Froggy Bottom Cafe – Show us your Snacks: CLOSED

Since this is a foody kinda day

It is time for True Confessions…

Hello my name is Parker and I am a potato chip-aholic. I am powerless when it come to these thin slices of evil.

This morning’s diary was about “Comfort” breakfast foods this one is about “Shame” foods… yunno the ones that you berate yourself for eating. We have all been there…

We live in a society that expects perfection yet we are still just mere mortals. I decided that I can not give up chips … I don’t know if it is the salt or the mega carb loading … so instead of “punishing” myself I just buy the smallest bag I can find. I have already given up cigs so I feel I deserve some “sin” in my life… how many Hail Mary’s is this worth?

Froggy Bottom Cafe – Breaking the Fast: CLOSED

Mmmmmmm…. breakfast

After reading DT’s gross food diary I decided to dedicate my first FBC to yummy breakfast foods…

yum biscuits and gravy this is not “pretty food”… but you are bound to lick your fingers after a plate full.

Another of my family’s favorite breakfast is cooked rice for breakfast. There was nothing better as a child to have cooked rice with butter and sugar drenched in evaporated milk… don’t ask where this came from… so far I have only seen my family eat it this way.

Breaking the fast is celebrated throughout the world. Our UK cousins go for the “Full English”


I could never get past the baked beans for breakfast… they are forever associated with hot dogs to my stomach.

One of my favorite places to have breakfast is in Turkey. They served a flat-ish bread, white soft cheese, tomatos (that taste like tomatos), olives and oranges (that tasted like oranges from 30 years ago in the US)…. and of course the best coffee in the world. .

Another favorite was made for me by a Malaysian friend. It was a kind of a rice porridge with strips of chicken, fresh ginger and lettuce… there is nothing better to start a chilly day fortified with a belly full of fresh ginger…

I could go on and on… breakfast is my favorite meal of the day… sadly it is not something I celebrate often … I usually just have a coffee and pastry in the morning at my desk… while opening my emails….

What is your favorite breakfast….?

It’s the WOMEN…. Stupid

What if there were no need to have abortions?

There is something happening here… what it is ain’t exactly clear

According to a New report from the Government Accountability Office: the FDA ignored scientific data and made a politically motivated decision on over-the-counter sales of Plan B Contraceptives

A congressional audit released Monday cited “unusual” steps in the FDA’s initial rejection of over-the-counter emergency contraception, including conflicting accounts of whether top officials made the decision even before scientists finished reviewing the evidence…

Hager told the group that he had not written his report from an “evangelical Christian perspective,” but from a scientific one — arguing that the panel had too little information on how easier availability of Plan B would affect girls younger than 16. The FDA later cited that lack of information as the reason it rejected the application.

I argued from a scientific perspective, and God took that information, and he used it through this minority report to influence the decision,” Hager said. “Once again, what Satan meant for evil, God turned into good.

Here is my question… is this just a coincidence that:

  1. Suddenly pharmacists are “choosing” who gets birth control and who doesn’t which increases unwanted pregnancies
  2. Push for abstinece only education — which increases unwanted pregnancies
  3. Open warfare on abortion rights which increases unwanted pregnancies
  4. Turning up the volume of the “Shame Game” of female sexuality which increases unwanted pregnancies
  5. Refusing to legalise and OTC contraception that would bypass steps 1 to step 4 which increases unwanted pregnancies

If I didn’t know better I would swear the wingnuts are trying to increase unwanted pregnancies.  They are turning our girls into Third World Villageoises… uneducated and pregnant. This is a vicious cycle that is being played out. There seems to be a method to their madness. One can only conclude is that the wingnuts are herding women into their skewed perverted image of womanhood with limited choices:

  1. stay chaste and marry and procreate
  2. be a slut and procreate in sin sentenced to a life of misery and shame because they are also the moving force behind cutting welfare supports
  3. or die trying to abort

Wouldn’t all of their nonsense be in vain if abortion were no longer nessecary?

  • If girls were taught how to be sexual and protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies and disease.
  • If access was given to OTC contraception like Plan B

Just these two actions alone would dramatically reduce the need for abortion… of course there will be exceptions and these will should be provided with safe abortions…so what the fuck is the problem????

Why are winguts (Rep and Dem) tripping over themselves trying to enslave women. Kerry and Hillary co-sponsored the “Right for Pharmacist to Discriminate Bill” with Sanatorum. The Democratic Leadership are bending over backwards looking for wingnut anti-abortion Dems to run…while kicking out progressives. Now Dems wants to spend MILLIONS of tax dollars to federally fund CPC’s… this is madness.

Just give’em the damn books and the pill

The light is finally being shed on the REAL reason for attacking abortion…

It’s the WOMEN…. Stupid

Women stay in their places better with children attached to their ankles… the largest and poorest  people (and most exploitable) on this planet are mothers.

It is just a hunch but companies like Target and Walmart seem to be preparing the ground to refuse to sell Plan B even if it is approved by the FDA…next look out for sudden restrictions of Internet sales of contraception.

Welcome to McAmerica

… now please bend over and do as I say.

Listening to ‘the Voice’
Ogborn was told to empty her pockets and surrender her car keys and cell phone, which she did. Then the caller demanded that Summers have Ogborn remove her clothes — even her underwear — leaving her with just a small, dirty apron to cover her naked body.

Summers says she never second-guessed what she was being asked to do, as she firmly believed the person she was talking to was a police officer. Ogborn says she trusted her manager to do what was right.

From: Alas a blog

The segment was about an incident that occurred at a McDonalds in KY. A caller phoned the shift manager, telling her that he was a police officer who needed her help in conducting an investigation of a teen employee, then on-duty, believed to have stolen a purse from a customer. The caller then made a series of instructions over about a three hour period, that led to the girl being strip searched, spanked, and humiliated. Finally, the supervisor is asked to bring her fiancé in to watch the girl, while the supervisor returns to work at the counter. The “police officer” then instructs the fiancé to have a girl perform a sex act on him, which he complies with. The girl is crying throughout this ordeal. At no point does anyone question the authenticity of the call, except for one teen worker who leaves in disgust, saying it’s all BS. The security camera in the office, captured the entire assault.

It’s the most troubling thing I seen, and frankly it kept me awake last night. The individual who made the call had been made hundreds of such calls to fast food restaurants all over the country. In 70 cases, the person answering the phone, complied with his requests, resulting in strip searches of employees and customers, and in some instances, cavity searches.

This case should spark a needed debate on our willingness to blindly respect “authority” figures, and our accountability when we participate in immoral acts.

Reading this sheds some light on the 35% of wingnuts who are willing to follow this adminstration into the bowels of evil…without questioning…

Is this the purpose of destroying the educational system and trying to replace it with religisosity…?

Oy Vey… Sex is nothing to be proud of …

I asked the girls I teach and love last Sunday, “When you offer oral sex to a boy who does not love you and may not even like you and who will most probably destroy your reputation by telling his friends what you will do, are you proud of yourself? Do you think you are making your parents proud of you? Do you think this is what God wants you to do with your body? You are better than that. You are much better than that.”

The shame… the utter shame… is it me or did the good Rabbi just reinforce a sterotype that little girls only use sex to be liked…

I asked the boys I teach and love last Sunday, “When you ask or beg or plead or coerce or manipulate a young girl who likes you and just wants to be popular to go down on you, are you proud of doing that to her? Do you think you are making your parents proud of you? Do you think this is what God wants you to do with your body? You are better than that. You are much better than that.”

Boy… that is one hell of a POWER trip the good Rabbi is laying on these boys… who just wanted their dicks sucked…

Hey… I have a crazy far left wacko idea… maybe they are trying to engage in their version of protected sex… and call me crazy… but maybe it JUST FEELS DAMN GOOD. But it is nice to know that those supposedly in the know are trying to infuse shame a guilt into the picture… instead of acknowledging that sex is a basic human instinct… EVEN WHEN IT WAS REPRESSED BACK IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS… Seems like it is easier for the religist to accept hypricrisy and guilt rather than truth…

Hypocrisy… the new morality

Oy vey…

Green Party will take up the reigns of Democracy…

Five-term incumbent Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, will face a challenge from a distant member of his own family, Green Party candidate Julian Hatch

I am opposing my own relative so citizens of Utah will finally have a real choice since Democrats have adopted so many Republican policy positions in recent years,” said Hatch, a lifelong Utah resident. He works as the state’s coordinator for the Western Watersheds Project, a public lands policy group based in Hailey, Idaho.

Julian Hatch opposes the war in Iraq and will also campaign for abortion rights, affordable health care, tax reform and public land protection.

“We are building a populist third party to challenge the ruling two-party system that has become immersed in big money and entrenched in fascist ideology,” he said.

I guess he did not get the memo that says: Increasing the number of Republican Democrats will protect librul values…. Looks like that folks are beginning to see  through that LIE.

Glad to see the Kaine Effect is waking up true progressives…

A Tale of Two Trials….

Has anyone else picked up the splendid irony that Libby’s trial will coincide with Saddam’s trial?…

This is an “Open Diary” in progress what are your thoughts on this? Have you notice that Saddam’s trial is no longer in the news? Do you think that the Dems can keep the pressure up for a full year?

People send money here…

Jerome Armstrong has graciously offered to refund the 100 dollars I sent to him after I having been so unceremoniously banned… for a yet unspecified reason.

I take Jerome’s offer and ask him to send it to either one or divide the 100 dollars between both:

The Lilith Fund

Texas Equal Access Fund

As per Moiv’s incredible diary: The Katrina Aid That Dare Not Speak Its Name

How many young women did we all see on our TV screens, bedding down on the floor at the Astrodome in Houston or Reunion Arena in Dallas with their babies and toddlers, surrounded by crumpled plastic bags that held all they had left in the world? There seemed to be thousands of them, and then more thousands.  As in any population of young women, many of them were pregnant.  And for a great number of those young women–the ones for whom unexpected and unwanted pregnancies represented a second disaster–the devastation that their lives had become was worsened by the anxiety of wondering how they could find the help they needed to have a desperately desired abortion.  

Fortunately, they didn’t have to depend on FEMA.  Low-income women who are residents of Texas and who cannot afford the cost an abortion are able to rely on two sources of help–the Lilith Fund and the Texas Equal Access Fund–volunteer nonprofit organizations that immediately expanded their previous scope to offer all possible assistance to displaced women who were relocated to Texas in the aftermath of Katrina.   Lilith and TEA typically provide somewhere from $50-100 in assistance, and as providers, we generally find a way to make up the rest.  

I also enocurage any one else to give to this fund… you will be helping a lot more than giving to some Republican Democrats who want to take push women back to the stone age.

Jerome Armstrong has graciously offered to refund the 100 dollars I sent to him after I having been so unceremoniously banned… for a yet unspecified reason.

I take Jerome’s offer and ask him to send it to either one or divide the 100 dollars between both:

The Lilith Fund

Texas Equal Access Fund

As per Moiv’s incredible diary: The Katrina Aid That Dare Not Speak Its Name

How many young women did we all see on our TV screens, bedding down on the floor at the Astrodome in Houston or Reunion Arena in Dallas with their babies and toddlers, surrounded by crumpled plastic bags that held all they had left in the world? There seemed to be thousands of them, and then more thousands.  As in any population of young women, many of them were pregnant.  And for a great number of those young women–the ones for whom unexpected and unwanted pregnancies represented a second disaster–the devastation that their lives had become was worsened by the anxiety of wondering how they could find the help they needed to have a desperately desired abortion.  

Fortunately, they didn’t have to depend on FEMA.  Low-income women who are residents of Texas and who cannot afford the cost an abortion are able to rely on two sources of help–the Lilith Fund and the Texas Equal Access Fund–volunteer nonprofit organizations that immediately expanded their previous scope to offer all possible assistance to displaced women who were relocated to Texas in the aftermath of Katrina.   Lilith and TEA typically provide somewhere from $50-100 in assistance, and as providers, we generally find a way to make up the rest.  

I also enocurage any one else to give to this fund… you will be helping a lot more than giving to some Republican Democrats who want to take push women back to the stone age.

Banned from MyDD

What the hell is happening to this so called proegressive Blogosphere?

DailyKos and MyDD are front paging and praising The Club for Growth and Senator Coburn for their symbolic gesture and feigned attempt at being human. Then wacking NARAL longtime allies of the Democratic party.

MyDD and Kos’s rhetoric about special interests groups sound like it was written by Arnold’s “special election” propogandist… mutterings about special interest groups and entrenched “old school” players. They are under the spell of Simon Rosenberg and his NDN “Do Not Think” Tank… tell me… what good can come from and organization fathered from the loins of Lieberman and Breaux… except… a bastard child that terrorizes the Democratic Party.

Like I said I had high hopes for 2006 but this is beginning to turn into another Nightmare with DLC/NDN:Part 13. This is not a rant… I am too tired of fighting these fools… but when we lose ONCE AGAIN in 2006 the blame should be laid squarely on their shoulders on those promoting this DLC/NDN bullshit. This lie about having to run to the right inorder to win … when it has been proven over and over again that IT DOES NOT WORK. Now the new line of attacking the base is that the party needs to believe in nothing (non ideological issue-less) inorder to win… this is going beyond stupidity… this is out right cretinous… they are making cyanide laced kool-aid for a mass suicide.

Banning is a sign of weakness… what did I do? I pointed out that MyDD had elevated a diary about the republican Massa to the recommend list eventhough another diary had more reccomends… (the comment you see after that is false… Jerome was not one of the two reccomends when I pointed this out).

Why is this on Booman… it is a telltale sign about the blogosphere in general and it’s coming demise with people like Simon Rosenberg trying to force it into his “business plan” to sell to corporate lobbyists.

Simon Rosenberg and the DLC/NDN couldn’t give a shit about the Democratic party… they started out as “business” selling favors from Democratic policitians to “Corporate SPECIAL INTEREST” groups, which is why the DLC and the NDN have been funded by right wing fascist like Koch Industries… somewhere along the way they realized that it was easier to just “create” their own politicians loyal to their corporate special interest groups. The fly in the oinment however, was that the Democratic party had its own so called special interest groups borne from the struggles of the civil rights movement, labor unrest and the women’s revolution… just to name a few.

These “old school” special interests groups have conflicting values with the “new school” corporate special interests groups that the DLC/NDN represent. Therefore they have set out on a task since the eighties to dismantle and distroy the base of the Democratic party in order to clear the decks for their “new friends”…like the Club for Growth etc.

This is why the Democrats have LOST EVERYTHING because we let in this DLC/NDN cancer which has burrowed deep into the party and is killing off viable activism and support for traditional Democratic values. Rolling over on the party principles to be in accordance with the DLC/NDN corporate special interest groups has pulled the blanket of protection off of the “old school” special interests… who no longer feel part of the Democratic party... and naturally so. Why the hell would women champion anti-choice wingnut just because he has a miniscule “d” behind their name after years of struggle and women dying to get the right to control their own bodies. The BIG LIE that Kos and others proport is that somehow magically voting to Republican Democrats will in the future protect women’s rights… I guess he thinks that all women fell off of the turnip truck yesterday… hey Kos I got a bridge in Alaska I’d like to sell…

It is not a coincidence the Simon Rosenberg is flooding the netroots with his 200 million dollars “Do Not Think” Tank… It is no surprise that the wife (Mary Maitlin) of the DLC biggest shill Carville (Democracy Corp) may be indicted along with her boss Karl Rove… it is no surprise that this administration as incompetent as it is, has surrived this long is due to complicity and aid from those high up in the Democratic Party.

Out of all of the bloggers I had the most respect for Jerome now he is just a petty pawn of the NDN… my only regret is I didn’t get my 100 bucks back I tossed in to help him buy a new server.

What the hell is happening to this so called proegressive Blogosphere?

DailyKos and MyDD are front paging and praising The Club for Growth and Senator Coburn for their symbolic gesture and feigned attempt at being human. Then wacking NARAL longtime allies of the Democratic party.

MyDD and Kos’s rhetoric about special interests groups sound like it was written by Arnold’s “special election” propogandist… mutterings about special interest groups and entrenched “old school” players. They are under the spell of Simon Rosenberg and his NDN “Do Not Think” Tank… tell me… what good can come from and organization fathered from the loins of Lieberman and Breaux… except… a bastard child that terrorizes the Democratic Party.

Like I said I had high hopes for 2006 but this is beginning to turn into another Nightmare with DLC/NDN:Part 13. This is not a rant… I am too tired of fighting these fools… but when we lose ONCE AGAIN in 2006 the blame should be laid squarely on their shoulders on those promoting this DLC/NDN bullshit. This lie about having to run to the right inorder to win … when it has been proven over and over again that IT DOES NOT WORK. Now the new line of attacking the base is that the party needs to believe in nothing (non ideological issue-less) inorder to win… this is going beyond stupidity… this is out right cretinous… they are making cyanide laced kool-aid for a mass suicide.

Banning is a sign of weakness… what did I do? I pointed out that MyDD had elevated a diary about the republican Massa to the recommend list eventhough another diary had more reccomends… (the comment you see after that is false… Jerome was not one of the two reccomends when I pointed this out).

Why is this on Booman… it is a telltale sign about the blogosphere in general and it’s coming demise with people like Simon Rosenberg trying to force it into his “business plan” to sell to corporate lobbyists.

Simon Rosenberg and the DLC/NDN couldn’t give a shit about the Democratic party… they started out as “business” selling favors from Democratic policitians to “Corporate SPECIAL INTEREST” groups, which is why the DLC and the NDN have been funded by right wing fascist like Koch Industries… somewhere along the way they realized that it was easier to just “create” their own politicians loyal to their corporate special interest groups. The fly in the oinment however, was that the Democratic party had its own so called special interest groups borne from the struggles of the civil rights movement, labor unrest and the women’s revolution… just to name a few.

These “old school” special interests groups have conflicting values with the “new school” corporate special interests groups that the DLC/NDN represent. Therefore they have set out on a task since the eighties to dismantle and distroy the base of the Democratic party in order to clear the decks for their “new friends”…like the Club for Growth etc.

This is why the Democrats have LOST EVERYTHING because we let in this DLC/NDN cancer which has burrowed deep into the party and is killing off viable activism and support for traditional Democratic values. Rolling over on the party principles to be in accordance with the DLC/NDN corporate special interest groups has pulled the blanket of protection off of the “old school” special interests… who no longer feel part of the Democratic party... and naturally so. Why the hell would women champion anti-choice wingnut just because he has a miniscule “d” behind their name after years of struggle and women dying to get the right to control their own bodies. The BIG LIE that Kos and others proport is that somehow magically voting to Republican Democrats will in the future protect women’s rights… I guess he thinks that all women fell off of the turnip truck yesterday… hey Kos I got a bridge in Alaska I’d like to sell…

It is not a coincidence the Simon Rosenberg is flooding the netroots with his 200 million dollars “Do Not Think” Tank… It is no surprise that the wife (Mary Maitlin) of the DLC biggest shill Carville (Democracy Corp) may be indicted along with her boss Karl Rove… it is no surprise that this administration as incompetent as it is, has surrived this long is due to complicity and aid from those high up in the Democratic Party.

Out of all of the bloggers I had the most respect for Jerome now he is just a petty pawn of the NDN… my only regret is I didn’t get my 100 bucks back I tossed in to help him buy a new server.

The Democrat who fought

This months Mother Jones is dedicated to Ohio and all it’s glory.

This months Mother Jones is dedicated to Ohio and all it’s glory.

The Ohio Insurgency

Onstage, Hackett never actually conceded the loss. Instead, he declared, “We can take this to other regions of the country and other regions of the state. I don’t want to see any teary eyes–this was a success!” Echoing his rallying cry as a Marine, he bellowed, “Let’s rock on!”

At the party, an Indian Hill neighbor of Hackett’s, attorney Michele Young, charged over to tell me what she thought had gone wrong. “When the DNC came in here two weeks ago, they brought in money and volunteers, but they were thinking the old way”–aiming their get-out-the-vote effort at likely Democrats. But Hackett’s strongest showing was in areas where he drew large numbers of Republican and independent voters. The DNC “were traditional thinkers with an outside-the-box candidate,” she insisted. “That’s why they lost.”

Still, the party hierarchy is clearly salivating over Hackett–though whether it aims to control a maverick or follow him remains to be seen. In the weeks after the election, Hackett’s phone rang off the hook with calls from power brokers such as Senator Chuck Schumer, chair of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, who invited him to come to Washington–a none-too-subtle hint that they back Hackett in his bid for DeWine’s Senate seat.

As Hackett moves forward, he will take fire from all sides. If the fate of Howard Dean’s antiwar candidacy is any indication, Democrats as well as Republicans will slam his anti-Bush rhetoric. Hackett’s own flaws–his hotheadedness, his political inexperience–will offer his opponents plenty of ammunition. A statewide race could quickly become a national barometer, with both parties pouring millions of dollars into Ohio as a down payment on 2008.

Hackett can taste the coming battle, and he likes it. Talking about what lies down the road, he sounds exactly the way he did during the August campaign, when he’d don his Ray-Bans and leap out of the car to change a few more minds: “You gotta get out there and fight the fight.”

Recounting Ohio


The Case of the Dead Computer

Sherole Eaton is a 66-year-old mother of five and a lifelong Democrat. In 2004, she was serving as the deputy director of the Board of Elections in Ohio’s Hocking County. Her path to controversy began on December 10, when a technician from Triad, a company that supplied electronic voting machines used in Hocking and 40 other Ohio counties, arrived at her office to help the staff prepare for the upcoming statewide recount of presidential ballots. According to an affidavit Eaton would later file, the tech, Michael Barbian, found that the computer the county used to store and count votes wouldn’t boot up. So he took it apart, connected it to a spare computer in the office, called Triad, worked on both machines some more, and then pronounced the original computer ready for the recount. He then instructed Eaton and the Board of Elections director, Republican Lisa Schwartze, on how to construct a “cheat sheet” so the hand recount would match the official tally. Barbian allegedly said he’d made similar service calls in five other Ohio counties.

To skeptics, this episode highlights one of the main ways the election was stolen: by manipulating the computers that recorded and tabulated ballots. According to the Free Press, 15 percent of Ohio’s ballots–a number seven times greater than Bush’s victory margin–were cast on electronic machines provided or programmed by companies with ties to the Republican Party, including Triad. True, a limited hand recount was held afterward, but it was a sham, the skeptics argue. They point to the indictment this past September of two Cuyahoga County election officials for offenses that include failing to randomly select the recount precincts. Eaton made a similar accusation in her county–and, as if to clinch the case, was later fired. When her affidavit was posted at one of the websites claiming that Bush stole Ohio, one blogger commented, “This speaks for itself.”

Firing Back

Democratic Party leaders, who recently hailed Hackett as one of their brightest new stars and wooed him into running for Senate, are now lining up behind their party’s insider. Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) has already endorsed Brown for Senate, and the rest of Ohio’s six-member Democratic congressional delegation are expected to follow suit, according to The Hill, the Washington, D.C. weekly.

Hackett campaign manager David Woodruff says that Hackett decided to stay in the race after attending a meeting last week in Portsmouth, Ohio. “We expected 20 people there, and we planned to spend an hour,” he recounted. Instead, “200 people showed up, and talked to Paul for three hours. We realized there are people like that all across the state looking for someone to support. Paul Hackett inspires people.”

Brown and Hackett are improbable adversaries. Brown helped Hackett in his Congressional run this summer by loaning him staff and contributing money. Had Brown not initially bowed out of the Senate race this summer, Hackett almost certainly would not have run for the seat.

Brown enters the primary battle with a $2 million war chest, and his campaign ads are already ubiquitous on liberal blogs such as DailyKos and MyDD (whose founder, Jerome Armstrong, is a paid consultant to the Brown campaign). Hackett, by contrast, starts his quixotic quest with $19,000 in the bank. The liberal blogosphere, which generated more than $500,000 for Hackett in his Congressional race, will be sharply divided between the two candidates. Hackett hopes to match Brown’s funding advantage by waging a grassroots campaign, barnstorming the state with his wife and three children in an RV that he just bought. He argues that being an outsider may actually be an asset. “I suspect that `06 is year of `throw the bums out,'” he told me. “It’s not gonna be musical chairs for professional politicians.” Brown counters, “I’m not giving up a safe congressional seat that I would be able to hold for at least a decade planning to lose. I want to see a change in the direction of this country and I think I can win this [primary] race and beat Mike DeWine.”

Friendly Fire Are Democrats trying to shoot down Paul Hackett in Ohio?


Brown dismisses the controversy his decision has sparked as a “tempest in a teapot.” He insists that “nobody recruited me to run against Paul Hackett.” And though Hackett says Brown told him point-blank that he wasn’t running, Brown maintains that he was simply wrestling with whether to run because of family considerations. “If your readers or others can’t understand that, then so be it, but my family comes first,” the congressman says. “Paul Hackett is a decent man, he served his country,” he adds, “but no one is entitled to a Senate nomination.”

The liberal blogosphere, which played a critical role in raising money and awareness for Hackett’s summer campaign, has been fractured by the dustup. Brown, who led the fight against CAFTA in the House and voted against the Iraq war, is a progressive who has long cultivated netroots support. This has prompted a crossfire between bloggers, with at least one former Hackett supporter, who is also a paid consultant to the Brown campaign, being accused of “looking for a payday” by boosting Brown.