Author: numediaman

WARNING: This link to pornography!

OMG! Can you believe it? Pornography comes to the mall! Well, at least according to Lou Sheldon and the Traditional Values Coalition. I haven’t received any e-mail notices from the wackos over at TVC since the nomination...

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All is well in Afghanistan

Bush promised to bring American style democracy to Afghanistan, he has succeeded!

Voting Fraud Is Found in Afghanistan’s Election

KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 2 – Election officials and observers said today that with 80 percent of the ballots counted in Afghanistan’s national and provincial elections, they had found significant incidents of fraud.

Whole districts have come under suspicion for ballot box stuffing and proxy voting, said Peter Erben, the chief international electoral officer in charge of Afghanistan’s parliamentary elections. He said that ballot boxes from 4 percent of the country’s 26,000 polling stations – about 1,000 stations – had been set aside to be investigated for fraud and other irregularities.

The European Union observer mission said the reports of fraud and possible intimidation of voters were “worrying,” In a statement, the mission said, “While these phenomena do not appear to be nationwide, they are a cause for concern.”

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Big Media = big layoffs

As media giants continue to gobble up smaller competitors it is no surprise that the quality of journalism in the United States continues to decline.  One reason, and maybe the simplest explanation, is that these...

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