Author: redwagon

Blacks loot, whites survive One black woman is described as “going to loot a store”. She is 50 years old, surviving, and HASN’T LOOTED ANYTHING. The two white folks are “finders” who are...

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Forced Childbirth for the Under 16

The FCC acknowledges that all the science points to safety, but wants to keep abortion happening by requiring the age group most in need to have surgical abortions instead of using emergency contraceptives. FDA Delays...

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Noble Cause: Invade Iraq to Install Taliban

“But whatever the outcome on specific disputes, the document on which Iraq’s future is to be built will require laws to be compliant with Islam. Kurds and Shiites are expecting de facto long-term political...

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Booman Unrecommend

I like Booman very much but obviously I don’t like every diary. Is it possible to add an “unrecommend” button. Like, no only do I not recommend this I recommend that no one else read it? So, as irony goes, if...

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