Author: Nancy LeTourneau

How big was your tax cut?

The non-profit I work for is currently involved in a capital campaign to raise $1.8 million to purchase a building for our operations. The Board of Directors has assembled a great group of VERY wealthy people in this community...

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A Reason for Hope

I am in touch with an young woman who just graduated from high school and is involved with a student exchange progam in Brazil for a year. Her email today brought me a lot of hope for the future and I thought it might do the...

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Bush Endorsement Takedown

My hometown is making news these days due to the Mayoral election that will happen on Tuesday. Perhaps you have all heard about what’s happening here, but just in case you haven’t, I’d like to share the good...

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Schadenfreude Game

While we’re waiting for word from Mr. Fitzgerald, I thought it would be fun to play a little game.

If you could be a fly on the wall, where would you rather be today and why? Remember, you have to choose. Even flies can only be one place at a time. Take the poll below and tell us about your day in the comments.

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Repugs for Affordable Housing? There’s a Catch

A bill in the U.S. House of Representatives provides for $600 million in new affordable housing funds.

But there is a catch!

Non-profit organizations that provide voter registration or are affiliated with any organization that provides voter registration are barred from receiving and distributing the new money.

The anti-voter registration language was inserted at the request of the Republican Study Committee which has expressed the belief that low income housing groups are too liberal and are partisan in their voter registration activities. Here’s a link to the story in the Minneapolis Star Tribune from Friday.

The Bill HR 1461 is scheduled to come up for a vote Thursday or Friday of next week.  Under normal House rules the anti-voter registration language could be taken out.  It is not clear if House leadership will prevent that and force an up or down vote on the entire package.

What an outrage! So now the Repugs don’t want poor people voting – because that’s too partisan!! Shall we look into the voter registration efforts of Halliburton? Just what kind of democracy to these repugs envision?

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