Author: Omir the Storyteller

Ann Coulter Republicans

Let’s face it, folks. Ann Coulter is not going away, no matter what we do. The networks, for some inexplicable reason, love her. I don’t see it, but I guess they do. Expect to see and hear more of her, whether you...

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Saying Goodbye

Update [2006-5-5 22:56:37 by Omir the Storyteller]: The poem has been edited slightly since it was first posted. No, I’m not leaving. You guys aren’t that lucky (and neither is the Chimperor). I’ve just been...

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There’s Only One Thing To Do

I have a story for you today, about a man who suffered through the ravages of fascism and war and a disease that ultimately killed him. But before he died, he left writings that had a great deal of resonance in a country torn...

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