Author: redwagon

Freedom from Want

While the DLC is trying to move the party to the right, ignoring the fact that Nadar’s voters would have put Gore well over the top, the core meaning of the Democratics party is being destroyed:  “HP exchanges...

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My three cents

Booman Tribune is such a cool spot, and very informed. I have found the best technical discussion (nuclear power, environment issues, etc. ) here excluding explicit tech blogs. BT will be noticed when we make ourselves noticed....

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I read a great editorial in the NY Times about a man from India, and how when he arrived in America he became instantly smart – the best in his class at math. American education takes a good bit of bashing. But the bashing...

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What Democrats Stand For

There once was a great man who exaplained what Democrats are not standing for. He did this in the most middle of the road, simple manner. He summed up all that we are fighting for, and illustrated how these matter to that...

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