Author: Rick B2

How does Bush think?

I think that is the wrong question. The real question to ask is “How are decisions made in the White House?” Let’s look at how they approach the Iraq set of problems. People need to drop back and step away from...

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More non-news from the Bubble of ignorance

No one is listening to Bush or Rumsfeld or taking them seriously any more. But they keep trying the same old snake oil. Hey! It worked before! David Frum in the National Review, of all places, had this to say about Bush’s...

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Has Bush destroyed conservatism?

Is America’s problem really conservatism? Or is it the Bush implementation of that ideology? Consider this conservative view from Stephen Bainbridge: It’s time for us conservatives to face facts. George W. Bush has...

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All is not lost in Iraq. Bush took action.

From the Washington Post: “It’s a race against time because by the end of this coming summer we can no longer sustain the presence we have now,” said retired Gen. Barry R. McCaffrey, who visited Iraq most...

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