Author: Parker

A Tale of Two Trials….

Has anyone else picked up the splendid irony that Libby’s trial will coincide with Saddam’s trial?… This is an “Open Diary” in progress what are your thoughts on this? Have you notice that...

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People send money here…

Jerome Armstrong has graciously offered to refund the 100 dollars I sent to him after I having been so unceremoniously banned… for a yet unspecified reason.

I take Jerome’s offer and ask him to send it to either one or divide the 100 dollars between both:

The Lilith Fund

Texas Equal Access Fund

As per Moiv’s incredible diary: The Katrina Aid That Dare Not Speak Its Name

How many young women did we all see on our TV screens, bedding down on the floor at the Astrodome in Houston or Reunion Arena in Dallas with their babies and toddlers, surrounded by crumpled plastic bags that held all they had left in the world? There seemed to be thousands of them, and then more thousands.  As in any population of young women, many of them were pregnant.  And for a great number of those young women–the ones for whom unexpected and unwanted pregnancies represented a second disaster–the devastation that their lives had become was worsened by the anxiety of wondering how they could find the help they needed to have a desperately desired abortion.  

Fortunately, they didn’t have to depend on FEMA.  Low-income women who are residents of Texas and who cannot afford the cost an abortion are able to rely on two sources of help–the Lilith Fund and the Texas Equal Access Fund–volunteer nonprofit organizations that immediately expanded their previous scope to offer all possible assistance to displaced women who were relocated to Texas in the aftermath of Katrina.   Lilith and TEA typically provide somewhere from $50-100 in assistance, and as providers, we generally find a way to make up the rest.  

I also enocurage any one else to give to this fund… you will be helping a lot more than giving to some Republican Democrats who want to take push women back to the stone age.

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Banned from MyDD

What the hell is happening to this so called proegressive Blogosphere?

DailyKos and MyDD are front paging and praising The Club for Growth and Senator Coburn for their symbolic gesture and feigned attempt at being human. Then wacking NARAL longtime allies of the Democratic party.

MyDD and Kos’s rhetoric about special interests groups sound like it was written by Arnold’s “special election” propogandist… mutterings about special interest groups and entrenched “old school” players. They are under the spell of Simon Rosenberg and his NDN “Do Not Think” Tank… tell me… what good can come from and organization fathered from the loins of Lieberman and Breaux… except… a bastard child that terrorizes the Democratic Party.

Like I said I had high hopes for 2006 but this is beginning to turn into another Nightmare with DLC/NDN:Part 13. This is not a rant… I am too tired of fighting these fools… but when we lose ONCE AGAIN in 2006 the blame should be laid squarely on their shoulders on those promoting this DLC/NDN bullshit. This lie about having to run to the right inorder to win … when it has been proven over and over again that IT DOES NOT WORK. Now the new line of attacking the base is that the party needs to believe in nothing (non ideological issue-less) inorder to win… this is going beyond stupidity… this is out right cretinous… they are making cyanide laced kool-aid for a mass suicide.

Banning is a sign of weakness… what did I do? I pointed out that MyDD had elevated a diary about the republican Massa to the recommend list eventhough another diary had more reccomends… (the comment you see after that is false… Jerome was not one of the two reccomends when I pointed this out).

Why is this on Booman… it is a telltale sign about the blogosphere in general and it’s coming demise with people like Simon Rosenberg trying to force it into his “business plan” to sell to corporate lobbyists.

Simon Rosenberg and the DLC/NDN couldn’t give a shit about the Democratic party… they started out as “business” selling favors from Democratic policitians to “Corporate SPECIAL INTEREST” groups, which is why the DLC and the NDN have been funded by right wing fascist like Koch Industries… somewhere along the way they realized that it was easier to just “create” their own politicians loyal to their corporate special interest groups. The fly in the oinment however, was that the Democratic party had its own so called special interest groups borne from the struggles of the civil rights movement, labor unrest and the women’s revolution… just to name a few.

These “old school” special interests groups have conflicting values with the “new school” corporate special interests groups that the DLC/NDN represent. Therefore they have set out on a task since the eighties to dismantle and distroy the base of the Democratic party in order to clear the decks for their “new friends”…like the Club for Growth etc.

This is why the Democrats have LOST EVERYTHING because we let in this DLC/NDN cancer which has burrowed deep into the party and is killing off viable activism and support for traditional Democratic values. Rolling over on the party principles to be in accordance with the DLC/NDN corporate special interest groups has pulled the blanket of protection off of the “old school” special interests… who no longer feel part of the Democratic party... and naturally so. Why the hell would women champion anti-choice wingnut just because he has a miniscule “d” behind their name after years of struggle and women dying to get the right to control their own bodies. The BIG LIE that Kos and others proport is that somehow magically voting to Republican Democrats will in the future protect women’s rights… I guess he thinks that all women fell off of the turnip truck yesterday… hey Kos I got a bridge in Alaska I’d like to sell…

It is not a coincidence the Simon Rosenberg is flooding the netroots with his 200 million dollars “Do Not Think” Tank… It is no surprise that the wife (Mary Maitlin) of the DLC biggest shill Carville (Democracy Corp) may be indicted along with her boss Karl Rove… it is no surprise that this administration as incompetent as it is, has surrived this long is due to complicity and aid from those high up in the Democratic Party.

Out of all of the bloggers I had the most respect for Jerome now he is just a petty pawn of the NDN… my only regret is I didn’t get my 100 bucks back I tossed in to help him buy a new server.

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