Author: Paul Rosenberg

‘Serenity’ And The Supreme Court

I went to see Serenity, Joss Whedon’s film debut, yesterday.  It begins with a presentation of the official story, how Humanity left an overcrowded Earth to colonize nearby space, and found a system rich in earthlike planets and moons, how the progressive core of the more civilized planets fought and won a war against the more primitive periphery.

The scene shifts to where the story is being told, a shimmering outdoor “classroom” echoing archetypes of Golden Age Greece, with a beautiful youngish teacher, and her charges, small children, one of whom asks (paraphrase) “Why would they fight against us? Why wouldn’t they want to healthy, happier and more civilized?”  There’s a bit of back and forth, then one girl who’s been furiously working her hand-held electronic tablet looks up and says, “We’re meddlers.  People don’t like to meddled with.”

Who Are The Real Meddlers? on the flip…

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A Teachable Moment–What Is Racism Today?

[promoted by BooMan] America is haunted by the ghost of its racist past. The vast majority of Americans today are not racists and are justifiably upset if they are accused of racism. Yet, despite the absence of racists, racism...

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