Author: pastordan

Help A Community Member Update

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the cause yesterday,

we have raised $3700 for our fellow Kosmonkey’s family. Brilliant!

Still, as the bat implies, we can yet top ourselves. Can we hit $5,000? Only time and trust will tell.

I’ve reprinted the appeal from yesterday below the fold. For those of you who are Paypal shy, drop me an e-mail if you have not already done so. I’ll be sending out a note to those of you who have already written to me tonight.

Thanks so much, you all. This is amazing work.

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Help a Fellow Community Member

A week or three ago, I received an e-mail from a community member, whose name most of you would recognize. His wife is in a real jam with health problems, and they are having trouble finding the money to help her get healthy. He was, frankly, out of options, and turned to me, not knowing what else to do.

His wife is an intensely private person, so this appeal will need to be made anonymously. But trust me, you know and love this person, and this is a case of real need: it will take between $8,000 and $13,000 to bring her home safely.

Text of the appeal below the fold.

Please recommend this diary.

P.S.: A couple of people have asked about alternatives to Paypal. We’re working on that. Shoot me an e-mail, and I’ll let you know.

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Cathedrals of the Right

There’s an emerging consensus around the liberal blogosphere around a few topics–some Harriet Miers-related, some not:

  1. Conservative activists are deeply disappointed by Miers’ nomination, not least because Bush’s second SCOTUS seat was supposed to be the hard right’s opportunity to give a one-fingered salute to moderates and liberals.

  2. Despite that disappointment, many conservative evangelicals are falling in line anyway.

  3. Despite that, some of those conservative evangelicals may be full of crap concerning the enthusiasm of their endorsement.

  4. All of this is the result of a Republican base steadily marching to the right, often a specifically Christian right.

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Signals for James Dobson

About that “signal” that James Dobson says he’s waiting for in re: Harriet Miers: I think we all know that this is nothing more than a political dodge. Dobson may be honestly conflicted about Miers, but he...

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Brothers and Sisters,

living in the gift of grace, let us pray* for our community, the world, and all who long to experience God’s compassionate love.

A brief silence.

God of the vineyard, you call us to work in your fields with righteousness and justice. May your creative purpose take root in our lives, bearing good fruit in our living and serving.
God of steadfast love,
hear our prayer.

*Meditate, hold in good and active thought.

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