Author: raven

The State of the News Media in 2006

There is a very interesting, yet extremely lengthy, analysis that has been conducted by titled The State of the News Media 2006.  The report is massive, totalling 178,000 words. I wanted to quote a few items...

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Watch the Wal-Mart Movie – Spread the Word About BuyBlue

cross-posted at

Screenings of Wal-Mart the Movie: The High Cost of Low Price are playing across the country the week of November 13-19. The movie’s website starts out:

“Everyone has seen Wal-Mart’s lavish television commercials, but have you ever wondered why Wal-Mart spends so much money trying to convince you it cares about your family, your community, and even its own employees? What is it hiding?

WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price takes you behind the glitz and into the real lives of workers and their families, business owners and their communities, in an extraordinary journey that will challenge the way you think, feel… and shop.”

Here are six easy ways you can participate.  Feel free to discuss others below!

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BuyBlue CA Special Election Analysis

(Cross-posted everywhere)The California Special Election slated for November 2005 is the most audacious, gargantuan display of corporate wealth deployed to win an “election” the state has ever seen; it is arguably...

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BuyBlue Launches New Web Site

[From the diaries by susanhu. Bravo! What a site!] For the past several months we have been working very hard on delivering a new web site and I’m pleased to announce that it has finally been launched!  This site is...

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