Author: RidgeCook

In every war there are losses……

I have argued, on the ground, that the “War on Coal” was just stupid propaganda.  Any decline in coal jobs (currently above 2007 levels) is based on market forces of cheap natural gas thus decreased demand for...

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Brokered GOP convention now more likely

Let’s face it, Mitt’s past has caught up with him.  Gingrich was right (Lord, the pain that phrase causes).  Bain capital was a vulture capital enterprise and Mitt was in the middle of it. His problem is...

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The real maining of Palin for the GOP

A major political party was willing and advocated turning over the 2nd in command of our govt (under an aged and infirm President) to a person who obviously was not of the caliber necessary for the job.  Her, many, many...

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The value of contributing to both parties

An opinion from the coal fields- ” Referring to mine owner Massey Energy, Obama said, “Owners responsible for the conditions in the Upper Big Branch mine should be held accountable for decisions they made and...

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