Author: Planet B

Justus for Missouri: MO-10 (State Senate)

Below the fold is an email I received from Jolie Justus, a good friend from college who is running for the 10th District of the Missouri State Senate. Since I know there are some Missourians and Kansans on Booman, I figured...

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New Orleans Uninhabitable for TEN YEARS?

As I’ve stated on another thread, I think believing anything the government says about how toxic the air or water is in New Orleans is pure folly. Considering what we know about the EPA coverup of the toxins in lower...

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Charity: Isn’t That Why We Pay Taxes?

One political aspect of the whole Hurrican Katrina disaster that I haven’t seen discussed is the involvment and, it seems, the reliance upon charities such as the American Red Cross to respond. Don’t get me wrong,...

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Did Bush Order Rove’s Outing of Plame?

I haven’t seen the possibility talked about much – if at all – of President Bush having played an active role in the Plame affair. Then I read this in one of Billmon’s posts last night: As Larry...

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