Author: Pen

It’s time to repossess the banks

The NYT’s came out with an article Sunday that posed the question:  Should the government nationalize the banks?  Natually, our fearful leaders danced around the question of nationalization, fearing right wing...

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Back when Gates was a "shoot first crazy neocon".

Well, well, it seems the first blush is wearing off on the Obama honeymoon.  People are getting up in arms over some of his recent appointments.  While others are trying to defend his choices by saying that: He is...

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Congress should help the UAW buy out the Big Three

Advance the money as a loan to the UAW in return for commitments to higher energy standards and working towards oil independence.  Let American workers reap the profits from their own blood, sweat and tears instead of some...

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Todays news made me feel good for a change

I’ve been down on Obama since rumors started surfacing of the kind of people he’s thinking of putting into office.  However, with todays announcement of Eric Holder to be our next Attorney General, I have to say...

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GM: Give us 50mpg TODAY!

Not 10 years from now.  Not 5 years from now.  Not 2 years from now.  TODAY.  Starting IMMEDIATELY. Because if 6 high school kids from Philly were able to do it a few years ago, then you can certainly do it...

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