean Republican. These are the states where the biggest battles will be fought. I believe that Connecticut and Michigan will definitely go Dem. That would put Obama’s baseline at 252 electoral votes to McCain’s 202. That is a good position to start from. Add to that the fact that Dems have strtong Senate candidates in Virginia, New Mexico and Colorado (as well as New Hampshire which could also be a swing state), we are in a really good position to win big in November. Add Bob Barr into the mix and a couple of other states could become competitive. Possible Vice Presidential picks would also be helpful. Some top choices being discussed are Wesley Clark (who would suddenly throw Arkansas into the mix, but I doubt he will be the choice), Jim Webb who is a rock star in Virginia or Bill Richardson, who could deliver New Mexico and Colorado.

Don’t know about you, but I am excited about November.

Here is this week’s newsletter.


REPUBLICAN FAILURES: The Neglect of America’s Infrastructure




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America Before Columbus: 1421 and 1491

I have been reading two books that deal with pre-Columbian America: 1421 by Gavin Menzies and 1491 by Charles Mann. Both present controvesial but interesting theories of what happened before Columbus in the Americas. I find my self only partly convinced by each book and, in fact, think that the two theories wind up, in their extreme forms, to be mutually exclusive. I want to discuss these two books and hear other people’s views.
My mother was an Anthropologist and as a kid we often went to museums of all sorts. I was exposed to pre-Columbian art and archaeology, but never found it as compelling as European and Asian art and archaeology. Looking back, I felt little connection with pre-Columbian cultures. I had more connection to modern Native American culture than ancient, as if in some ways I bought the olf fallicy that Native Americans didn’t really have a history of their own. I think I first awakened to the pre-Columbian cultures in graduate school when I was lucky enough to see the Treasures of Sipan exhibit at UCLA (the only US museum that got to display the exhibit…it is permanently housed in Peru). This was billed as being as spectacular as the Treasures of King Tut which I had seen and was amazed by as a kid. I scoffed at that, but still went to see it. It was just as spectacular as any ancient art and I was blown away. The Treasures of Sipan showed artifacts from a nearly untouched tomb from the Moche culture in South America. It made me appreciate just what the ancient Andean cultures were really like and was the first time I felt an affinity with a pre-Columbian culture.

But it still has been hard for me to learn as much about pre-Columbian North and South America as I have about European and Asian cultures of comparable age. Even when I read the Chronicles of the Maya Kings and Queens, by Simon Martin and Nikolai Grube. I found it impossible to keep track of the history of the Maya, their city states and their rulers. Yet reading about Roman or Chinese Emperors I had no problems. The real connection still wasn’t there.

So it was somewhat uncharacteristic of me to buy two books on pre-Columbian America. Yet I bought both at about the same time and they both choose a year as their title: 1421 and 1491. The year 1421 is the year when China possibly discovered much of the world. And 1491 is, of course, the year before Columbus sailed.

In 1421, the author tries to recreate the voyages of a series of large Chinese fleets that may have sailed around the world. Long before that year Chinese fleets sailed routinely around the Indian Ocean, including to Africa. That is well established. The Chinese fleets were better, larger and better equipped by far than the European fleets until perhaps the 19th century. Had China been more motivated to do  so, they certainly could have pre-empted European exploration and colonization with great ease. This book suggests that they almost did. A great fleet did sail in that year and it is clear that it was ambitious in its goals and may well have explored outside the Indian Ocean that was the main focus of earlier Chinese fleets. The book outlines extensive routes that the Chinese fleets MIGHT have taken based on the authors experiences with ocean currents while serving in the Royal Navy on a submarine. It outlines possible exploreation of  Africa, the Americas, Antarctica, Australia, and the Arctic north of Siberia. The book is plausible, but it winds up being so convinced that it is right that it makes claims way beyond the evidence. Much of the evidence provided is dubious, though some is compelling. Evidence of possible Chinese shipwrecks across the globe from that period are perhaps the best evidence given if they turn out to be what the author claims they are. So far none have been adequately expored partly because the exploration of shipwrecks is an expensive and dangerous endeavor. Other evidence is highly intriguing, but not anywhere near adequately explored. Monuments around the world are presented as being the works of Chinese, yet again it seems to me they have not been properly studied to make that determination. By the end of the book I felt that a great deal of evidence does need to be extensively examined with this hypothesis in mind, but I also was left with the impression that the author’s claims had far exceeded the current evidence. He MAY be right. But I suspect only partly right.

The author of 1421 has a website where he presents his evidence, and there is also a rival website claiming they debunk his theories. I suggest taking BOTH with a large grain of salt. And here is the wiki article on the 1421 hypothesis.

The fact that the Chinese may have discovered the Americas should come as no surprise. In fact it could be more surprising if they hadn’t! We know the Vikings came to America. There is evidence that Basque and possible Irish fishermen made it to the Americas long before Columbus. Certainly the far more advanced Chinese could have done so as well. But the extend of exploration and colonization suggested by 1421 seems unlikely and, in fact, evidence presented in 1491 seems to suggest that whatever pre-Columbian contact the Basques, Irish and Chinese made was minor and had almost no impact on the Americas, contrary to the hypothesis of 1421.

In 1491 the scope of discussion is far larger, covering from the origins of Native Americans to the aftermath of contact with European explorers and colonies. In the process it tries to overturn just about every previously established theory about Native Americans. It presents extensive evidence and largely is convincing.

It begins with the very origins of American cultures. The long established dogma was that artifacts called the Clovis culture represent the original migrations into the Americas. The Clovis culture is the earliest WELL-ESTABLISHED culture in the Americas. It appears fairly rapidly over a huge range and really does seem to be the origin of most if not all Native Americans. But there have always been claims of pre-Clovis sites that indicate earlier populations. But most of these sites have been difficult to pin down. So far there is no definitive evidence of a pre-Clovis culture in the Americas. But in 1491 the author tries to make the case for pre-Clovis cultures. Mostly I find it unconvincing, but he does effectively call into question the evidence for Clovis-first theories as well. To me the most important evidence is from molecular biology. Using effectively similar techniques used to do DNA fingerprinting, one can compare the DNA of different modern populations and make fairly effective estimates of how related they are and how far back you have to go to find a common ancestor. Time and time again DNA evidence from modern populations have led to revisions of time scales for evolution and relationships between modern populations. Time and time again archaeologists and anthropologists fought the theories based on DNA evidence…but eventually, time and time again, the DNA evidence proved correct. Molecular biology suggests that some Native American cultures DO date from before the Clovis culture. In isolation I am not sure this proves pre-Clovis cultures in the Americas…but it is hard to deny that DNA evidence has tended to be right over and over again.

Another well-established theory 1491 challenges is the “overkill” theory. This theory is based on the observation that soon after the Clovis culture came into existence, many of the species of animals found in the Americas died off rapidly. The correlation between arrival of the Clovis culture (and possibly humans in general) to the Americas and this mass extinction seems suggestive of a cause and effect.  Simply put the “overkill” hypothesis suggests that it was humans who hunted those species to extinction.

On almost every isolated island or location in the world, the arrival of the first modern humans always seems to correlate with such a die off. And this shouldn’t be surprising. The arrival of a new species to a location where there are no natural limitations (diseases and predetors) leads to that new species pushing out other species. Humans are no different. We evolved in Africa and it is still only in Africa where dieseases and predetors, those we co-evolved with, still keep human population severely in check. We spread through the world into new territories and population growth on every other continent was much more rapid than it ever was in Africa because simply put, we went beyond the natural checks on our population. It shouldn’t be surprising that we pushed out lots of other species.

The overkill theory is largely being abandoned today. But I think that is premature. The extent of the correlation between arrival of modern humans and die offs and the fact that similar things happen when other successful species have spread to new habitats make the overkill hypothesis quite likely to be true in my mind. Not proven, mind you, and the skepticism that 1491 projects is valid. But I think rejection of the overkill hypothesis is an overreaction. In fact, 1491 presents a hint that overkill IS likely. It describes how the massive herds of buffalo and massive populations of pigeons and similar teeming multitudes of animals found by colonists in the Americas was the result of a massive die off of the Native American population (see below). The destruction of the native population by Eurasian diseases allowed a massive increase in the populations of many species of animals. This strikes me as the flip side of the overkill hypothesis. If there is such a huge increase in animal populations with the crash of the Native American population, doesn’t it seem likely that the growth of that large Native American population had a large consequence on the animal population?

From origins, 1491 discusses the liklihood that Native American cultures were far more complex, advanced and populous than once believed. New evidence suggests that complex cultures could be found all over the Americas and the population of the Americas was far higher than ever believed. From New England to the Ohio Valley to Mexico and the Andes, great cities and civilizations abounded. Their methods of agriculture were definitely far more advanced than once thought and possibly far more successful than agriculture developed in Eurasia. The theory goes so far as to hypothesize that much of the American landscape, from New England to the Amazon, was CREATED by the efforts of Native Americans. North American forests and the Amazon may have been the result of Native American agricultural practices. I fully accept that Native American agriculture was superior to what was once thought and I fully accept that populations were higher than was previously appreciated. I am not sure the case is adequately made that huge swaths of the Amazon are human created ecosystems. But the book makes a good case for re-examining the agricultural techniques used in Mesoamerica, the Andes and the Amazon in pre-Columbian days because they could give excellent lessons for modern times. The milpas system in Mexico is an example I have known of since the 1980’s as one that is a viable and successful alternative to Western methods. And 1491 gives good evidence that techniques used within the Amazon could blow away modern fertilizers for raising agricultural outputs. Well worth considering these techniques and their usefulness for modern times. There is no reason to scorn lessons learned from the Americas. After all, from corn to tomatoes to potatoes to peppers, modern food around the world owes a strong debt to the Americas. The most commonly eaten Italian, Irish, Indian and German meals, to name a few examples, would not exist without pre-Columbian American agriculture.

The case made for a far more populous Americas is convincing, though the actual numbers cited are highly controversial. Based on these controversial numbers, though, there is strong evidence that once Europeans arrived, there was a massive die off of Native American populations. The numbers presented in 1491 suggest that within 100 years of first contact with Europeans some 97% of the entire native population of the Americas died off from diseases they had never encountered and what remains were the remnants of great cultures and civilizations that were left in ruins by this die off. Most epidemic diseases we know, smallpox, flu, etc. evolved from animals we domesticated: cows, pigs, chickens each have given us epidemic diseases. The Native Americans would never have experienced these diseases that had countless times swept across Europe, Asia and Africa. So they died at first exposure in almost unimaginable numbers. The settlement established by the Pilgrims was at a site that had previously been a teeming native town that had been emptied by disease. This was the case in Peru shortly before the arrival of Pissaro. The Incan Empire had just experienced as much as 50% mortailty from a disease that had probably come from Europeans through intervening native people before the Europeans themselves had arrived in Peru. Disease ravaged the Aztecs (really a nation more accurately called the “Triple Alliance,” according to 1491) making them a push over for Cortez. I question the number 97%. When epidemic diseases first strike an area previously unexposed, mortality rates are generally 50-70%. It seems 97% would be unique in human history. But not impossible. A succession of epidemic diseases each having 50-70% mortality, could progressively lead to a 97% die off…but that would assume that they never had any chance to recover. Humans reproduce rapidly particularly under conditions of war and disease. But whatever the actual number, the fact remains that  there is solid evidence of a massive die off due to disease after European arrival. You can read about some ideas about Native American population levels and die off after European contact here. And here is one counter arguement at least for the Amazon (take with a grain of salt!).

And therein is evidence that no one before Columbus explored or colonized the Americas to any great degree. The Chinese shared the same epidemic diseases with Europeans. Eurasia is really one continent and diseases spread across the entirety of the continent. Chinese, Basques, Spanish, Irish, Vikings…they all had the same range of diseases. Had the Chinese accomplished what 1421 claims they did in 1421-1422, actually leaving several colonies across the Americas and exploring almost the entire coast of the Americas, a die off similar to the one seen after Columbus, Cortez and Pissaro came to the Americas after 1492 would already have been in full wing by 1491. There is no such evidence of earlier epidemics. That means whatever exploration the Chinese did (and they may well have reached America in 1421-22) little in the way of contact and colonization occurred. This suggests that the large extent of what 1421 postulates is unlikely to be fully true.

As a very good outline of all the controversies, theories and ideas about pre-Columbian America, and as a very good critique of traditional dogma and an outline of what modifications of thos theories are needed, 1491 is an excellent book, far better than 1421.

Ultimately I think both books are onto something, though I do think that both books are examples of going overboard in refuting an old theory that in itself went overboard. That’s how acadmeia works: dogma gets established that is probably partly true but way too overstated, then a rival theory blows away the dogma but goes overboard in throwing out the entirety of the old theory. And, eventually, something in between the two rival theories proves closest to the truth. I have little doubt that the Chinese navies, far more advanced than those of Europe in the 15th century, did far more exploring than they have traditionally been given credit for by Western historians. But the scale of exploration and colonization presented in 1421 seems overstated and poorly supported by the author. Furthermore, had the Chinese had such a presence in the Americas as postulated in 1421, it would have produced the kind of sharp population decline in the Americas that happend after Columbus. No such decline seems to have happened, indicating that it is unlikely that the massive Chinese fleet established any colonies in the Americas or had more than cursory contact with Native Americans. I also have little doubt that, as outlined in 1491, we still have a lot to learn about the complexity and size of Native American civilizations and that at least some of what 1491 describes is closer to the truth than older theories. But it still seems like the Clovis culture represented, if not the first Americans, certainly a major and lasting component of Native American origins that overshadowed what came before at least in many areas. I also feel the scale of population decline described in 1491 is unsupported, but yet the general pattern is almost certainly true. Based on what I know about epidemic diseases through history, certainly a 50-75% decline is likely to have occurred. Devasating enough, even if the postulated 97% decline is an overestimate. I also think the abandonment of the “overkill” hypothesis might be premature, particularly given the evidence that many animal species saw a huge and rapid increase in population as the Native American population crashed. The rapid rise of the Clovis culture correlates well with the rapid decline in animal species, and the two are likely to be connected. Still, cause and effect is likely to be more complex than the original overkill hypothesis assumed.  I also do not buy the claims that the entire ecosystems of the Americas were human-created, artificial environments. I am sure, particularly if population densities were higher than previously thought, the interaction between Native American populations and their environment was more complex than once thought and systems like the milpas system of agriculture had a huge effect on the American environment. But again, the case seems overstated in 1491.

With 1421 I feel there is a core of truth but overall the scholarship is mediocre and too convinced of its own insights. By contrast, though I am not ready to accept large chunks of what is in 1491, the scholarship is excellent and its hypotheses well worth considering.

22 Years Later, Bhopal claims another victim

Twenty two years after losing his parents and 5 siblings to Union Carbide’s criminal negligance at Bhopal, India, activist Sunil Kumar Verma has committed suicide after fighting for years with paranoid schizophrenia an illness which affected many Bhopal survivors.

Meanwhile, Union Carbide and its buyer, Dow Chemical, has largely gotten off scott free.
From the International Capaign for Justice in Bhopal:

On the night of Dec. 2nd and 3rd, 1984, a Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, began leaking 27 tons of the deadly gas methyl isocyanate. None of the six safety systems designed to contain such a leak were operational, allowing the gas to spread throughout the city of Bhopal.[1] Half a million people were exposed to the gas and 20,000 have died to date as a result of their exposure. More than 120,000 people still suffer from ailments caused by the accident and the subsequent pollution at the plant site. These ailments include blindness, extreme difficulty in breathing, and gynecological disorders. The site has never been properly cleaned up and it continues to poison the residents of Bhopal. In 1999, local groundwater and wellwater testing near the site of the accident revealed mercury at levels between 20,000 and 6 million times those expected. Cancer and brain-damage- and birth-defect-causing chemicals were found in the water; trichloroethene, a chemical that has been shown to impair fetal development, was found at levels 50 times higher than EPA safety limits.[2]Testing published in a 2002 report revealed poisons such as 1,3,5 trichlorobenzene, dichloromethane, chloroform, lead and mercury in the breast milk of nursing women.[3] In 2001, Michigan-based chemical corporation Dow Chemical purchased Union Carbide, thereby acquiring its assets and liabilities. However Dow Chemical has steadfastly refused to clean up the site, provide safe drinking water, compensate the victims, or disclose the composition of the gas leak, information that doctors could use to properly treat the victims.

That is the background. The latest tragedy is reported in BBC News:

Sunil Kumar Verma, 34, was found hanging from the ceiling of his modest home in Bhopal, the capital of India’s Madhya Pradesh state, on the evening of 26 July…

Born in Bhopal in 1972, the son of a carpenter, Sunil was living with his family in JP Nagar, just across from the plant run by Union Carbide, now a subsidiary of Dow Chemicals, when the gas leak occurred.

They all escaped in panic as the poisonous cloud of methyl isocyanate gas descended on the slum settlement in the middle of the freezing night.

All the family members got separated. With his eyes burning and his chest exploding with pain, Sunil managed to board a bus that took him to Hoshangabad, about 70km (35 miles) away.

He lost consciousness and was taken to the district hospital.

He returned to Bhopal a week later to find both his parents, three sisters and two brothers dead.

His younger siblings, a sister aged 10 and a brother of two-and-half, were the only survivors. The 13-year-old Sunil was now the head of the family…

At the age of 13, Sunil got involved in campaigning for the rights of gas victims. In 1987, he formed “Children Against Carbide”.

In 1986 Sunil, a petitioner in the Bhopal civil suit, was sent to New York by the Indian government to testify in the gas tragedy case before Judge John Keenan…

In 1989 Sunil toured the world to garner support against the settlement agreed between the Indian government and Union Carbide.

He was arrested in Houston for trying to deliver an environmental report during Union Carbide’s annual meeting. He was released after hundreds of people called the city’s mayor to protest against his arrest…

n March 1997 Sunil started “hearing voices in his head”. He also suffered from insomnia and imagined people were plotting to kill him. By June 1997 his condition worsened and he often ran away from home.

He had also attempted suicide several times. He was finally diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia – a mental illness which affected many gas survivors – and began treatment.

When he hanged himself, he left a note saying he was committing suicide not because he was mentally unsound but with all his wits about him.

There has never been justice for the people of Bhopal. How can we say capitalism benefits people whose lives have been ruined for 22 years by the criminal negligence of an America company that has  never even cleaned up its mess. Again from the International Capaign for Justice in Bhopal:

n 1991, the local government in Bhopal charged Warren Anderson, Union Carbide’s CEO at the time of the disaster, with manslaughter. If tried in India and convicted, he faces a maximum of ten years in prison. However Mr. Anderson has never stood trial before an Indian court; he has, instead, evaded an international arrest warrant and a summons to appear before a US court. For years Mr. Anderson’s whereabouts were unknown, and it wasn’t until August of 2002 that Greenpeace found him, living a life of luxury in the Hamptons. Neither the American nor the Indian government seem interested in disturbing him with an extradition, despite the recent scandals over corporate crime. This is unfortunate: Mr. Anderson’s decisions didn’t just wipe out retirement plans, they killed people.

The Union Carbide Corporation itself was charged with culpable homicide, a criminal charge whose penalty has no upper limit. These charges have never been resolved, as Union Carbide, like its former CEO, has refused to appear before an Indian court.

Union Carbide also remains liable for the environmental devastation its operations have caused. Environmental damages were never addressed in the 1989 settlement, and the contamination that Union Carbide left behind continues to spread. These liabilities became the property of the Dow Corporation, following its 2001 purchase of Union Carbide. The deal was completed much to the chagrin of a number of Dow stockholders, who filed suit in a desperate attempt to stop it. These stockholders were surely aware that a corporation assumes both the assets and the liabilities of any company it purchases, according to established corporate law. Indeed, Dow was quick to pay off an outstanding claim against Union Carbide soon after it acquired the company, setting aside $2.2 billion to pay off former Union Carbide asbestos workers in Texas. However Dow has consistently and stringently maintained that it isn’t liable for the Bhopal accident.

Thus the victims in Bhopal have been left in the lurch, told to fend for themselves as corporate executives elude justice and big corporations elude the blame. Dow’s unwillingness to fulfill its legal and moral obligations in Bhopal represents only the latest chapter in this horrifying humanitarian disaster.

Whatever happend to the good old fashioned American value of taking responsibility? Oh, yeah. This is Bush America where personal responsibility has been forgotten.

Help the people of Bhopal. And take action against Dow Chemicals (scroll down to the bottom for actions). Finally, find out more about Dow Chemicals, including contact info and other campaigns against Dow, from Co-op America (a group I have supported for years with a loan).

The Community Candidate Concept: What Makes a Good Candidate?

What makes a good candiate? Groups like Emily’s List and Working Families Party have a tendency to look to the candidates who have money, whose skills are in fundraising. Some people seem to think only lawyers can be effective politicians. And some simply think all candidates are pretty much the same and despair of finding excitement in supporting a candidate.

I don’t buy any of those. I do get excited about candidates. They do not tend to be the ones who are supported by big money interests, and they are not always lawyers, but they are the candidates who are smart, articulate, and good on the issues. But there is one thing more that really makes a candidate kick ass. Dedication to the community. In some ways this may be the thing that can break through racial, cultural and political divides, because a candidate who proves him or herself to the community can get broad support: black and white, rich and poor, liberal and moderate. I want to discuss just such candidates.
Crossposted on Daily Kos. Please go and recommend.

Awhile back at a Democracy for NYC meeting I met an unlikely DFA-type activist. A member of UAW from the Kensington part of Brooklyn, and clearly NOT the typical progressive, he had a rather disdainful attitude as the rest of us were talking strategies for winning elections and for reforming the corrupt Brooklyn Democratic machine. He was big and gruff and clearly blue collar. In his mind, reform Democrat, machine Democrat or, for that matter, Republican didn’t matter. None of them are of any relevance to communities that are being threatened by inept and/or corrupt. When others pointed out that electing candidates that are sensitive to these issues is the way to change the situation, he dismissed that as being what he was looking for.

What he, and probably a large number of Americans, wanted to see is up-front community activism where politicians prove themselves to the community BEFORE they expect anyone to vote for them. His idea struck me as being kind of important for winning elections. I have often been locked in the politician mindset: people have to vote and be involved before politicians will notice them. The UAW guy from Kensington showed me that the reverse is at least as important: politicians who prove their dedication to the community DESERVE community support.

The problem is that community activists are seldom the candidates who get the big bucks from big business to win elections. Instead they are usually grassroots candidates who need our help to win. I want to introduce you to three candidates that need your help. These people are superb candidates. Intelligent, dedicated and, in the spirit of UAW Kensington guy, have already proven their dedication to the community far more than most politicians ever will. And, now I think about it, each of them has a distinctive personality. They don’t blend in with the crowd but are bold in their statements and ideas. Community dedication, bold ideas and clear positions. THAT is what I am looking for.

Please help me elect these Community Candidates:

Eric Adams: I met Eric Adams, a candidate for NY State Senate, at a meeting of the Central Brooklyn Independent Democrats (CBID). My wife had previously had some interaction with him and had considered him largely a grandstander…but we both were extremely impressed with him at the CBID meeting. Eric Adams has served his community as a police officer AND an advocate for civil liberties (a rare an refreshing combination) as well as a liaison between the NYPD and the black community. Eric Adams is best known as being the NYPD Captain who is willing to criticize his police superiors on minority relations, civil rights and on their handling of terrorist warnings. Eric Adams is the head of 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care and an ally of the former head of the New York Civil Liberties Union, Norman Siegel. So, in my mind, Eric Adams combines some very fine qualities–service in law enforcement, spokesperson for minority rights, and advocate of civil liberties. He also, along with Bill Batson, who I mention below, is concerned about the unusual number of suspicious fires hitting poor and minority areas of Brooklyn near areas coveted by developers. His style is very much that of a police captain: rather gruff and no-nonsense. Eric Adams has real dedication to the community, to law enforcement and to the rights of all Americans. He genuinely seems to be running so he can bring that dedication to the state senate.

Bill Batson: Even more than Eric Adams, Bill Batson is a candidate whose dedication to the community is what has driven him to politics. In fact, he came to politics quite reluctantly. Only after turning down calls to run twice did he finally agree when yet a third group called on him to run. He was CHOSEN by the community to run. Again, like Eric Adams, Bill Batson has expressed considerable concern over the suspicious fires hitting poor and minority areas of Brooklyn and has been even more vocal about his belief that these fires are suspiciously benefiting developers. Rather than merely complain, Bill Batson has actually organized arson patrols, modeled after Community Watch programs, to protect neighborhoods from arson fires. He has served on a local community board, focusing on both fire issues (such as the mayor’s closing of critical fire houses) and on preserving neighborhoods from excessive development. He has been endorsed by the Sierra Club in recognition of his work to preserve a healthy and safe urban environment for Brooklyn residents. He has also spearheaded a movement to save cultural heritage sites in Brooklyn such as homes that had been stopping points on the Underground Railroad. Bill Batson is not only an ally of Norm Siegel, like Eric Adams, but actually worked with Norm Siegel at the NYCLU protecting the civil rights of New Yorkers. Recently, Bill Batson was endorsed by the Civil Service Employees Association, CSEA Local 1000, AFSCME in recognition for his work negotiating union representation for workers at Lifespire, Inc., who chose to be represented by CSEA. Bill Batson has served his community, furthering union representation, fire safety and preservation of cultural heritage sites.

Chris Owens: Chris Owens is a friend as well as a candidate I am proud to support. Unlike Eric Adams and Bill Batson, Chris Owens comes from a political family. His father is my Congressman. Chris is running to replace his father in Congress, something that I did not like at first but was quick to forgive when I realized what a kick ass candidate Chris is. Chris has also proven himself as a community-oriented candidate, like Bill Batson and Eric Adams. Chris Owens had a distinguished tenure on a local school board, a tenure that a friend of mine who has been a NYC community activist since the Civil Rights days of the `60’s praises quite strongly. Chris is the only African-American man to have served on the Political Action Committee of NARAL-NY and is a dedicated advocate of a woman’s right to choose. In recognition of this he has been endorsed by Planned Parenthood’s Action Fund. As with Eric Adams and Bill Batson, Chris is an ally of Civil Rights advocate Norm Siegel and has been extremely concerned with the closing of firehouses in poorer areas of Brooklyn. Chris was arrested while protesting one such closing, indicating that he is willing to put himself on the line for his community. Like Bill Batson, Chris has been working to preserve the cultural heritage of Brooklyn, serving as President of the Weeksville Society, working to preserve historical sites in the Weeksville and Bed-Stuy communities in Brooklyn. Chris has also been a dedicated Democrat, founding the Paul Robeson Independent Democrats (PRIDE), serving as chair of the Kings County Democratic Coalition (KCDC), and serving as Co-Chair of the New York State Democratic Coalition (NDC).

These three candidates have shown their dedication to their community. But they are facing tough opponents (particularly Bill Batson and Chris Owens) who are outspending them in an attempt to buy the election. I am asking you to help the real community candidates beat the local Democratic machine and big business money. Even a small donation will help give the community its voice in Albany and Washington.

The Delaware Pogrom: The Consequences of Republican Intolerance

This is a new campaign that I first saw on Daily Gotham but I am pushing it hard because I think it may be a real sign of things to come. New Democratic Majority is one group that is coming on board to fight the Republican Culture of Intolerance and to bring the Delaware Pogrom to the notice of the nation.

We often talk about the Republican Culture of Corruption, the excessive cronyism that exists between current Halliburton Republicans and the military-industrial complex. In today’s Republican party, there is the ultimate fulfillment of what President Eisenhower warned the nation against. But bad though the widespread Republican Culture of Corruption is, there is an even worse side to the modern right wing: the Culture of Intolerance and Violence. One of the worst examples of this was the Delaware Pogrom.
Hate Crimes have been on the rise in America since 9/11, and, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, hate groups in America have increased by 33% in the past five years. A peak in attacks on Muslims after 9/11 was rapidly followed by an increase in anti-Semitism in the US and worldwide. There was a slight decline in anti-Semetic incidents in 2005, but incidents are still at disturbingly high levels.

Back in February I reported an incident that, while not a hate crime, was certainly a frightening trend. In Indiana, a prominent politician told a group of Jews that their opinion on the recitation of Christian prayers at legislative sessions didn’t matter because they only made up 2% of the population. This is a further sign of the rise of Republican, Christian Taliban in the US.

But now it is pogroms. I use that word carefully. In Delaware, two families, one Jewish the other as yet anonymous, were forced to flee the town due to threatened violence by right wing Christian fanatics who were pushing Christian prayer in school.

We should not be surprised at the Delaware Pogrom, because it is nothing more or less than what right wing “pundits” advocate frequently on mainstream media outlets. These right wing hate mongers are the darlings of the Republican propaganda machine and have the ear and admiration of most elected Republicans. Yet it is their rhetoric that stirs up incidents like the Delaware Pogrom.

There are many right wing extremist windbags who haunt the airwaves of the mainstream media. But two in particular actually advocate violence and intolerance to a degree that is unacceptable. And I think we have to face the fact that in America today, their irresponsible advocacy of terrorism against Americans is inspiring actual violence and threats of violence.

It is now time to hold these two windbags accountable for their advocacy of terrorism against Americans.

Ann Coulter is possibly the nastiest the Conservative propagandists. As I plugged last week, Media Matters has a good round up of Ann Coulter’s stupid and un-American statements.

Included are suggesting Timothy McVeigh should bomb the NY Times building, suggesting people attack liberals with baseball bats, and suggesting that someone poison a Supreme Court Justice. She has expressed outright hatred for the 9/11 widows and has advocated the murder of Congressman Murtha. In one case, it is quite possible that someone took her advocacy of violence seriously. Soon after Coulter advocated “talking to liberals with a baseball bat” someone in Kansas physically attacked a professor who had spoken out against Christian fundamentalists. There is no clear link between her advocacy of violence and this incident, but the latter followed closely after the former and it is an action in line with what she advocates to her audience.

The threats of violence in Delaware are also right in line with what Ann Coulter routinely advocates. Ann Coulter is telling her listeners to use violence and to be intolerant and increasingly right wing extremists in America are using violence and intolerance as a weapon against Americans and American values.

Bill O’Reilly also advocates intolerance and terrorism. He advocated bombing Coit Tower in San Francisco. He also told a Jewish caller to “go to Israel” if he felt uncomfortable with government displays of Christianity. His advocacy of America as a Christian nation and his telling Jews to get out if they don’t like it are exactly the kind of inspiration that drives the right wing extremists behind the Delaware pogrom.

Ann Coulter and Bill O’Reilly are in part responsible for this increase in violence and intolerance in America and we need to hold them accountable. The Delaware Pogrom was the natural consequence of their rhetoric.

To many current Republican politicians, corruption, hatred, intolerance and threats of violence are acceptable parts of American Culture. Right wing extremists advocate terrorism on talk shows in the mainstream media even as those same extremists schmooze with Republican politicians and advocate for the Republican far righta agenda.

I am not saying traditional conservative ideology is detestable. I am a liberal, but I have respect for old style conservative ideology where fiscal responsibility and law and order are paramount. But the modern Republican party, led by Bush, Cheney, Rove, DeLay and their corrupt compatriots, have abandoned traditional conservative ideology in favor of corruption, greed and intolerance. The Republican party has become something Eisenhower would have detested and, quite honestly, all Americans should detest. In fact, I have a couple of Republican friends who have come to hate the current Republican Party.

It is time to hold the right wing hate mongers and the Republican Party responsible for the consequences of their actions. The Delaware Pogrom was a direct result of the modern Republican Culture of Intolerance. Right wing talk show hosts advocate exactly this kind of pogrom against anyone who is different in America, anyone who doesn’t conform to the extremist ideology of the modern Halliburton Republicans.

Republican politicians are close with Ann Coulter and Bill O’Reilly, despite their advocacy of violence and terrorism. So the question is, does the Republican party support the kind of terrorist actions that Ann Coulter and Bill O’Reilly advocate and which people in Kansas and Delaware have carried out. Essentially, does the Republican party support terrorist attacks on Americans, from regular citizens like you and me all the way up to Supreme Court Justices and Congressmen.

Write them and ask them. Hold the Republican Party accountable for terrorist advocacy by right wing windbags who they schmooze with. It is time to ask the question of Republican politicians if they agree with Ann Coulter and Bill O’Reilly’s advocating bombing American buildings, poisoning Supreme Court Justices and attacking Americans with baseball bats. Call on the Republican Party to REJECT Ann Coulter and Bill O’Reilly’s advocacy of violence and to demand that the mainstream media stops paying terrorist advocates. Tell them that Coulter and O’Reilly’s rhetoric is the exact kind of rhetoric that will inspire more pogroms like the one in Delaware.

New Democratic Majority has initiated this campaign to hold the Republican Party accountable. You can see what they have to say here (scroll down)

If you are represented by a Republican on ANY level of government, go here, and look on the left column to contact your state, local and Federal politicians and contact them to demand they call for a stop to Ann Coulter’s advocacy of terrorism.

And in particular, hold Delaware’s Republican Congressman responsible. Contact this man regarding the Delaware Pogrom: Representative Michael Castle (R-DE At-Large).

And by all means write to the media calling for Republicans to renounce Ann Coulter and Bill O’Reilly’s terrorist advocacy campaign and directly link it to the Delaware pogrom.

How The West Will Be Won: Three States and FronteirPAC

I spend a great deal (probably too much) time analyzing Congressional races across the nation. I look at things said here, I look at what the Democrats are targeting and what the Republicans seem most scared of losing. I even pay attention to what BBC is calling the states to watch in 2006. I also focus on finding the most corrupt Republicans and look at how to best target them.

From these various musings I have started putting together various Act Blue sites designed to help win big in particular states where I consider victory particularly within reach and particularly sweet. The states I am choosing are ones where particularly close, hot races can be combined with races that can be TURNED competative if we can make corruption a big issue AND also throw in some long shot but still possible races. More below for three of these efforts.
I started this effort focusing on states where I thought the meme of “Sweeping” the state was worth exploring. This came from a panicked post on a NY Republican site expressing terror that Democrats might sweep all the Congressional seats in NY State. That was a fear I really wanted to feed…and maybe even help bring to reality. So I started with a Sweep NY State ACT Blue Page which has already collected $650 to target five Congressional races. I do want to continue the Sweep NY State meme, but that isn’t what I want to focus on now.

I want to focus on the Western States. Remember in 2004 the wonderful and unexpected win in Montana on a state level. This was a sign that the Democrats COULD deliver a message that would work in the Western States. Analyzing who is targeting what, where corruption is rife and where there are some really promising Democratic candidates, I want to introduce you to three Act Blue sites I have designed to help us win big in the Western States this year. With your help we can really route the Republicans in three carefully selected states.

I want to emphasize that this strategy is NOT intended to be an exclusive or even primary strategy. But I think it is one that will have some great pay offs this year and going into 2008, strengthening gains in Western States that straddle a line between blue and red and which can be solidly taken for the true blue.

Let me begin with an Act Blue site I have already introduced and which has already collected $225: my Blue Nevada site. Nevada is considered one of the Purple States, very finely balanced between red and blue. I think this year is the year to turn it solid blue. First off, we have Jack Carter, son of Nobel Laureate and former President Jimmy Carter. Jack Carter is a great candidate with integrity and a real populist message that is going to work in the West. If we want to retake the Senate, I think this race is a must win. There are also two House races in Nevada and here is where I think we have a shot, albeit a long shot, at Sweeping Nevada. One of these House races, NV-3, is a genuinely close race, one of the 10 House seats the Republicans most fear losing. If we can win BOTH the Nevada Senate AND NV-3, we will have gone a long way to turning Nevada solid blue. But there is one more race worth considering: NV-2. This is not seen as a close race, BUT…it is an open seat this year and we all know that open seats are opportunities NOT TO BE MISSED. A concerted web-based effort to help out NV-Sen, NV-2 and NV-3 could just push the whole state into our camp. Hence, my Blue Nevada site. Please help take Nevada.

Next I want to introduce two new Act Blue sites I have made. Both are virgins so YOU could be the first to contribute.

First there is my Blue Montana site which gives us an opportunity not only to follow up on the wonderful victories in Montana in 2004, but to actually Sweep Montana. First off there is the Montana Senate race. This is one of the most important Senate races in 2006 because the seat is currently held by one of the most corrupt Republicans in the Senate. For this reason, Montana is listed by BBC news as one of the states to watch this year. Two great Democrats are fighting it out as to which has the honor of taking down Conrad Burns for his disgusting corruption. Both Democratic candidates are out-polling Burns, showing that Montana is sick of Republican corruption. We can win this seat and, like the NV Senate race, this is a must-win if we want to recapture the Senate. But there is also a House race to be won in Montana. This is more of a long shot than the Senate race, but BOTH are state-wide races and so will be determined by the same voters. A competative Senate race can make this House race competative…and if we can help the Democrat in the House race, it will also help our candidate beat Conrad Burns. Please donate to my Blue Montana site and help complete the victory that we started in Montana in 2004.

Finally I want to introduce my Blue New Mexico Act Blue Site. New Mexico is another one of those very Purple states balanced between red and blue. And it is one that we can turn solid blue with a little effort. First there is the NM-1 House race. The Republican incumbent, Heather Wilson has taken more money from Exxon/Mobil’s PAC than any other New Mexico politician – $5,000 already in this cycle, and $27,000 since 2000. She took $4,000 from Halliburton’s PAC in the 2004 cycle. She is the EPITOME of what I call a corrupt Halliburton Republican. The Democratic opponant is two-term state Attorney General Patricia Madrid. An extraordinarily well-qualified candidate, Madrid seems poised to be a leading Democrat from the West. This race is another must win this election cycle. NM-2 is not as hot a race as NM-1, but it is worth fighting hard for because if we win both we Sweep NM, and even if we merely come close, this kind of bold move can help turn New Mexico solid Blue by 2008. So please check out my Blue New Mexico and help at least NM-1 if not also NM-2.

On all three of these pages I include Frontier PAC. They are leading the way in delivering a soldly populist and progressive Democratic message throughout the Western States. I strongly advise giving them some love.

I should note that donating through Act Blue is very efficient because it keeps the candidates’ costs low. And you can donate as little as $5…or as much as legally allowed by Federal and State regulations.

My wife might be on HBO tonight: Global Warming Documentary


In honor of Earth Day, watch TV tonight! More specifically, watch the global warming documentary TOO HOT NOT TO HANDLE on HBO. It airs tonight, 4/22 at 7 PM and will be re-shown throughout the week. My wife, Joy, was interviewed for this show, though we don’t know if the footage of her made it into the show.
Here is the HBO blurb on the show:

Heat waves. Catastrophic storms. Migrating viruses. All are potentially deadly effects of global warming. Over the past 100 years, the mass consumption of fossil fuels has contributed to global warming–an issue that promises to do far greater damage if we continue to ignore it. Executive produced by environmental activist Laurie David, this cautionary film offers a guide to the impacts of global warming on the U.S.–and the measures that can be taken to reduce this threat.

My wife and I won’t even be able to watch it tonight because we don’t get HBO, but we can pay to watch it On Demand starting tomorrow. So you may know whether she is in it before she does!

Sweeping out the Republicans Nationwide

I have been pushing my own campaign to not only fight the Republicans nationwide, but also to scare the shit out of them. This started from a pacnicked post on a NYC Republican site where their fearful leader expressed desperate concern that the Republicans could be swept aside completely in NY State. Unlikely? Maybe. But if they are scared, I am more than willing to feed their fears and strengthen the Democrats as I go along.

My original aim was NY State. Now I am expanding. I am expanding to Iowa, where Democrats could make major gains, and South Dakota, in an effort to fight the anti-American attack on women’s rights in South Dakota. Read more below.
My Sweep NY State effort got off to a great start, with nearly $600 donated in one day. But that is all so far. We have a shot at taking every single Congressional seat in NY State. Some are long shots some are more certain, but if we ignore the opportinty they all will be missed. People assume NY is solidly blue. It isn’t. It is purple as can be, but the Democrats have the potential to make great inroads upstate, which the Republicans once had sewn up. The NY State Republicans are in disarray and desperate. This is one case where I say let’s hit them while they are down. Let’s make the Republicans panic like they haven’t panicked since Nixon’s downfall. SWEEP NEW YORK STATE!

My second effort aims at Sweeping Iowa. This has gotten about $100 in donations so far. Iowa is America’s heartland and I firmly believe that the progressive and populist message of the traditional Democratic Party is PERFECT for Iowa. It won us Montana in 2004 seemingly against all odds. It is time to bring that message home to the Heartland. Furthermore, Iowa is the home of one of my “Katrina 11” targets, one of the Republicans who voted against aid to Katrina victims. I also list on my Sweep Iowa Page a link to the DFA A-list candidate Elesha Gayman, a great young progressive supported by Democracy for America. Finally, one of Iowa’s Congressional districts is an open seat this year, giving us a perfect pickup opportunity. All of these opportunities are too perfect to ignore. Punishing one of the Katrina 11, helping a DFA Progressive, and picking up an open seat. Help us Sweep Iowa and retake America’s heartland.

Finally, we all know that as soon as Bush got his Supreme Court nominees through that we’d get an attack on women’s freedoms. Well, the first attack came in South Dakota. Well, to help in this battle for American freedoms, I have started a Blue South Dakota Page. The goal of this page is to help the pro-Choice efforts of the South Dakota Campaign for Healthy Families (President Cecelia Fire Thunder’s organization) as well as strengthening the Democratic Party of South Dakota as part of Howard Dean’s 50 State Strategy. So, help fight for women’s rights NATIONWIDE by helping South Dakota’s women win this critical battle in the war against Choice.

More will come. But never forget that our ability to win big in 2006 depends on how much we put into it. If we don’t try hard we will miss this opportunity. So, start the fight in NY State, Iowa and South Dakota. Please visit these Act Blue sites and give what you can…even if it’s just $10.

60 Minutes and Jim Hansen: A Followup Call to Action

A funny thing happened to a random, off the cuff diary I wrote. It went platinum…or the blog equivalent. Front paged on MLW and for awhile TOP of the Recommended list on dKos and recommended on Booman. Thanks to all who read it! Now, based on lots that I have thought about before and based on the flood of comments I received, I am writing this follow up diary with the goal of giving you all the information and the power to do something.

Many want to hear more from Jim Hansen. I am using my connections to try and pass on that info. But…you can have a hand in that as well. Keep reading for suggestions on how you can help shape public opinion.
The above mentioned diary is neither my first nor best global warming diary.

I have written about America’s ability to face global warming and to grow stronger from our response if we had real leadership (if only President Gore had been allowed to take office!). I have written about the Denial Lobby, which is fighting to censor global warming scientists, and that is where I first brought up Jim Hansen and his recent refusal to bow down to Bush’s thugs. In my own newsletter I have discussed the critical role forests play in global and regional climate, environmental stability and economic development as well as what we each can do to help preserve and restore our forests. Within these diaries you can find ample information on global warming including references to scientific evidence, as well as many actions that you can take as an individual to help preserve a future for our children.

What I want to do here is to suggest some immediate follow up actions to the 60 Minute interview that can help boost its impact. We all know how important it is to make our presence heard and that timing is a key factor in being heard. Today and tomorrow are the days to do the following actions. A flood of activity today and tomorrow will make a point to the media and to our government (not counting the Halliburton Republicans who don’t give a shit) and to America in general.

First off, contact 60 Minutes and tell them what you thought of the Hansen interview. POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT!


60 Minutes

524 West 57th St.

New York, NY 10019


Second, contact Jim Hansen himself and send him fan mail:

James E. Hansen

Director, Goddard Institute for Space Studies

To all those who contacted me wanting me to help get him on the blogs, I am working on it, but YOUR fan mail could do more than my efforts. Encourage this man! Scientists don’t usually get fan mail, though my wife tells me Hansen HAS been interviewed in Rolling Stone…so maybe he even has Scientific Groupies, for all I know.

Contact the national and your local media and tell them what you saw on 60 Minutes and ask them why they aren’t reporting on this. Tell them your view on global warming and on the scientific censorship of science in America. I should note that the NY Times DID cover this about a month ago (?). But otherwise, the media needs to hear a FLOOD of letters from us demanding more on this.

Contact your Congress Critters and tell them what you heard on 60 Minutes about global warming and censorship of science in America and DEMAND action. Demand an immediate investigation into censorship of science and punishment of whoever is responsible for it. Demand immediate action on global warming by the American government. Demand a new energy plan for America that is REALLY forward thinking. You can use my earlier diary for ammunition. Be angry and forceful. Our government is FAILING us and they need to hear from us.

I also want to add that Congressman Brad Miller (NC-13) is on this. Please check out his diary asking for input directly from scientists who have experienced intimidation and censorship.

Join the Union of Concerned Scientists in their lobbying of Exxon’s new management to get them to stop their opposition to climate science and to alternative energy policies. Express your anger and your new found eagerness to join the national boycott of Exxon/Mobil. While you are at it, join the Union of Concerned Scientists. They are at the forefront of defending science, defending our environment and opposing war. Let there be a flood of new members to UCS in response to this issue.

And, while I am plugging groups, join the National Coalition Against Censorship. They didn’t hire me when I interviewed for the position, but I am still happy that they now have started a Censorship of Science project that will address issues like this. Again, let’s get them a flood of new members in response to this issue.

Finally, keep in mind the recent Fundamentalist Christian movement to face global warming. These are some right wingers who are catching on. So contact YOUR church, synagogue, mosque, meditation group, atheist group, etc. and ask them what THEY are doing to demand action on global warming. Fundamentalist right wing Christians are taking out advertising time to push for action on global warming. If nothing else, each of our religious and secular groups should be discussing this and lobbying for action locally and nationally. You are part of a community. Bring this issue to YOUR community.

A final word on what to do as an individual to get started. As I mentioned, I go over many actions HERE and HERE. But as a start for the very beginners, two important things you can do is switch all your light bulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs and to use nothing but recycled paper products. Compact fluorescents are expensive, but they save you lots of money in the long run because they will cut your energy bills by (if my experience is typical) about a third and they last for far longer than a regular bulb. Recycled paper products are never as good as the BEST products made from vrigin paper, but they are generally just as good as the average virgin paper products and they can help preserve the forests that are our buffer against gloabal warming. Start there. It will help.