Author: NeoLiberal

More Democratic Slogans (POLL!). Vote and Discuss

Recently, Chris Bowers posted a story on new Democratic Party slogans here. Apparently, two or three slogans are being considered in the party leadership circles:

House Democratic leaders are holding a closed-door meeting with members of their caucus this afternoon to discuss a new slogan for the 2006 midterm elections: “Together, We Can Do Better” or “Together, America Can Do Better,” according to Democratic sources.

Although aides say the slogan has yet to be finalized and is still up for debate, it has already been in frequent use by Democratic leaders on both sides of the Capitol for several weeks.(…)

The catchphrase is not new to political observers, who will remember that an earlier reincarnation, “America Can Do Better,” was a slogan in the campaign of presidential aspirant Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), although his main theme was “A Stronger America.”(…)

Academic George Lakoff, marketing expert Jack Trout and software entrepreneur John Cullinane have periodically weighed in on the project.

There is a FP poll on two of these slogans.

Although I don’t mind these slogans, I don’t find any of them assertive or compelling enough. So, I compiled a list, and a selection of them are included in the poll below.

Please RECOMMEND, as slogans are important, and good ones do work (if a compatible agenda goes with the slogan), and we must discuss them and let the party leadership hear our suggestions.

Crossposted at myDD, daily Kos. Please visit the latter for many good ideas given.

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dKos straw polls and Al Gore (UPDATE: 9/22)

PUPDATE, 9/22/05: This diary appeared under a different title originally. Since it appeared, Markos has graciously posted a straw poll here. I want to laud Markos for hearing the voices of so many of us that are enthused about...

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