Author: rascal

Dear Lou Dobbs, Who Owns the Federal Reserve?

Talk about an uninformed public!  How many people understand that the Federal Reserve is neither a government agency, nor does it have a ‘reserve’ of money to toss around.  The FED is a private institution...

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Celebrating the Anniversary, Mr. Bush?

We have had five years of useless death and destruction in Iraq based on the lies of war profiteers and neocon madmen. I still can hear Dick Cheney promising that we will be greeted as liberators and that his PNAC war would be...

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Five Easy Piece to Iran! A Warning….

The Jigsaw to Armageddon Yeah, folks, you can bet the ranch: we’re going in.  I’ve heard all the arguments from the nay sayers, so let that go.  We’re going in. This is déjà vu time, for...

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Coming of Age in Bush’s America!

Imagine being on the brink of adolescence in the year 2000, – only minimally aware of the world around you, and really not into the foibles of politics or politicians.  Life was what it was, and you took it pretty...

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