Author: Recordkeeper

From the Frog Pond to the Swamp

This started as a comment on the “Don’t be a Prick” thread, but the more I think about it, the more perfect I find the analogy. My daughter is watching Shrek this morning; the first one, about Lord Farquaat and...

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Happy Thanksgiving: Over 2100 Dead in Iraq

On the short drive from my mother-in-law’s house to her sister’s, for our lovely Thanksgiving dinner, my husband noted a news report on the car radio that there was another car bombing in a busy Hilla marketplace. My...

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Bush Hates the Troops Bonuses

I grow weary of chipping away at the erroneous belief that Republicans support the troops, while anyone to the left of Toby Keith does not. If Republicans love the troops so much, why does the Pentagon, under Bush appointee...

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