Author: mythmother

Why I Hate Hillary Clinton!

I guess I hate Hillary Clinton for all the obvious reasons, including which, she’s a woman.  And — as if that’s not bad enough — she’s a woman who’s committing the unforgivable sin of...

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Bush Assault on the "Universal Declaration"

This is a diary that I wrote about two weeks ago and never posted since I thought no one would be interested.  I mean, it’s not really breaking news that the Bush administration has blatantly violated at least 10 out...

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Primary Soap Opera: Enough Already!

I’m so sick of the primary soap opera that I’m just about to bust a gut.  It’s not bad enough that THIS administration has preempted the last vestiges of what used to pass as news in this country with...

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Why I deleted my diary….

I can see that there is no way to have a strategy discussion on the issue of marriage rights for all couples, no way to focus on the larger issues as I see them.  I’m sure it’s my failure as a writer, and I...

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