Author: Nanette

snarky, powerful, edgy, positive, substantive

That’s the general persona I see this special issue taking. Also humorous, contemplative, spiritual, and meditative. [I was going to make this a comment, but it’s too long, so if you have no idea what I am talking...

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Below are the first suggestions for Frog for a Day (we may need a new name) winners. In case you missed the first diary, the basic idea is to attempt to both expand the readership/membership of the BooTrib, and the site’s...

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Bam! Zoom! Kapowee![Frog For a Day Updated]

Okay, guys you’ll have to work with me here. I can think up stuff, plan the campaigns, but I can’t write the copy. I know this. In my usual writings, if I ever have a point, I just wander somewhere close by –...

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The Church/State Train Wreck

This is a reposting of a diary I did on kos earlier this year. I thought it had a bit of relevance to some of the discussions going on this week, so am reposting it here as an expression of my views. Hope no one minds I’m...

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