Author: rascal

Dumb & Dumber: Bush/Cheney Play Mute!!

Why are Bush/Cheney and their cohorts totally unaccountable for a single foul-up?  Why are their collective asses not being hauled onto the public airwaves for a full and complete explanation of every single scandal and...

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These hired guns did their jobs, and tens of thousands of people died.  Why are they getting away scot-free?  These traitors pulled off the biggest hoax in history, and hardly a voice has been raised in protest.  ...

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Media Got it Wrong: The Emperor Has NO Clothes!

Oh, wow!  The media covered the Bushco 3rd Grade Class Play!   They wrote a story critical of the President!  Let’s hear it for journalistic integrity!

Hold on, but did the media really cover the story fully?  Was there a more important story within the first one?  There surely was…..

The Media Are Wrong Again
The Emperor Has NO Clothes!

The corporate media, in its haste to appear objective, has failed the public again.


On the morning of October 13th, the Emperor took off all his clothes in front of the entire nation.  He stood stark naked in the illuminating glare of television cameras and an international video feed,  This time, there was no one around to throw a cloak over his exposed nudity or to convince onlookers that he was really robed.  This time, the Emperor had no clothes on at all, and everybody saw it.

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"Major" Bush Speech Reset the Terror Trap!

Desperate times for Bushco, it seems.  A speech hyped as `major’ and `significant’ airs at ten in the morning ET, and is a childish rant gleaned from earlier diatribes.  But, sometimes even a rant is...

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