Author: Populista

Fight Back! Call to Obamaction: Obama’s Army

Last night I posted a call to action after one of the most unfair and uninformative debates ever. It got a overwhelming response and tons of donations poured in. But we can’t just do that for one night. We have primaries...

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Fight Back! Post-Debate Call to Obamaction

Tonight we saw one of the biggest “gotcha politics” debates yet. The moderators seemed set on destroying Obama by using trivial matters to play “gotcha!” Tonight we also saw why Barack Obama is the right...

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It’s The Action, Stupid.

It’s the economy, stupid. That was the famous banner in Bill Clinton’s Little Rock War Room. Once again the economy is a major issue. So is Iraq. So is health care. So are a whole host of other issues. But issues...

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As of 10:09 CT that is how many people have donated to Obama for America. 14,265,507 American citizens have voted Barack Obama for president and many more will. Back on that cold day, February 10th. Who would have thought that?...

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Step it Up for People-Powered Politics

Recently fellow blogger Eddie in ME alerted me to a situation in Maine in which Rita Moran, the Kennebec County Democratic Committee chair, got kicked out of her elected position as DNC Women by establishment trickery. Here in...

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