Ratzinger Innuendo – Not Based on Facts!

How False News Statements Linger On – Influencing How Catholics Voted in Election 2004  

As usual, the MSM is doing a lousy job of reporting facts in the matter of Joseph Ratzinger and the US bishops at their USCCB Meeting in Denver, CO – June 2004. [US Conference of Catholic Bishops – USCCB ]

Using small bits of facts, stretching it into a story that can be readily consumed by the agnost, and the reporter at AFP is satisfied to get enough readers who agree and lash out at the person of Joseph Ratzinger and the Catholic Church.

AFP headlines yesterday:

New pope intervened against Kerry in US 2004 election campaign  

Just spending some minutes to search for the facts on Internet, leads to a complete opposite view of what happened in Denver …

… and how the MSM and other conservative voices, misinterpret the issue to push forward their own agenda to smear Senator John Kerry as a pro-choice and pro-abortion politician. Any denial of Communion was and is extremely exaggerated, and part of the introduction of fear for the practising Catholics in their voting behavior. The extreme opinion was supported by a very small number of Catholic bishops.

See my earlier comment, on Kerry, Vatican and Abortion and Cardinal Francis Arinze in April 2004. Pro-choice is not the same as free-abortion as a political statement.

On BBC Radio this week, and in the British press, a view on denial of communion to John Kerry, is repeatedly and falsely levied at Joseph Ratzinger.  During the election campagne, the media had picked up on some comments from Rome, but mostly carried within the US by several archdiocese. NOT an official statement from the Vatican Office on Doctrine, headed by Ratzinger.

Kerry unbowed on abortion issue  
Vatican City – April 23, 2004 — Cardinal Francis Arinze told a Vatican news conference that pro-abortion Catholic politicians such as Mr Kerry were “not fit” to receive communion.

But, across the Atlantic, an unabashed Mr Kerry said women’s rights “are just that: rights, not political weapons”.

The clash has refuelled the fiery debate over abortion in the US. US bishops have discretion in deciding who should receive communion, and several bishops, led by Archbishop Raymond Burke of St Louis, have warned they will not give Mr Kerry communion.

Source: BBC News.  

As I recall, the Vatican released a statement that it was not any formal view from within the Holy See. Clearly taking no political position in the run-up to the US election.

Press release Catholics in Political Life – USCCB Meeting held at Denver, CO. – June 21, 2004.

In addition a link to Colorado Matters – Radio interview on July 13, 2004 with Archbishop Charles Chapot. In addition, Chapot speaks on issue of Iraq war and capital punishment.

Interview Archbishop Raymond L. Burke of St. Louis, the new ‘John Fisher’

DENVER – Aug. 9, 2004 — Archbishop Raymond L. Burke is disappointed that Cardinal McCarrick and Bishop Gregory withheld Cardinal Ratzinger’s Memo at the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishop’s June meeting in Denver.

An activists website:
Women for Faith and Family — Catholics and Political Responsibility

Yes there was a letter send to US Bishops by Joseph Ratzinger, but with NO specifics on denying Senator Kerry Holy Communion, on the contrary. A MEMO, theological letter of guidelines, with judgement to be made by local church authorities within existing Canon Law.

If one believes the conservative website, six extreme conservative Bishops would recommend withholding Communion, but none apparently took that position formally.

If anyone is keeping score, and I am, the tally goes as thus for denying manifest, obstinate, persistent persons in grave sin:  Six diocesan heads for denying the Eucharist, 189 diocesan heads against denying.

The six good men are:  Burke (St. Louis), Bruskewitz (Lincoln), Vasa (Baker), Donohue (Atlanta), Baker (Charleston), and Jugis (Charlotte).

Registrant of website – Domains By Proxy, Inc. in Arizona.

Vatican denies election involvement
Vatican City – October 25, 2004 — The questions came at a news conference where Vatican officials presented a 524-page compendium of the Catholic Church’s doctrine on social issues including war and peace, the death penalty, globalization, the free market and workers’ rights.

When a reporter asked if Catholics could vote for a politician supporting legalized abortion, Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said the “Holy See never gets involved in electoral or political matters directly.”  

Issues at the Conclave and Election of Pope Benedict XVI  
Summary after first interview with Cardinal Simonis of the Netherlands —
The topics that were discussed, and of importance in their choice of a new pope:

  • spiritual leadership – a scholar in theology
  • communicator and listener as Dean of Bishops since 2002
  • decentralization and autonomy of local churches
  • implementation of synod Vatican Council II
  • address the youth in the world
  • social justice high on agenda
  • wealth of Western world vs poverty in Third World
  • war and peace.

I clearly miss the more liberal opinions in the western world: women in the church, sexuality, contraception and birth control.

Pope Benedict XVI will travel to his native Germany in August, to attend the World Youth Conference at Cologne between August 16-23. He will NOT be a globetrotter like JPII due to an ailment, his physician will not allow him to make long intercontinental flights.

As Dean of the College of bishops, Joseph Ratzinger has met his colleagues on many occasions. Many show amazement over his deep knowledge of theology, his ability to listen. On all occasions, Joseph Ratzinger indicates on modern issues, the universal church of the continents has the responsibility to be a teacher for Rome.

On ecumenical cooperation, indications are his ability to work well with the christian orthodox churches, perhaps the discussion with the Protestant Reform churches will be more difficult.

Benedict is the patron saint of Europe.


Rome – December 1984 — The German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger,   Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Faith, previously the Holy Office, the highest doctrinal authority in the Church, after the Pope, has spoken out strongly against the results of Vatican II. In a long interview conceded to the weekly “Jesus”, he speaks of the urgency of “restoring” the Church, he criticizes the episcopal conferences and the American theologians; he calls some non-christian religions “reigns of terror”. He also warns against the danger of an African council, and admits that a real personal devil exists. These statements by the so-called “gendarm of Pope Wojtyla”, have had a strong impact in the Vatican, especially in the more progressive circles who are inspired by the Secretary of State, Cardinal Casaroli.


BIOGRAPHIES on Joseph Ratzinger  
The Vatican’s Enforcer of the Faith – Georg Ratzinger

Yahoo News Related to Papacy and the Vatican – Full Coverage
Included link to VIDEO of Joseph Ratzinger and homily for JPII at St. Peter’s Square.

The chosen name is of some importance, as it’s a model for Joseph Ratzinger to follow! Link to comment: Benedict XV – as model for Ratzinger?

by DuctapeFatwa with excellent review added by Janet Strange  

Just found this site —
News Portal – Catholic Sources in Europe and US


Women for Faith and Family — Catholics and Political Responsibility

Registrant of website:
Women for Faith and Family
PO Box 3286
St. Louis, MO  63130
Phone:  +1.31486383

Listed as Ave Maria University Florida
Board of Trustees

Mrs. Helen Hull Hitchcock
c/o Adoremus
PO Box 3286
St. Louis, MO  63130

Check on Internet:  

Most Reverend John J. Nevins, D.D.
Bishop of Venice
P.O. Box 2006
Venice, FL 34284

His Eminence Christoph Cardinal Schonborn
Archbishop of Vienna
Rotenturmstrasse 2
Vienna, Austria A-1010

His Eminence Francis Cardinal Arinze
Congregation for Divine Worship – Palazzo delle Congregazioni
Piazza Pio XII, 10
00120 Città del Vaticano Italy

Apparently in the US Catholic Church there are groups working outside the hierarchy, similar to the NeoCons in the political arena. Perhaps even links with Opus Dei, I haven’t been able to check this out.

Therefore it is most important to verify sources of news items, to see if it has merit, or is for propaganda purpose and another political agenda.

Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité

Riverbend – Bagdad – on Marla Ruzicka

The following is an introduction of Riverbend by Buzzflash:

Riverbend Is a Blogger, “Embedded” in the Real Baghdad, Telling It Like It Is, Helping Us See With New Eyes


Democracy has to come from within and it has to be a request of the people — not of expatriates who have alliances with the CIA and British intelligence. People have to want something enough to rise up and change it. They have to be ready for democracy and willing to accept its responsibility. The US could have promoted democracy in Iraq peacefully, but then they wouldn’t have permanent bases in the country, would they?

                          * * *
Jump the fold —

“Riverbend” is a storyteller. Her “Baghdad Burning” blog is one part Anne Frank, another part Scheherazade and “A Thousand and One Arabian Nights” — from cyberspace. As she wrote in her first weblog entry, dated August 17, 2003: “So this is the beginning for me, I guess … expect a lot of complaining and ranting. … A little bit about myself: I’m female, Iraqi and 24. I survived the war. That’s all you need to know. It’s all that matters these days anyway.”

Riverbend’s experience of war, her political commentary and nuanced slice-of-life descriptions, have won her worldwide respect and appreciation. Now her weblog writings have been published in paperback and are available as a BuzzFlash premium. BuzzFlash is grateful to Riverbend for all she has shared in “Baghdad Burning,” as well as for her e-mailed comments to us (below) on why she writes, how she experiences American propaganda, Iraqis’ hopes, fears and disappointments, and the elusiveness of “normal” life in Baghdad.

* * *


Baghdad Burning

… I’ll meet you ’round the bend my friend, where hearts can heal and souls can mend…

Monday, April 18, 2005

Good News and Bad News…
Bad news first: Brave, young Marla Ruzicka was killed in Baghdad while travelling along the Baghdad Airport road. Read more about her work and the lives she touched here: CIVIC Worldwide. Read more about her personally on Justin Alexander’s site and Raed’s “Raed in the Middle”.

The good news: Another shipment of emergency aid for Iraqi civilians has been sent out. Raed’s family started and are organizing the whole thing. He has listed all the people who donated money and has taken endless pictures and scanned receipts- it’s well documented on his blog.

Some of the amazing people behind this effort:
– Raed and Niki
– Khalid
– Majid
– Faiza

– posted by river @ 1:17 PM  

Here, I’m afraid, you will not see a laughing “Adele” so often.

Yahoo News Search on Marla Ruzicka

        Franz Ruzicka – artist

Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité

Lt C: "Diarhea of the mouth and mind."

Lt C summarizes in his blog of Mon March 28 2005, his meeting of the Booman Tribune community as follows.


Apparently yesterday was a holiday, well if it was I missed it.  I am getting closer to going home for “Enviornmental Leave”.  Whatever they call it this week, I am glad to be going.  Many of you have asked what my typical day is like.  I really can’t answer that, because there is no such thing as normal here.  Allow me to qualify that, by saying this.  Anytime that there exists the possibility that a mortar, IED, VBIED, or suicide attack against you, that kind of kicks normal in the gut.  So there is no normal here.  

Boomantribune…(a nice blog type site from Ohio.  It is left of center (often way left), but some good readings nonetheless)

I saw a hit from this site on my blog, so I went to check it out, turns out there are some really smart and dialed in people there.  So I posted a comment and offered to answer questions about “the war” from my perspective.  Here is a sample of the shots I took “center mass”.

[Who invited who? – Ed]

SUMMARY ON LT C’s BLOG  – A list of the questions and statements from BT participants

Ok, so my basic response was, those questions are above my pay grade.  And man did I continue to get shot up.  It was the comparrison to the Nazis that really annoyed the hell out of me.  There were many more such questions I didn’t answer, again above my paygrade, and I was getting tired of being beat up by the intelligencia.  The intellectual elite who become so “seemingly” enamoured by their own intellectual prowess that they simply cannot be wrong thus there is no need to listen to the other side.  I am fortunate here in Iraq, in that we can deal with those here who cannot be reasoned with.  But in the US the 1st ammendment guarantees freedom of speech, even when the ability to know when to shut up is lost by diarhea of the mouth and mind.  But, there are some very smart people I came in contact with there, so I shall take my licks and stay in contact with them.  I got beat up in there, but I am still here.  Sucking dust in Iraq, with a perspective on this war, that they the arm chair pundits will never have, but it’s easy to second guess what we do here, when you’re always right.  

I did ask one of them, a very intelligent man, and veteran who has a chip on his shoulder, overshadowed by his enourmous brain.  He is a self proclaimed pascifist.  Where he sees the need for the existance of soldiers as a sad commentary on our society.  Bummer, anyway I asked him if (and I dumbed way down for this one I put it in grunt terms.  I love the infantry these kids are as real as Americans get) any way, I asked him if I punched him in the face, would he just take it?  I am still waiting for an answer…

Well, he can sit on the fence and fight his intellectual fight, me and my guys will just wait for him to fix the worlds problems with talk… Because bullies just love to talk don’t they.  In simplistic terms, that’s what Germany did to Poland in 39…  “Say Uncle!!!”  

7 days until I’m home…


Lt. Currie in Bagdad on March 16, 2005 before start of mission.


Timeline Comments at Booman Tribune by Lt C.

Day or Nite – no problem for Lt C on duty in Bagdad

In local Bagdad time: 12 hours ahead of US PST
[Before US daylight savings time change]

Date       Hours          # comments
Fri Mar 25 23:13 to 23:55 3x
Sat Mar 26 13:19 to 14:32 3x
Sat Mar 26 15:43 to 16:47 5x
Sun Mar 27 01:01 to 01:57 4x
Sun Mar 27 15:23 to 15:29 2x
Mon Mar 28 Lt C blog
Mon Mar 28 12:28 to 12:49 2x
Mon Mar 28 19:33
Wed Mar 30 01:35

Total of 23 comments as registered at Booman Tribune time stamp.

See original diary written on Lt Currie:
Iraqi girl’s BIG secret – Lt C is a shill reporter!
by Oui Mon Apr 11th, 2005

    I love this kid  

Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité

Iraqi girl’s BIG secret – Lt C is a shill reporter!


Bagdad — March 22, 2005

“10,000 miles from home and in a war zone I found perfection…”

If I could, I would force everyone I know -and many I don’t know- to read this post by Rusten Currie on a MilBlog called Sic Vis Pacem, Para Bellum.

…. March 16, 2005 was the single best day thus far of my time in Iraq…. We waived goodbye and headed further down the road, where we were greeted by about 8 children and their parents. The children were just an absolute joy. They made my month.

The little girl in the pics is named Adele, she was the most beautiful little girl in the world to me. Her smile just melted me, and the little guy in the pics with me was just so adorable, he walked up to me and said “Pleased to meet you mister.” He offered me his hand, and well he got the other half of my heart. A picture is worth much more than a thousand words, they are moments in time, real time.

Scoot …

Americans prefer to read the book from its ending, so here goes.

Short intro on Lieutenant C at BooMan Tribune from recent diary on Iraq.

Nickname: Lieutenant C
User ID #: 443
Country: Iraq
Homepage: currierd.typepad.com
Email: rdcurrie@comcast.net
Serving 1 year of my life in B’dad so that others might breathe free.

An Officer in Iraq
by BooMan  Sat Mar 26th, 2005

I would like to welcome Lieutenant C to the site.
He is stationed in Iraq. He has self-identified himself as a Republican, and has offered to answer questions, either here, or by email: rdcurrie@comcast.net.
Please remember he is an officer, and treat him with the utmost respect.
Ask him a question and he’ll try to respond when he has the chance. Bookmark this thread to make sure you get his responses.

Read up on the comments, questions and replies given. The diary has led to conflicts, criticism and also a lot of support expressed for US soldiers send into harm’s way by the Bush | Cheney | Rumsfeld administration. Today’s diary covers a complete new viewpoint on the ID of Lt. Rusten D. Currie.

Military.com gives one a chance to locate a buddy in the armed forces. Here is a summary of Lt. C’s profile in his own words.

Rusten D. Currie’s Profile

Rank:  O-1 Second Lieutenant
Service:  Army
Status:  National Guard

Self Description: In Military Intelligence, there is always a 10% chance
for rain even on a sunny day… I am the one in between now Admiral
Highfill, and General Humble… (Anything but Humble that is…)

Military.com Memberships         Affiliation     Years

  • 1st Battalion, 5th Marines  Active Duty     1992-1996
  • 1st/184th Infantry Regiment Active Duty     2003-2004

[A] Meet Lt Rusten D. Currie – Military Service Records

Here I will list some of his military records as can be found at Military.com – Find A Buddy.

  • 1992-1996 Marine Corps 1st Battalion 5th Marines — Grade E-4 Specialty O351
  • 2003-2004 Army National Guard and Active Duty Military Intelligence — 1st Batallion 184th Infantry — Grade O-1 Specialty MI  

I do not know the insignes on their uniforms, but Currie in the middle has different insignes on his lapel. The photo is Hi-res, so in a viewer you can easily enlarge pic to read the name tags. I could discern the following names from Left to Right — Ingham?, Bagley, Currie, Sanders, -not visible-, also in contradiction to Currie’s own words in his profile at Military.com.

1st Battalion, 5th Marines – Active Duty 1992-1996


The Marine Corps were founded on November 10, 1775 by the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, and took part in the quasi-war with France and against Barbary Pirates off the “shores of Tripoli” while the service was still young. The Corps participated in many wars of the nineteenth century, including defending Washington against the British in…  More  »

1ST/184TH INFANTRY REGIMENT     2003-2004
                   “LETS GO”


The 184th Infantry Regiment traces its roots to the Civil War. The regiment has proudly served on the battlefields of France and on Pacific islands, in the streets of Los Angeles and the firelines in California. This is a tribute to all who have served in the ranks of the 184th.

Latest members to join this unit:

  • Navarro, Vhong               Supporter -
  • Lopez, Melissa C             Family Member   2002-2004
  • Schlechter, Joseph R         Veteran         1957-1959
  • Bandy, Daniel W              Active Duty     2004-2004
  • Currie, Rusten D             Active Duty     2003-2004

Listed addresses for CURRIE, Rusten D. – Age 33 –
Venice CA and in Missouri: Ballwin, Ellisville and St. Charles, all locations near Créve Coeur and in vicinity of St. Louis.

[B] A critical review of blog Pax Romana by Rusten D. Currie et al.

I found the diary on Lieutenant C – Rusten D Currie – difficult to cope with. There were from the start two possibilities —

  1. A true blog from a soldier in Iraq, I could personally not engage in a political exchange of views, as I vehimentally oppose the war from the start and the deceit and lies to the American people by the Bush | Cheney | Rumsfeld administration. I find the occupation of Iraq and the killings of 30,000 innocent Iraqi citizens dead wrong, had nothing to do with the attack of 9/11.
  2. A shill operating to stifle criticism on Iraq by hijacking a platform of democratic grass roots discussion.

Simply put, as I read the replies from Lt C, I found them offensive by nature and unnatural. His remarks where often right-wingnut, far fetched and strikt political and military PROPAGANDA. I could not engage in discussion, and left a single comment. IMHO I found the diary of Lieutenant C an insult to critical thought, mandatory in a Democracy.

I copied all the replies of Lt C into my word processor for another critical review and took a closer look at his webblog. Especially the use of Latin on the website and his Pax Romana intrigued me. So I started by questioning his Pax Romana, or building of a new empire for a 1000 yr era, similar to the Romans under emperor Augustus around 14 BC and a period of 200 years. Based on suppression of any rebellion and promotion of free trade.

Augustus — Personality and achievement

Augustus was one of the great administrative geniuses of history. The gigantic work of reorganization that he carried out in every field of Roman life and throughout the entire empire not only transformed the decaying republic into a new, monarchic regime with many centuries of life ahead of it but also created a durable Roman peace, based on easy communications and flourishing trade. It was this Pax Romana that ensured the survival and eventual transmission of the classical heritage, Greek and Roman alike, and provided the means for the diffusion of Judaism and Christianity.

Although his regime was an autocracy, Augustus, being a tactful and imaginative master of propaganda of many kinds, knew how to cloak that autocracy in traditionalist forms that would satisfy a warworn generation — perhaps, most of all, the upper bourgeoisie immediately below the leading nobility, since it was they who benefitted from the new order more than anyone. He was also able to win the approbation, through the patronage of Maecenas, of some of the greatest writers the world has ever known, including Virgil, Horace, and Livy.

Their enthusiasm was partly due to Augustus’ conviction that the Roman peace must be under Occidental, Italian control. This was in contrast to the views of Antony and Cleopatra, who had envisaged some sort of Greco-Roman partnership such as began to prevail only three or four centuries later. Augustus’ narrower view, although modified by an informed admiration of Greek civilization, was based on his small-town Italian origins. These were also partly responsible for his patriotic, antiquarian attachment to the ancient religion and for his puritanical social policy.

© Encyclopedia Brittanica

More » Reading on PAX ROMANA in Wikipedia

[C] Another website praises Rusten D. Currie with report on Falluja and Iraqi children – photo of “Iraqi girl Adele”.

Having some idea of Pax Romana and Lt Rusten D Currie, and used Google search in its combination. I soon found another website, praising the blog of Lt C – Rusten D Currie – in particular his eyewitness account on Fallujah and the latest report on the Iraq children and little Iraqi girl Adele. See photo by intro above. The fair haired boy also raises my suspicion as to where photo was taken, but I didn’t succeed realizing it would be looking for a needle in a hay stack.

Googling for Images on “Iraqi girl” I found mostly severely bruised and injured Iraqi children, not the beautiful and smiling Adele of Lt C. No wonder Lt C in his replies made sure to bash all media on Iraq reporting.

[D] WhoIs Eldridge Currie on Internet and Pax Romana in March 9, 2003 – lead-up to Iraqi war

In GROUPS I Googled for currie and pax romana and found a thread in 2003 started by Eldridge Currie on subject: Greatest Terrorist Nation. His Email name was hidden by @cryptomail.org. Reading this discussion, the matter included the US Empire and Pax Romana. I pasted the thread in my word processor and cleaned it up so it could be read more easily.

WhoIs Eldridge Currie, I found one more mention in 1998, a discussion on Internet software development. His name was referenced to etcurrie@bigfoot.com and did some DNS – WhoIs tracking. Eldridge Currie is most likely an established person on the Internet, not connected to Rusten D Currie, but does provide a nice cover for a shill operation.

The exchange in March 2003 on thread is interesting though, as it seems the discussion was started by Eldridge Currie with an opposing view, IMO just to put the topic Greatest Terrorist Nation on agenda for discussion. Currie left it by opening statement and did not engage, unless through an alias. I recall that JG|JG used a double alias to have a discussion started on FR.

Later I found a comment that the use of name Eldridge Currie was likely identity theft.  See Post #2 – Eldridge Currie = Abu Musa Ali by Post Analysis Centre.


Rusten D. Currie is another shill reporter, similar to JG|JG and Bryan Suits, see dKos diary on PsyOps by LondonYank. Currie either still works for DoD Military Intelligence in Iraq, or is back in the US sitting behind a desk. He could also be employed, since leaving active duty, by one of the many GOP affiliated organisations who are receiving lots of state and federal money through grants, subsidies, tax breaks, “contracts” from Homeland Security or Commerce department – religion hand-outs – by the Bush | Cheney administration.

See my recent diary and references to more dKos diaries.

If Rusten D. Currie does live in St. Charles MO, he may even be employed by SBVT sponsor and backer Wiliam Franke, Founder, President and CEO of GANNON International of Créve Coeur MO, just next door.

A true picture of Iraqi US Marine Operations can be found on the official website:
2/5, 1/5 Civil Affairs Groups [CAG]work together.
Submitted by: 2nd Marine Division
Story Identification #: 200538112230
Story by Cpl. Tom Sloan


I thought I had finished diary, but after looking at some of the Google Images as linked above under alinea [3], I stumbled across a US Operation called:
Operation Iraqi Children [OIC]
LINK: Unit Pages » Operation Iraqi Freedom » Operation Iraqi Children.

Gary Sinise – LT Dan in Forrest Gump – is doing great things in Iraq in support of OIC

Check it out yourself, see some familiar features compared to the intro photo of “Iraqi girl”.

As back-up website – Archive.org – Operation Iraqi Children

Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité

Pope John Paul II – a Memorial

Celebration of today’s Mass in Sign of Hope

Outpouring of love for the deceased JPII has been overwhelming, the pelgrimage to the city of Rome has been unique.

People are camping out so they
can be close to the ceremony

As little as faith expressed by Catholics worldwide are part of news headlines, a pontifical reign of twenty-six years has left a powerful message.

A man of Peace who reached out to other religions —
As I listened to the radio interviews and watched very extensive TV coverage, the message from all persons who were touched by this remarkable man, have been focused on JPII being a kind, thoughtful and steadfast person in the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Someone who uses all of his energy to reach out to others, not only his flock, but across obstacles to youth, his would-be assassin, the Jewish community of Rome, people behind the Iron Curtain, the followers of Mohammed and the Indian community. Leaders of states in all corners of the earth, perhaps in daily life sworn enemies, will come to Rome to pay their respects to this man of Peace. A true inspiration for anyone who seeks to be touched by religion.

Pope Set Precedent With World Religions
By LOUIS MEIXLER, Associated Press Writer

ANKARA, Turkey – He was the first pope to visit a mosque and pray at Judaism’s holiest site, and he returned the relics of revered Orthodox Christian saints.

Friday will mark the first time the leaders of Orthodox Christianity and the Armenian Apostolic Church have attended a pope’s funeral.   Iran and Syria are sending their presidents, and Israel is dispatching its foreign minister — top levels of representation never before seen at papal funerals.

Ali Bardakoglu, Turkey’s top Islamic cleric, said he shared “the grief of Catholics worldwide.”

The pope’s ability to bridge the divide between religions was aided by his common touch and keen understanding of the power of symbolism, which inspired even those who sharply disagreed with him on issues of faith. Many people seemed to warm to the pope and regard him as genuinely holy even if they did not share his religious beliefs.

The note he slipped into a crack in the Western Wall apologizing for the suffering of Jews over the centuries has been preserved in Israel’s national Holocaust museum.  

For many Muslims, a key symbolic moment was when the pope stood in the ancient Omayyad Mosque in Damascus, Syria, in 2001 and appealed to Christians and Muslims to seek common ground rather than confrontation.  

JPII has become a giant of a person, a true leader in the footsteps of Peter, the one chosen by Jesus Christ to lead his flock and through 2,000 years this remarkable message of love of God, has recently been carried by Karol Wojtyla, a mineworker, actor, poet, sportsman and just a fine human being.

Pope John Paul II, his own pelgrimage to the Holy Land in 2000.

JPII in prayer during his visit

BBC – Journey of John Paul II – In Depth

Related Web Sites —

Vatican: The Holy See

Wikipedia: Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul II Cultural Center

Cross-posted at dKos —

POPE John Paul II – a Memorial
by Oui Fri Apr 8th, 2005

… and witness the hijack.

Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité

PropaG – GOPUSA in Texas & UA Richard Powell Investigated

GOPWEBTX new diary
Action items — to do list:

[7] Carole Keeton Rylander & McClellans at UT Law School
Womble & buckhead are key in SBVT

GOPWEB Search  University of Texas Law School

Dean Keeton Family
Carole Keeton Rylander
The McClellan Family
Dudley McClellan
Bradley McClellan
Suzi Ray McClellan
Scott McClellan

UT Foundation – Trustees
Bill & Barbara Womble

Link to: Womble Carlyle Lawyers?
William F. Womble, Jr.

More below the fold –


William F. Womble, Jr.

Bill Womble, Jr. is an experienced trial attorney. He has represented clients in cases ranging from the most complex class action suits to fact-intensive products liability and disability claims matters. He is particularly skilled in tirelessly ferreting out the facts that led up to a lawsuit,

Womble Carlyle — remember buckhead aka
Harry W. MacDougald.

Scott McClellan has easy access to Womble » buckhead » SBVT

EUROLEGAL — European take on US policy and NeoCons

This diary is an independent publication – shortened version of the diary at BOOMAN TRIBUNE [Cross-posted with permission from Oui].

For more specifics and details please read Oui’s diary.


David Bohigian – Partner of Richard Cruze Powell –
Director of the Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives at the US Department of Commerce.

Dr. Richard C. Powell at University of Arizona

  • VP for Research & Graduate Studies
  • Professor of Optical Science
  • Professor of Material Science

Incubator many start-up ventures

& UA Legal Counsel Judith Leonard crossed with student info and the Patriots Act.

PropaG – GOPUSA in Texas & UA Richard Powell Investigated
/by creve coeur Thu Apr 7th, 2005/

by creve coeur.

Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité

No need to recommend the diary here at Booman Tribune!

Elizabeth Wilmshurst – Missing Paragraph Revealed by TV4 – Blair embarrassed

Elizabeth Wilmshurst, Deputy Legal Advisor at State Department, resigned on March 18, 2003. In her letter of resignation, ONE paragraph was blanked out for the sake of the General Public’s interest.

TV4 has now revealed the missing paragraph, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

Iraq war: The smoking gun?

Documentary evidence has emerged showing that the Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, changed his mind about the legality of the Iraq war just before the conflict began.

The damning revelation is contained in the resignation letter of Elizabeth Wilmshurst, a legal adviser at the Foreign Office, in which she said the war would be a “crime of aggression”.

She quit the day after Lord Goldsmith’s ruling was made public, three days before the war began in March 2003.

Remainder below fold –

Ms Wilmshurst wrote:

“My views accord with the advice that has been given consistently in this office before and after the adoption of UN Security Council resolution 1441 and with what the Attorney General gave us to understand was his view prior to his letter of 7 March. (The view expressed in that letter has of course changed again into what is now the official line).”

Iraq war: The smoking gun? – continued –

The critical paragraph of her letter, published yesterday under the Freedom of Information Act, was blanked out by the Government on the grounds that it was in the public interest to protect the privacy of the advice given by the Attorney General. But last night the contents of the paragraph were leaked, and Tony Blair was facing fresh allegations of a cover-up.

There has long been speculation that Lord Goldsmith was leant on to switch his view, and to sanction the war – and confirmation of that would be devastating for the Prime Minister. The Wilmhurst letter stops short of explaining what caused Lord Goldsmith to change his mind.

Once again it has created an uproar in Great Britain, where another parliamentary document was released on the poor planning of post-war Iraq occupation and the mis-judgements made.

UK ‘lacked post-war Iraq plans’

The US-led coalition failed to plan properly for Iraq’s insurgency after the ousting of Saddam Hussein, a committee of MPs says in a report.

Planning for the post-conflict phase in Iraq was “marred by a series of mistakes and misjudgements”, the Commons Defence Committee said.

Great Britain, once a vast empire across the world, roars like a kitten and produces more commission documents and pacification statements on US agression, on a level reminiscent of Lord Chamberlains overtures before World War II.

Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité