Author: nalbar

Yes, They are Deplorable.

An interesting read on Hullabaloo today, How Libertarians are a gateway drug Add it to this read on Lawyers, Guns, and Money, Sanders/Trump voters Very interesting indeed. To me it’s beyond doubt that Trumps main appeal...

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Interesting Read

Here is an interesting (and long) read from Vanity Fair Booman had a list of reasons to impeach Trump. Read that article and try not to be frightened. Obama chose professional and competent people to do the important government...

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Economic Anxiety? No.

So a new study came out, and guess what, it wasn’t so much economic anxiety as…yep! …. immigration anxieties. voters study group H/T digby So they voted for the black guy, then got scared of what they had done...

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9 Million Pills in Two Years, To One Pharmacy

This article at Crooks and Liars is mind boggling 9 million pills in two years to one pharmacy in West Virginia, in a town with 392 residents! 760 million pain killers shipped to West Virginia in six years! Those numbers are...

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Voting Patterns, Carbon Emissions

Here is an article at The Atlantic that I think is a must read. In general it takes how states voted and ties it to their economic development, but through the prism of carbon admissions. Then discusses Trump’s oil...

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