Author: Parker

Give to people you know taking in Survivors

Many people are opening up their homes to Survivors of Katrina. They need to feed these people, buy diapers, medicine ect. If you know anyone who has opened up their homes …give to them… at least you know that your...

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Breaux is a …

Think of any filthy disgusting adjective… This so called Demcrat and the co-founder of NDN just went on CNN and said race did not affect the rescue efforts and that the Democrats were “reprehensible” for...

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Not the 1st time NOLA left Blacks to drown

The Storm After the Storm David Brooks puts an historical perspective on race and natural disasters. Hurricanes come in two waves. First comes the rainstorm, and then comes what the historian John Barry calls the “human...

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Warning about Charities

I knew something was wrong with the “published” list of charities…. Did you know that Operation Blessing is Pat Robertson’s charity… who wouda thunk it… radical clerics filling their thoughs...

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