Update: Kos: First womens studies, then hippies, now …

First They Came for …

First they came for the Sanctimonious women’s studies set
and I did not speak out
because I was not the in Sanctimonious women’s studies set.

Then they came for the Touchy-feely hippy types that thinks war is inherently bad
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Touchy-feely hippy types that thinks war is inherently bad.

Then they came for the Idiotic LBGT groups
and I did not speak out
because I was not an Idiotic LBGT.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me

A definite trend I would say.
Perhaps someone should pick out the mote in the eye of the Democratic Party who highly regards Bi-PARTISANSHIP” (ie selling out) above Party everytime ….before… they holler bloody murder about the “alledged” mote in the eyes of true bi-partisanship organizations.

Is Daily Kos now the new lawn mower, contracted to mow down all those pesty bipartisan special interest groups who refuse dagummit not to be Democratic partisans?

How dare they!!!

Funny, this…

Particulary, when we are now watching on television one of the biggest bi-partisan fuckfest (pardon my french) with the Roberts hearings. No one is fooled. Democrats are going to vote for Roberts even though it is against everything the Democratic base thought this party stands for.

So, how does Democrats supporting Roberts “advance the Democratic parties mission — equality based on sexual orientation and gender expression and identity.”  or women’s reproductive rights, or upholding international laws for war and torture…etc. yunno the whole damn Democratic platform?

That is one heck of a smote in your eye….

Update [2005-9-14 14:10:9 by Parker]: I just think everyone should see this tripe. Kos has been systematically disenfranchising “special interests” group on his blog and now Simon “DLC/NDN” Rosenberg proclaims in Newsweek that the Blogoshpere is NOT leaning to the left… the unmittigated gall of these people is sickening.

New Orleans and the Demise of the Democrats

Black Commentator

“They have M-16s and they’re locked and loaded. These troops know how to shoot and kill, and they are more than willing to do so.”Kathleen Blanco, Democratic Louisiana Governor Governor

But I want to thank the president.”Mary Landrieu, Democratic Louisiana Senator

“…you and I are not in a position to make any judgment because we weren’t there.”Bill Clinton, former Democratic President

Democrats made these mean spirited and ignorant statements. The entire country is facing the plight of the people of New Orleans, coping with the dangers of Republican hell and Democratic high water. One party is proud of its viciousness while the other claims not to be vicious but proudly proclaims its willingness to shoot desperate refugees.

The degree of Democratic callousness in the New Orleans tragedy may be shocking at first, but it is actually consistent with the direction the party has taken for the past two decades. The Democrats are dying a slow political death. Their inaction and acquiescence in New Orleans is just the latest symptom presented by a terminal patient.

In the summer of 2005 President Bush’s approval ratings took a dive. The plunge was not the result of any shrewd political moves by the Democrats. Iraq is dragging Bush down. His approval ratings are akin to Richard Nixon’s at the time of his resignation during the Watergate scandal. The issue that could have catapulted John Kerry into the White House is rearing its head yet again, but Democrats refuse to take up the challenge.

Not only do they refuse to fight, but they aren’t shy about admitting their cowardice. Party leadership boldly states for the record that they will continue to support a president whose policies have now become a liability for his own administration. They repeat John Kerry’s losing talking points as if they were religious scripture. Hillary Clinton, the likely nominee in 2008, advocates sending more troops to Iraq. Only one Democratic Senator, Russell Feingold, has publicly called for a withdrawal of American troops.

The rest make baffling appeals to their fellow Democrats to stay on the sinking ship. “The smartest thing Democrats can do is be supportive,” opines former Clinton press secretary Mike McCurry. It has to be an historic first for a political party to make a conscious decision not to kick an opposition that is on the ropes.

In the face of the New Orleans disaster Bill Clinton, still the party leader, decided to cheapen himself yet again and fetch the stick when the Bushies threw it. On the same day that the Mayor of New Orleans begged for help and thousands of refugees told horror stories of being left to fend for themselves without food, water or adequate sanitation, Bill Clinton agreed to hang out with Bush 41 and raise corporate cash.

The love fest with the Bushies was a shameful performance. Thousands of people who couldn’t get out of the city followed directions to take refuge in the Superdome. They waited on line for hours and then sat helplessly as the stadium roof didn’t live up the word “super.” The wind and rain they hoped to escape came inside. They lived in fear of assault, reused disposable diapers and urinated on the floor, but the former president had only these words of comfort:

So I understand why they’re so anxiety-ridden. But they have to understand, by the time it became obvious that they were in the fix they were in, there were a lot of other problems, too.”

Clinton could have been worse. He could have bragged about shoot to kill orders.

If Clinton really wanted to help New Orleans he should have refused the offer to join the old boys network of former presidents. He could have been the voice of an indignant and outraged nation. As a former president he was uniquely qualified to ask why the Department of Homeland Security kept no one in the Gulf Coast secure. He also has, or rather had, the unique ability to send Republicans into a frenzy of rage.

Bill Clinton could have cut short the wait for help with a simple offer to coordinate the relief effort personally. Dubya would have stopped looking like a deer caught in headlights and demanded action, if only to keep Clinton from getting any credit.

Whether the issue is Iraq or hurricane Katrina, millions of Democrats still live in hope that their party will fight for them. Instead they are left disappointed and angry after years of electoral failure and complacency.

New Orleans itself epitomizes the anguish of Democrats. In 2004 it dodged the hurricane Ivan bullet. This city run by black Democrats only reluctantly opened the Superdome to shelter potential refugees. Despite the Ivan warning they did not develop an evacuation plan for the thousands of residents who don’t have cars, the only adequate means of escape. Their plan seemed to consist of hope, denial and wishful thinking that major hurricanes would miss the city and that levees would always hold up.

Republicans won’t suffer when Bush is unable and unwilling to help thousands of Americans suffering from a natural disaster. They won’t suffer when he arrives at the disaster scene and messes up a simple photo-op by laughing and smirking inappropriately and talking about Trent Lott’s destroyed vacation home.

They won’t suffer no matter what they do because the Democrats are impotent. If the Republicans fail, the failure will be theirs alone. The Democrats will only win if by some miracle the Republicans find a way to do themselves in politically. In the meantime the Dems are like New Orleans, under water, engulfed by debris, and unable to answer pleas for help.

Highlights are mine… personally I am of the mind that if the Democrats do not oppose Roberts 100% … I am outta this party… simply because there will be no democracy left to save.

Why didn’t they just evacuate in their Cadillacs?

Time to kill the Southern Strategy

It is time once again for the Democratic Party to be the moral leaders of those “Old Timey” issues such and race and poverty.

It is as relevant today as it was at the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement. That the poor in New Orleans did NOT have a Cadillac to escape and now the government by Executive Order is not allowing then to earn the prevailing wage.

We can not let the Republicans demonize EVEN MORE African Americans and the poor. After hearing Pat Buchanan spew “looting, raping and welfare checks” in the same sentence… I see this is where it is heading.

Democrats must resuscitate the issues and ideologies that we are good at.

This time around we need to take the lead in the framing wars. No longer can we tolerate rhetoric like Reagan’s “Welfare Queen who picks up her welfare check in her big new Cadillac”… The Republicans have played this myth so well that now the mere mention of taxes sends off dog whistles to whites that their money will be given to welfare queens.

The crying call of the Democrats should be:
No Representation without Taxation

Sometimes I wonder if the real purpose behind the taxes cuts is to thwart representation of the average citizen…

Democrats can no longer unravel the Safety Net with policies like Bill Clinton’s “Reform welfare as we know it” that pandered to the lies and fears of far right.

Democrats keep America safe

  • Safe from immoral wars
  • Safe from attacks on Americans civil and constitutional rights
  • Safe to have equal opportunities in the workplace as well as the classroom
  • Safe to grow old with dignity
  • Safe from corrupt policies and laws that favor the powerful and hurt the powerless
  • Democrats will save Democracy and the Constitution in the United States

We are not going to get this new vision from the DLC/NDN types who want to do away with “Old Timey issues and ideology” … the mainstay of the Republican winning streak.

Reform is NOT about throwing overboard women, minorities, labor, gays…yunno the Democratic base.

Reform is NOT about getting rid of special interest groups or even having them to suppress their issues for the greater good…

It is about creating a common value within all of these interest groups. Reform must be about reframing liberal and progressive values and policies into a coherent whole: what affirmative action has to do with progressive taxation, what abortion has to do with affirmative action, what environmentalism has to do with feminism, what labor has to do with education etc.

We must reweave the safety net so that those who walk the straight and narrow path, who defend this country in battle, who work, who pay taxes… will not be left to drown if they slip.

Breaux spins hay into gold…

Breaux and his DLC/NDN cronies make a play to take over NOLA reparations.

Former U.S. Sen. John Breaux, along with other former Louisiana congressional members, engineers, urban planners and economic developers, are banding together to examine Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, Breaux said Saturday.

The Hurricane Katrina Commission will focus on how New Orleans should be rebuilt, not whether it should be rebuilt, he said. “Just as the commission formed after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center never sought to recommend whether the twin towers should be rebuilt.”

But Breaux said despite what could have been done before Katrina hit to protect New Orleans from the massive flood waters that blanketed the city when its levees failed, neither he nor the national commission he is working to form will be part of “the blame game.”

“This is not the time or forum,” he said, to blame local, state or federal officials. “Blame does not save lives, feed families or compensate for loss.”

He praised city officials for working with Gov. Blanco and the National Guard to evacuate the thousands who were evacuated before the storm and continue to be evacuated and said that each day, the situation is improving.

Breaux rejected the idea that food, water and supplies were slow to reach those stranded at the Superdome and Convention Center because of racial motivations.

“Mayor Ray Nagin is an African American, almost the entire New Orleans City Council is made up of African-Americans. To suggest that these African-American leaders would shortchange their own citizens is a suggestion that is absolutely without merit.” [No fingers pointed here!!]

Breaux said areas surrounding New Orleans with a higher percentage of white were just as slow to receive supplies.

Breaux is the co-founder along with LIEberman and Rosenberg of NDN… an organization which accepts donations by Republican bigwigs like Koch Industries.

Moments after Katrina hit…Breaux went on air calling saying that it was reprehensible for Democrats to make political hay

M. O’BRIEN: Let me ask you this, though. Let’s flip this around for a moment. This is kind of turning in, I’m seeing shreds of this on the web and on the blogs of this being the allegation is that Democrats are using this as a political issue. What to you say to that?

BREAUX: I’ve heard the racial implications. I would categorically reject that. Our good Mayor Ray Nagin is African- American and almost all the city council is African-American. The sheriff is African-American. The areas south of New Orleans, Plaquemine and St. Bernard Parishes are predominantly white and the rescue efforts down there were certainly no faster. If anything, they were slower down there.

M. O’BRIEN: I’m talking also, though, about Democrats using this to make political hay with elections upcoming. In that own way, that’s reprehensible too, isn’t it?

BREAUX: That is totally reprehensible. There will be time to find out what went right and what went wrong. But I think it’s not the time to start talking about political implications. I’m a Democrat. I would heartedly reject that. People are trying as hard as they can to get what is done, being done accomplished right away. Should it have been done sooner? Absolutely, no question about it. But there will be a lot of time for soul searching later on.

Democrats can not get ahead not because we don’t go to church as much as Republicans, or that we believe in the right for women to make their own medical descions or that we are against an immoral war… Democrats can not get ahead because we have to many backstabbing Republicans in Democratic clothing weaking the party from inside… you know who you are.

This is why no one is covering the security issue… because it would actual “hurt” the Republicans….can’t bite the hand that feeds you.

what Mayor Nagin said on race today

While Nagin has previously said he didn’t think the slow response was related to the demographic of the overwhelmingly poor, African-American crowd that needed rescuing, his thinking has evolved.

Definitely class, and the more I think about it, definitely race played into this,” he said. “How do you treat people that just want to walk across the bridge and get out, and they’re turned away, because you can’t come to a certain parish? How do resources get stacked up outside the city of New Orleans and they don’t make their way in? How do you not bring one piece of ice?

“If it’s race, fine, let’s call a spade a spade, a diamond a diamond. We can never let this happen again. Even if you hate black people and you are in a leadership position, this did not help anybody.”

No demographic is safe, with FEMA eviscerated by privatization and transfer of responsibilities to an untested and unprepared DHS. That’s what it looks to me. nonetheless, it seems obvious that issues of class and race affected the response — why wouldn’t they?

Bush orders FEMA to protect wrong areas of LA

Taken from BobHarris.com

Statement on Federal Emergency Assistance for Louisiana

The President today declared an emergency exists in the State of Louisiana and ordered Federal aid to supplement state and local response efforts in the parishes located in the path of Hurricane Katrina beginning on August 26, 2005, and continuing.

The President’s action authorizes the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to coordinate all disaster relief efforts which have the purpose of alleviating the hardship and suffering caused by the emergency on the local population, and to provide appropriate assistance for required emergency measures, authorized under Title V of the Stafford Act, to save lives, protect property and public health and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe in the parishes of Allen, Avoyelles, Beauregard, Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, Caldwell, Claiborne, Catahoula, Concordia, De Soto, East Baton Rouge, East Carroll, East Feliciana, Evangeline, Franklin, Grant, Jackson, LaSalle, Lincoln, Livingston, Madison, Morehouse, Natchitoches, Pointe Coupee, Ouachita, Rapides, Red River, Richland, Sabine, St. Helena, St. Landry, Tensas, Union, Vernon, Webster, West Carroll, West Feliciana, and Winn.

Specifically, FEMA is authorized to identify, mobilize, and provide at its discretion, equipment and resources necessary to alleviate the impacts of the emergency. Debris removal and emergency protective measures, including direct Federal assistance, will be provided at 75 percent Federal funding.

Representing FEMA, Michael D. Brown, Under Secretary for Emergency Preparedness and Response, Department of Homeland Security, named William Lokey as the Federal Coordinating Officer for Federal recovery operations in the affected area.


Compare and contrast with the full and specific statewide list of parishes and the services they will receive issued after the storm hit.

UPDATE: I’ve received numerous emails explaining that all of the coastal parishes were already declared disaster areas because of Tropical Storm Cindy, which struck in June.  Checking with FEMA’s own website… nope.  Only five coastal parishes — Jefferson, Lafourche, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, and St. Charles — seem to be covered here, and only on a limited basis at that.

This is explicitly confirmed by the presidential authorization of August 23, as posted on the White House website.

There is more:

Although not as bad as the complete inversion of Louisiana…for some unknown reason they also did not protect four counties in Mississippi:Wayne, Perry, Greene and George Does any one know anything about these counties??? Like are they Democratic???

It is the SECURITY…Stupid

Where the hell are all of our “Security Dems” and left-wing “Military Hawks”?

There is only one TRUTH in this whole fiasco:

Republicans can not Keep America safe

The GOP won the 2004 presidency and the swept the COngress on the fact that they were “trigger-happy”… it is a shame that their bluster has no relevance to actual threats to the US and Americans… but only to the vested interest ie Oil

Katrina shows clearly, that this adminstration has absolutly NO INTENTION on keeping Americans safe

Even the most ardent GOPer fluffers like Brooks and Russert can see that… why aren’t the “Security Democrats” and the left-wing “military Hawks” talking about American Security???

“Batman” aka Al From and his “Robin” aka Simon Rosenberg are trying to promote any candidate that has worn a uniform since WWII…(even Republicans ie Massa). Why are they not telling the truth that:

Trigger-Happiness…does NOT equal a National Security Plan.

This is even evident to all the “Security Moms”, and wingnuts who voted for Bush because 9/11 scared the shit out of them and they wanted a “Bad Motherfucker” in charge who wasn’t bashful about going “Mid-evil” on some terrorists ass…

LIEberman was outraged when Dean called DHS on the use of “Security Alerts” as political… and they were.

Thousands of people have died this past week (some estimate say 10 time the amount of 9/11), 1.5 million were made homeless and a landmass the size of Great Britain (or the size of a nuclear attack) lay in ruins and the “Security Alert” never moved up from YELLOW… so what does that tell you. This adminstration has no clue on how to keep Americans safe… and really could not give a shit as illustrated in their actions on the first three days of this catatrophe.

What was the “National Security” response… “Shoot at it” and kill the story

It is the SECURITY…Stupid

The US is not safe under Bush

That is the meme… that is what Russert was screaming about on IMUS today…

So where the hell are all of those so-called “Security Dems”???? This is was the one reason he was re-elected… he told the country that he could keep the US safer than the Democrats…that is not true.

So why is not Al From and Simon Rosenberg screaming that this is a failure in keeping the US safe… why??… because they are as big  liars as Bush…

The Centrists like Al From, Simon Rosenberg, Joe LIEberman, Breaux and Bull Clinton… security means one thing… funding from the military industry… They want to swagger around with big guns… so they keep reenforcing the credibility of the Iraq War all advocating that the “War on Terror” a GOP construct created in a right wing “think tank”…can be won… yeah and I got a bridge in Brooklyn I wanna sell… they just want to get rich(er) by selling the Democratic party to the military lobbyists.

The only Real “Security Dem” I have seen in the past three years… has been Dean. He warned in the primaries that Iraq was no place for the National Guard. Dean warned that we were dangerously low on first responders… He warned that great photo ops like Saddam being captured did not make America safe… but our Democratic “Military Hawks” poo poo’d him… no place for dirty hippy talk.

No Dean is not a “Military Hawk” because the definition of war is a Diplomatic FAILURE … and two ingnorant entities have decided to slug it out instead.

So… for all those Dems wringing their hands that people don’t vote for Democrats is because we don’t prance around bullying people… well here the reality…


All those Military-Hawks-Security-Dems are strangely silent….

Is FEMA intentionally SABOTAGING NOLA efforts?

Stolen from DK

As speculated here, Bush was pressuring La. Gov. Blanco to federalize the National Guard. Blanco resisted fearing she would lose control of the rescure and reconstruction effort. Apparently this battle went on Friday night. On Saturday, before the president’s speech, she faxed Bush a letter confirming that she would not allow the Guard to be federalized. Apparently they would lose their power to aid in police efforts.

So, so far, so good. Maybe Blanco was wrong.

The kicker, though, is that Gen. Russell Honoree, The Ragin’ Cajun who is in charge of the relief effort, said HE didn’t need the Guard federalized either. Honoree was pissed and said “the big brains” better get together to figure this stuff out.

Maybe a military coup would be a positive thing?

My question is is there really a need to Federalize? What is the precedent?


If so I am on Blancos side… it is digsuting to “Politicize” aid money in this tragedy. The GOP refuses to acknowledge 49.5 % of the population that did not vote for Bush.

Bush names Roberts for chief justice

President George W. Bush announced on Monday that he wants appeals court judge John Roberts, who is awaiting Senate confirmation hearings this week to serve on the Supreme Court, to succeed the late William Rehnquist as U.S. chief justice.

Ted Kennedy was there to “congratulate” Roberts.