Bush Gets the Fickle Finger of Fate Award!!

“The role of government is to create conditions in which jobs are created, in which people can find work.”
George W. Bush
–President of the United States

Hmmm..”Create Conditions in which jobs are created”..  makes sense to me????

America’s changing economy is strong and getting stronger. But
America’s economic strength is not felt equally throughout the Nation. In low-income communities and in communities where traditional industries do not employ as many workers as they did a generation ago, opportunity can appear out of reach. President Bush believes that communities can make the transition to vibrant and strong economies because of the entrepreneurial spirit, vision, and hard work of those who live there. The job of government is to inspire, to help remove barriers to growth, to be accountable for taxpayer dollars, and to ensure results for programs aimed at making a difference in peoples’

Building on existing economic and community development efforts, the President will propose a new initiative to help strengthen America’s
transitioning and most needy communities, while making better use of taxpayer dollars by reforming and restructuring many of the existing
Federal economic and community development programs. The President’s initiative, to be proposed in his Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 budget, will consolidate 18 existing programs, simplify access to the Federal system, set new eligibility criteria, and establish strong accountability standards all in exchange for the flexible use of the funds so that communities most in need will be assisted. The new $3.71 billion unified grant-making program will better target assistance and achieve greater results for low-income persons and economically-distressed areas.


The full Plan is here Strengthening America’s Communities

Geesh…in the scheme of things Bush is giving US back $3.71 billion dollars. Wow! That amount is PAULTRY compared to what he has stolen from US!

Snippets from Bush’s Initiative (as if he had any..):

* Clarify the purpose of federal development assistance to focus on the key drivers of economic growth and opportunity;

  • Simplify the grant process so that communities and grantees no longer have to manage a fragmented array of programs;
  • Target funding to those communities most in need of assistance (some communities would see

increased funding from what they currently receive under the Community Development Block Grant

  • Hold grantees accountable for results.
  • Creating new Opportunity Zones to assist America’s transitioning neighborhoods, which are areas

that have lost a significant portion of their economic base as a result of our changing economy and are now in the process of transitioning to a more diverse, broad-based, 21st century economy, as well as
communities with persistent poverty;

Establishing new education and job training programs to help workers develop the skills needed to succeed in today’s economy;

Introducing tax incentive proposals for the development of single-family housing in low-income areas; and

Revitalizing former brownfields, which are abandoned or underutilized industrial properties where redevelopment is hindered by possible environmental contamination and potential liability.

Redevelopment of these properties is creating jobs and returning productive property to local tax rolls.

Which communities qualify to be an Opportunity Zone?

Opportunity Zones expand the concept of traditional enterprise zones to include communities in transition.
A community can qualify to be an Opportunity Zones by fitting one of the following two categories:
* Rural or Urban “Communities in Transition”. These areas have suffered from a significant
decline in the economic base, including a decline in manufacturing and retail establishments, within their community over the past decade and benefit from targeted assistance in transitioning to a more diverse, 21st century economy.
* Existing Empowerment Zones, Enterprise Communities, or Renewal Communities.
These communities received their designation due to high poverty rates, high unemployment,
and low incomes. By receiving an Opportunity Zone designation in lieu of their current
designation, however, these communities are eligible for the expanded benefits available to
Opportunity Zones.

There will be 40 new Opportunity Zones selected – 28 urban zones and 12 rural zones – through a competitive process. The competitive process will determine whether there is a commitment from the community to partner with the federal government and a demonstrated capacity to reduce local barriers to
development and create jobs.

Only 40 new Opportunity Zones available through a competitive process? Which means fighting tooth and claw for bread crumbs. Thank you so much!

Capitalism vs Family-The Height of GOP Hypocrisy

The longer the GOP stays in power the bigger the rips become in the tattered fabric of American Democracy, families and the corporate new world order.
“Money makes the World Go Round’ but it also is shredding, separating and corrupting all the institutions of Life, Family and Society that we once knew and basked in.
Below are some snippets from an interesting article I found here. LINK

Why is Capitalism Hostile to Families?

Families are a social institution within which the values of selfishness and competition- the bedrock values of capitalism – are not viewed as appropriate. In healthy families, the important things like emotional support, shelter, medical care and food, are shared according to need: not sold, but given freely. People work hard in families, not for pay but out of love and solidarity. The self-serving values and behavior that are viewed as normal when engaged in by corporations, if practiced inside a family are seen as sick.

Corporations are built on greed and competition: buy low and sell dear, move the factory to where labor is cheaper, bring in scabs to break strikes, pit people against each other, sell tobacco to kids. To capitalists, anything is OK as long as it makes money. The corporate leaders who engage in the most vicious practices are frequently rewarded with the highest salaries. Healthy families are a challenge to capitalism. The countless things we do as family members, caring and providing for one another, making family events from an evening meal to a large family reunion, helping each other in an emergency, giving advice and hugs, listening sympathetically, enjoying each others’ company, and even squabbling and arguing to resolve conflicts or giving valuable negative feedback – all these things we do everyday in our families have a significance which often goes unnoticed. They are efforts to make our little corner of the world the opposite of the world of buying and selling.

Capitalism’s hostility to families is part of a broader hostility to the values of working people generally. Working class culture values solidarity and equality over selfishness and greed. It’s a culture that says you shouldn’t cross a picket line and if you do you’re a scab. Working class struggles have always drawn much of their strength from family ties. Working class family values are an active force against capitalist power. The great sit-down strikes of the ’30s, the valiant struggles of Hormel meatpackers and Staley workers and Detroit newspaper strikers in the 80’s and 90’s, and the strikes by janitors and grocery store workers in more recent times, have all depended on family ties and values of solidarity and equality forged in the families of working people.

How Capitalism Attacks Families

One key form of capitalist attack on the family lies in a process called “commodification,” in which capital seeks to undermine the natural forms of human interaction in all spheres of life and replace them with commercial relations. In particular, capital strives to turn loving family relations into mere “commodities”- services bought and sold in the marketplace. By reducing important aspects of our humanity to commodities, capital creates an image of human “freedom” in which people are “freed” of all social commitments and all social norms and morality.

The ruling elite hope in this way to undermine bonds of solidarity and reduce people to solitary individuals, isolated and powerless.

The owning class is trying to do more thoroughly to the family what it has long done to people at work.

Corporate owners don’t want labor to be a social activity that people engage in collectively for shared goals–a process which makes people very conscious of their power–but rather a commodity the owners can purchase by the hour. By purchasing our labor, capital seeks to take control of the labor process and product out of our hands. Capital tries to chop working people up into pieces of “usefulness”–our ability to turn a screw or punch a number or fry a hamburger–so that we ourselves can be treated like commodities: cheap and easy to replace. In recent years the impact of this process on specifically family-related aspects of our lives has been accelerating.

“Outsourcing” Mom

Corporations used to hire only men for jobs that paid enough to support a family. This demeaned women and undermined family solidarity by making it impossible for husbands and wives meaningfully to share outside work, child-raising, and housework. But capital’s “reform” of the unequal roles of men and women in the family is a further attack. In the last 30 years, capital has outsourced or automated millions of “family wage” industrial jobs and cut the pay of others, thereby forcing working class wives into the labor market to compete for the remaining low-paid jobs, all in the name of “freedom for women.” Now families are stressed even more, since both parents typically have to work at least one job, and sometimes two or three, leaving little time to devote to children or relaxation, to community service, or to anything else. Additionally, capital is attacking mothers by trying to commodify everything about them that makes them valuable members of a family.

a. Having driven mothers of infants and toddlers to take jobs, capital now forces them to purchase mothering as “day care” from a growing industry whose employees are often themselves mothers of small children. (This is particularly ironic in the case of mothers on welfare forced into day-care jobs.)

b. After forcing people to work such long hours that they don’t have time to prepare their own meals, capital is using restaurant chains, like “Boston Market” specializing in “home-cooked, family-style” meals, to move hard-pressed moms (and dads) from their own homes, where cooking was an act of love, to corporate kitchens where it’s wage labor.

c. Capital is moving women out of their own homes to be maids in wealthier homes working for a growing housekeeping industry.

d. Corporations are making Grandmother’s wisdom a “wholly owned subsidiary” by hiring women to give advice on child-rearing and other domestic questions to their employees. The more corporations undermine families, relocating people away from family and friends, the more “Corporate Grandma” is needed.

e. Capital even puts a mother’s womb on the market with the growing phenomenon of paid “surrogate mothers,” whose motherhood and humanity is commodified as a womb put out for hire.

Downsizing Dad

Capital is challenging the simple truth that a child’s relation with his or her biological father is valuable. The image of fathers has come under increasing attack, as more TV sit-coms feature fathers as incompetents (The Simpsons and King of Queens are current examples) and movie plots involve abusive fathers (The Breakfast Club, Affliction, and Daredevil to name only a few.) Many courageous women have long been forced by circumstances to raise their children alone. Now, however, as celebrities like Camryn Manheim (Ellenor of TV’s hit lawyer show, The Practice) choose to have and raise babies without a father (both in real life and as her fictional character, in the case of Manheim), Hollywood sends the message, “Who needs a father?”

Academics deride fatherhood in books like Feminism, Children, and The New Families, in which Susan E. Krantz dismisses the notion that “two parents are necessary for the well-being of a child” and argues that “the role of the father is overemphasized.” Academic “experts” are trying to split off Dad’s “male presence” from the rest of him and make it just another commodity. Writing in the Journal of Marriage and the Family, Alan J. Hawkins and David J. Eggenbeen state, “Men may be important to children’s healthy development, but biological fathers can readily be replaced by other adult men.” (Cited in David Blankenhorn, Fatherless America, p. 80) Stepfathers may be nice people, but the claim that children have no need for a close relation with their biological father cannot bear the weight of common sense or scientific scrutiny.(For example, a study of 17,000 British children born in 1958 showed that children in step-families “experienced far worse outcomes than did children who grew up with their two biological parents.” Blankenhorn, p. 191). The “any male will do” notion is ideologically driven by capital’s desire to commodify men. This commodification of men is quite apparent in states like Massachusetts, where the “progressive” agenda is well advanced, and divorce courts aggressively separate fathers from their children. (The author has personal experience with Massachusetts’ family courts.) Courts routinely restrain fathers from seeing their children, sometimes for years, without due process, evidentiary hearings, or the rules of evidence that are accorded accused criminals. The courts’ attitude is that a father’s only important relationship to his children is financial, so there’s no real loss if a loving father is barred from seeing his children.

Splitting Up Mom and Dad

Liberal politicians and advocacy organizations have increased the rate of divorce in the United States enormously by enacting policies based on the premise that fatherhood is not important. The result has been a host of social, psychological and economic problems suffered by children and caused by their fatherlessness.

A major cause of the increased divorce rate has been the introduction of “no-fault” divorce coupled with the policy of family courts of awarding the mother solely, instead of both parents jointly, exclusive physical custody of the children (unless the mother is grossly unfit) and requiring the father to pay child support sufficient for the mother and children to maintain their former standard of living, even though it impoverishes him (courts often garnish the man’s paycheck directly.) Once rare, divorce is now common and two thirds of divorces in the U.S. are initiated by women.  

The state has essentially told women, “Feel free to leave your husband whenever you feel like it, no matter how trivial the reason, because the state will make sure you keep your children and your husband’s income.” The result is that in millions of broken families the state has moved in to assume the role of head of the family and “parent” to both the mother and father.

All concerned – the mother, the children and the father – have become more directly controlled by and, in the case of the mother and children, more dependent upon the state, and therefore less able to stand up against the capitalist class. It would be difficult to imagine a policy better suited to covertly undermine marriages and families.

The liberal attack on marriages would not be able to succeed, however, were it not for the helpful role of the right-wing “pro-family” and pro-capitalist religious leaders and their ilk. Together these groups play a “damned if you do and damned if you don’t” routine that makes people feel hopeless about improving the situation. The right-wing religious leaders point to the evils of the liberal agenda on families but they insist that the only alternative is a patriarchal society where women must submit to men. Some women and some men may support this view but most men and women want relationships based on equality. But no mainstream leadership articulates what most people want in this regard. Although it is economically perfectly feasible, what leader today calls for all wages to be raised enough, and corporate practices to be changed, so that a mother and father can each work a half-time job (or only one parent work outside the home full time, if they prefer) and raise their children comfortably on the income? With no opposition except from the right wing, which calls for a patriarchal nightmare for women, the elite get a free pass to carry out their liberal attack on our families.

Making Childhood “Lean and Mean”

In healthy families, parents love and protect their children as special people. They value them for themselves, not as a means to an end. Capitalism, in contrast, uses children as little workers and consumers, and tries to replace relations of love with marketplace transactions. Corporations flood Saturday morning TV with shows designed to manipulate children to measure their parents’ love by the toys and “Happy Meals” they buy. For capitalism, parental love is a cash transaction that passes through the Toys ‘R Us cash register. Millions of children overseas work in factories preparing goods for the U.S. market. In the U.S., children are increasingly told that childhood is a time to prepare themselves to meet the needs of corporations. Corporate leaders call for increased standardized testing in public schools, so that we can “better compete with Germany and Japan.” Capital insists that children be graded from “A” through “F” – to teach them to compete against each other, and to sort them like cuts of beef so that corporations in the market for labor will know what “grade” of employee they’re hiring. Corporate “education reformers” view our children not as people who should receive a well-rounded education, but rather as commodities to be sorted, graded, and prepared for sale to corporations.

Homosexual Families and the New World Order

In recent years the capitalist class has aggressively promoted the idea that homosexuality is as good and natural and moral a basis for a family as heterosexuality, and that anyone who disagrees with this view is a bigoted “homophobe.” Television promotes homosexual families with lesbian characters like Carol and Susan on Friends, Melanie and Lindsay on Queer as Folk, and the characters on Showtime’s lesbian series The L Word. Judges in Massachusetts have legalized homosexual marriage. While they attack traditional families, corporations increasingly treat homosexual couples as if they were married. The Massachusetts Department of Education encourages students to form “Gay-Straight Alliances” [www.doe.mass.edu/hssss/GSA/Intro.html] to eliminate any stigma associated with homosexuality, despite the fact that the current Republican governor, Mitt Romney, purports to be a solid “conservative” on the issue.

Marriage and sexuality are not just about procreation, and to the extent that children are not involved there would be no reason for legislation to meddle in these private affairs between individuals. But since marriage and sexuality do often lead to procreation, society has a responsibility to decide what to promote and what to discourage in this otherwise private sphere of life. The concerns that people have about laws regarding marriage and society’s attitude towards homosexuality are largely related to the impact of these things on children. Most people believe that the best thing for children is to be raised by their real mother and father in a strong and loving family. An important reason people disapprove of homosexuality is because it is impossible for a gay couple to make this kind of family. This is why parents don’t want the schools teaching their children that it makes no difference if they marry someone of the same sex or the opposite sex. Most people rightly believe in tolerance when it comes to civil rights for homosexuals, but they don’t believe that society should endorse the idea that a homosexual relationship is just as good or healthy a basis for a family as a heterosexual one.

Capital attacks people for feeling this way, and calls them bigots, because it likes the direction in which homosexuality moves society. In capital’s ideal world where everyone is an isolated individual, sexuality is not a social relationship connecting parents with children, but just a way people use each other, and children are just something you buy. If two men want a child, then they can rent a womb and buy an egg from a surrogate mother. Why not? It’s just a business transaction the way all human relationships ought to be. Or if two women want a baby, just buy some sperm. Why not? Fatherhood is just a commodity like toothpaste or clothing. A professor of law testifying before Congress described sperm donors as “providers of gametes,” and offered the legal opinion that “A consumer’s right ‘to make contracts with providers of gametes’ cannot be prohibited or limited except to assure that such contracts ‘are knowingly and freely entered into.'” (Blankenhorn, p. 179) This is the capitalist idea of Paradise, in which people are no more than their constituent parts: a womb, a source of sperm, a “male presence,” a child support check, a “day care provider.” No longer will children’s mothers and fathers be unique and beyond price.

How Can We Defend Our Families?

The media are full of very sophisticated anti-family messages, which can come from both the right and the left. Liberals denigrate the value of families in which children are raised by their real mother and father, and they sometimes suggest that such families are often patriarchies with abusive fathers. Conservatives often call for “family values” in which women are subordinate to men and inequality prevails. Neither liberal nor conservative views reflect true family values of equality and commitment to each other. There are immediate steps we can take to defend families. One step is to reject anti-family propaganda for what it is. Another is to recognize the attack families are under and to see that it is part of capital’s attempt to control ordinary people. Fully to defeat the attack on our families, and to create a truly pro-family society, we need to build a revolutionary movement that challenges capitalism, its values, and its right to rule society.

The revolution we need is one which aims to extend to all of society the kind of relationships we work so hard to build within our families.

The ignorance on both sides as to what has really happened in America is astounding.

I really thought it was Republicans vs Democrats. In my hindsight, I see now that it is between the Haves and Have Nots. Corporations vs Families. MONEY equals LAW, Control and new RULES. Money use to mean “family security” to many of us.

How do we frame this?

Bush or God in control-So Many Choices

God, Bushco, Money, RFIDs? Gosh, so many choices. The question I ask is Who or what do we want to Control the rest of our lives? Will I even have a choice? I fear that the ‘choice’ will be made for us, is being made for us.
Do we keep the status quo-Bushco? At least we are aware of what they are doing. We have been rendered useless except for complaining.

Or do we allow the good Christian saviours to take a turn at the helm?

See Below:

The Crusaders-

Christian evangelicals are plotting to remake America in their own image


It’s February, and 900 of America’s staunchest Christian fundamentalists have gathered in Fort Lauderdale to look back on what they accomplished in last year’s election — and to plan what’s next. As they assemble in the vast sanctuary of Coral Ridge Presbyterian, with all fifty state flags dangling from the rafters, three stadium-size video screens flash the name of the conference: reclaiming america for christ. These are the evangelical activists behind the nation’s most effective political machine — one that brought more than 4 million new Christian voters to the polls last November, sending George W. Bush back to the White House and thirty-two new pro-lifers to Congress. But despite their unprecedented power, fundamentalists still see themselves as a persecuted minority, waging a holy war against the godless forces of secularism. To rouse themselves, they kick off the festivities with “Soldiers of the Cross, Arise,” the bloodthirstiest tune in all of Christendom: “Seize your armor, gird it on/Now the battle will be won/Soon, your enemies all slain/Crowns of glory you shall gain.”

Meet the Dominionists — biblical literalists who believe God has called them to take over the U.S. government. As the far-right wing of the evangelical movement, Dominionists are pressing an agenda that makes Newt Gingrich’s Contract With America look like the Communist Manifesto. They want to rewrite schoolbooks to reflect a Christian version of American history, pack the nation’s courts with judges who follow Old Testament law, post the Ten Commandments in every courthouse and make it a felony for gay men to have sex and women to have abortions. In Florida, when the courts ordered Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube removed, it was the Dominionists who organized round-the-clock protests and issued a fiery call for Gov. Jeb Bush to defy the law and take Schiavo into state custody. Their ultimate goal is to plant the seeds of a “faith-based” government that will endure far longer than Bush’s presidency — all the way until Jesus comes back.

“Most people hear them talk about a ‘Christian nation’ and think, ‘Well, that sounds like a good, moral thing,’ says the Rev. Mel White, who ghostwrote Jerry Falwell’s autobiography before breaking with the evangelical movement. “What they don’t know — what even most conservative Christians who voted for Bush don’t know — is that ‘Christian nation’ means something else entirely to these Dominionist leaders. This movement is no more about following the example of Christ than Bush’s Clean Water Act is about clean water.”

“Our job is to reclaim America for Christ, whatever the cost,” Kennedy says. “As the vice regents of God, we are to exercise godly dominion and influence over our neighborhoods, our schools, our government, our literature and arts, our sports arenas, our entertainment media, our news media, our scientific endeavors — in short, over every aspect and institution of human society.”

OOH-tempting alternative, huh? Do they have the power and money to win? The followers? Is religion a better choice than money?

More snippets:

“We’re going to turn you into an army of one,” Gary Cass, executive director of Reclaiming America, promises activists at one workshop held in Evangalism Explosion Hall. The Dominionists also attend speeches by supporters like Rep. Katherine Harris of Florida, who urges them to “win back America for God.” In their spare time, conference-goers buy books about a God-devised health program called the Maker’s Diet or meet with a financial adviser who offers a “biblically sound investment plan.”

To implement their sweeping agenda, the Dominionists are working to remake the federal courts in God’s image.

“We have a right, indeed an obligation, to govern,” says David Limbaugh, brother of Rush and author of Persecution: How Liberals Are Waging War Against Christianity. Nothing gets the Dominionists to their feet faster than ringing condemnations of judicial tyranny. “Activist judges have systematically deconstructed the Constitution,” roars Rick Scarborough, author of Mixing Church and State. “A God-free society is their goal!”

It helps that Dominionists have a direct line to the White House: The Rev. Richard Land, top lobbyist for the 16-million-member Southern Baptist Convention, enjoys a weekly conference call with top Bush advisers including Karl Rove. “We’ve got the Holy Spirit’s wind at our backs!” Land declares in an arm-waving, red-faced speech. He takes particular aim at the threat posed by John Lennon, denouncing “Imagine” as a “secular anthem” that envisions a future of “clone plantations, child sacrifice, legalized polygamy and hard-core porn.”

The one-two punch of militant activists and big money has helped make the Dominionists a force in Washington, where a growing number of congressmen owe their elections to the machine. Kennedy has also created the Center for Christian Statesmanship, which trains elected officials to “more effectively share their faith in the public arena.” Speaking to the group, House Majority Whip Tom DeLay — a winner of Kennedy’s Distinguished Christian Statesman Award — called Bush’s faith-based initiatives “a great opportunity to bring God back into the public institutions of our country.”

And we can all agree with the first line of the last snippet:

“America is under assault!” Jones thunders as his aides dash around the sanctuary snapping PR photos. “Everyone in America has the right to speak freely, except for those standing in the pulpits of our churches!” The amen chorus reaches a fever pitch. Hands fly heavenward. It’s one thing to hear such words from Dominionist leaders — but to this crowd, there’s nothing more thrilling than getting the gospel from a U.S. congressman. “You cannot have a strong nation that does not follow God,” Jones preaches, working up to a climactic, passionate plea for a biblical republic. “God, please — God, please — God, please — save America!”


I join in the agreement with the last statement also. Egads!
I am tempted to buy a gun. I hate guns, but where are the sharp shooters when you need one?

Silent Speech? Now I’ve Heard Everything

Tax dollars at work. More ways to keep us attached to cell-phones.

Just think how eerie it would be, yet also how peaceful – people all around having conversations on their mobile phones, but without uttering a sound.

Thanks to some military research, this social nirvana just might come true. DARPA, the US Department of Defense’s research agency, is working on a project known as Advanced Speech Encoding, aimed at replacing microphones with non-acoustic sensors that detect speech via the speaker’s nerve and muscle activity, rather than sound itself.

Stay connected at all times everywhere. Oh joy!

One system, being developed for DARPA by Rick Brown of Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts, relies on a sensor worn around the neck called a tuned electromagnetic resonator collar (TERC). Using sensing techniques developed for magnetic resonance imaging, the collar detects changes in capacitance caused by movement of the vocal cords, and is designed to allow speech to be heard above loud background noise.

DARPA is also pursuing an approach first developed at NASA’s Ames lab, which involves placing electrodes called electromyographic sensors on the neck, to detect changes in impedance during speech. A neural network processes the data and identifies the pattern of words. The sensor can even detect subvocal or silent speech. The speech pattern is sent to a computerised voice generator that recreates the speaker’s words.

DARPA envisages issuing the technology to soldiers on covert missions, crews in noisy vehicles or divers working underwater. But one day civilians might use a refined version to be heard over the din of a factory or engine room, or a loud bar or party. More importantly, perhaps, the technology would allow people to use phones in places such as train carriages, cinemas or libraries without disturbing others. Brown has produced a TERC prototype, and an electromyographic prototype is expected in 2008.


A few days ago I watched a ‘news’ report on the increase use of cell phones by our children. They showed 3 pre-teen girls, all talking on a cool cell phone while hanging out with each other. What happened to face to face conversation and who are they talking to when they are with all their friends? I always hated call waiting and thought it rude when someone calls me and gets beeped by call waiting and puts me on hold. Or when I’m visiting someone and they get a call and instead of telling the caller they had company and will call back waste a half hour of my time talking to the caller.

Also awhile back, I was sitting in an airport waiting for a friend’s arrival and I swear 75% of people were talking on cell-phones. I listened in on several conversations…”Yup”..”OKay”..”Yup”..”No”.
.”Later”..Bye and then call someone else and on and on.

But with the new DARPA experiments coming along I won’t have to be subjected to the intriguing eaves-dropping anymore. I guess that’s a good thing.

So now I have another exciting image of the future- a bunch of Stepford people walking quietly around holding their cool cell phones going about their business….

Oh and NASA is experimenting with this:

NASA develops ‘mind-reading’ system

15:35 22 March 2004

NASA Ames Research Center Computing, Information and Communications Technology Program, NASA Speech and hearing research, University of Sheffield, UK A computer program which can read silently spoken words by analysing nerve signals in our mouths and throats, has been developed by NASA. Preliminary results show that using button-sized sensors, which attach under the chin and on the side of the Adam’s apple, it is possible to pick up and recognise nerve signals and patterns from the tongue and vocal cords that correspond to specific words. “Biological signals arise when reading or speaking to oneself with or without actual lip or facial movement,” says Chuck Jorgensen, a neuroengineer at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, in charge of the research. Just the slightest movements in the voice box and tongue is all it needs to work, he says.


So we won’t actually need cell phones.

Cell Phones=Crowd Control?

I must be a personal control freak because whenever I come across some information that says someone else is or will be controlling me I FREAK OUT!!

Lately most of my diaries have been on RFIDs and Verichips.

This morning I came across the following items relating to “Cell-Phone” towers, TETRA technology and a few interesting “Connections.”

Stealth Microwave Towers & The 2004 Presidential Election

by Bruce Conway http://www.lightwatcher.com
July 29, 2004

Late last fall, I watched bemused as several plainclothes geeks installed a cell tower behind our N.W. Island’s Masonic Hall. It went up quickly, and without any fanfare. The twist was that the cell tower was disguised as an ordinary Flagpole. This was patriotic, and very suspicious. The camouflaged stealth tower was erected without any protests, warnings or announcements to local businesses or residents.

Being a curious person I investigated, and discovered to my great surprise that “stealth towers” are being hastily erected throughout the country, by the thousands. Camouflaged microwave and cell phone towers are being disguised as cacti, palm trees, church crosses, rock formations, water towers, and pine trees. This is happening without any of the dissent or protest usually surrounding cell tower erections.

Companies like Stealth Concealment Solutions of Charleston, S.C., are doing a brisk business. They custom-disguise cell towers to blend into their surroundings. It is estimated that up to 30% of the new cell tower erections now going up are being stealthily concealed.

When one considers the rapid advancements in electromagnetic and psychotronic mind control technology, this trend in utility concealment is rather sinister. If researchers could successfully project human speech into the minds of the deaf, as Dr. Joseph C. Sharp of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research did in 1974, think of their present capabilities.


And after reading the following item I am very glad that I had to get rid of my cell phone a few months ago due to my worsening deafness-I can’t hear it ring or anyone who called me. But little did I know that not hearing a conversation may not be the worse effect of owning a cell phone.

“I’ll be able to affect the behavior of 80 per cent of the people in this town without their knowing it”

Could be a sinister objective?

It would require increasing the density of power with more mobile telephones, UMTS, more antennae and frequencies: Wi-Fi, DECT, Bluetooth…and to revoke the Precautionary Principle?

Dr. Rauscher-Bise (USA) is an enthusiast: “Give me the money and three months”, she boasts, “and I’ll be able to affect the behavior of 80 per cent of the people in this town without their knowing it. Make them happy – or at least they’ll think they’re happy. Or aggressive.”

“The main problem lies in the delivery of the these brain waves to the target, because they all lie in the extremely low spectrum, between 0.1 and 25 Hertz [Cycles], with all control brain waves in an even narrower central band between 0.6 and 10.2 Hertz. These are effectively the same as “earth” frequencies, meaning that they are very hard to direct via conventional radio transmission.”

This is achieved by using an extremely high frequency microwave beam, which is then amplitude modulated at exactly the same rate as the desired control brain wave.


I’ll be the first to admit to an active imagination, but I have noticed a complacency in the American people over the last few years that has me extremely puzzled and concerned. Intuitively I know something negative is happening. Lock me up or Listen to your gut.

But Somethin’ Ain’t Right.

UPDATE: Tom Ridge- Remember him?

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 Tom Ridge has gone on to bigger Homeland Security green pastures. The connections that he has with Bushco, and Security Issues and now RFIDs is not only curious, but down right terrifying.

Tom Ridge, former Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, has joined the board of directors of Savi Technology, a leading RFID solutions provider based in Silicon Valley. Ridge, a former governor of the state of Pennsylvania, was appointed by the Bush administration to lead the Department of Homeland Security upon its inception shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The new department, with Ridge at the helm, was under constant scrutiny from the press for the first few years, and Tom Ridge became a household name for many Americans. He resigned late last year, writing in his resignation letter, “After more than twenty-two consecutive years of public service, it is time to give personal and family matters a higher priority.”

Savi’s news that Former Secretary Ridge has joined its board of directors is a boon for the company that was founded around RFID child-tracking but quickly evolved into a supply chain visibility pure-play. Not only is Ridge high-profile, as former Secretary of Homeland Security he is seasoned in the challenges and opportunities that concern protecting goods coming across U.S. borders from abroad. His selection of Savi as a company with which to get involved therefore represents a strong vote of confidence from a veritable expert in the space. Ridge was quoted as saying, “Savi is a leader in the development of RFID solutions in both the government and commercial sectors and I believe there is a real opportunity to improve the management and security of global supply chains using this technology.”

Savi is actually not Ridge’s entrée into the RFID market. A number of weeks ago it was announced that he would be giving the keynote address at this year’s RFID Journal Live!, being held next week in Chicago.

Ridge’s interest in RFID reaffirms what many in our market already know: the technology will prove a key facilitator of supply chain management and visibility, and consequently, security. There is a certain prestige in being closely associated with the first Homeland Security Secretary that can only serve to further adoption of RFID and secure the attention of those that have not yet taken much notice of its potential.


If you still are not concerned about being CHIPPED consider this: Electronic tags for eggs, sperm and embryos. Imagine the ramifications of ‘tracking an abortion’ scenario.

And this reminder:

“Surgichip” wins US approval:

SurgiChip, is what seems to be a Verichip like device, aims to prevent wrongful procedures that records show kill thousands of patients a year. SurgiChip is the first surgical marking device approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
to use radio frequency identification (RFID). The FDA has also endorsed the same technology to track drugs on their journey from manufacturing plants to pharmacists’ shelves.

LINK and

And this:

Technology innovation will continue to outstrip privacy legislation

Published: 18th January 2005
By: Bob McDowall
Contact The Author
Channel: Business and Finance

A recent edition of Fortune Magazine reported that an independent body of experts was commissioned by the US Defense Secretary to evaluate the privacy implications of a proposed universal database holding billions, if not trillions, of pieces of information about the citizens of the USA. “In concluding that today’s privacy laws are often inadequate to keep up with the new technologies for snooping … ” the body of independent experts observed that” … these inadequacies will only become more acute as the store of digital data and the ability to search it continue to expand dramatically in the future.” “9/11” created an environment where comprehensive programmes for gathering information and verification of the identity of individuals has been encouraged by national governments as a critical mechanism to for combat the threat of terrorism through identification of prospective terrorists. Much of this information is openly and directly obtained from individuals, albeit that they have little option but to provide it; other information has been gained by covert methods.


Chippedy-Doo-da-The ChipMobile

Remember the Book Mobile? I loved the traveling library that use to come to my elementary school once a week during the summer months as a child. I also loved the Ice Cream truck that would drive by the house every summer evening. Now we have a Big-Brother-Bus making the rounds. Oh Joy!
Introducing the ChipMobile-Image Hosted by ImageShack.us LINK

The Company’s fully equipped mobile center – ChipMobileTM – has increased its marketing efforts in the Southeast region, maintaining a full schedule of visits to recreation and stadium events, health clinics, nursing homes, and general ‘awareness’ locations.


What is a VeriChip (or RFID tag)

VeriChip is a miniaturized radio frequency identification device (RFID) that can be used in a variety of security, financial, emergency identification and healthcare applications. About the size of a grain of rice, each VeriChip product contains a unique verification number and will be available in several formats, some of which will be insertable under the skin. The verification number is captured by briefly passing a proprietary scanner over the VeriChip. A small amount of radio frequency energy passes from the scanner energizing the dormant VeriChip, which then emits a radio frequency signal transmitting the verification number. “Getting chipped” is a simple, outpatient procedure that lasts just a few minutes and involves only local anesthetic and insertion of the chip.

 This is the lovely  Verichip Inserter tool.

Despite assurances by the Bush administration that the Total Information Awareness program would not violate Americans’ civil liberties, a broad coalition of grassroots organizations called Wednesday for greater oversight of the experimental data-mining program.

The Pentagon is developing the TIA in an effort to scour the Internet, as well as public and private databases, for suspicious patterns that might indicate a potential terrorist threat.

Critics say the system would be Big Brother incarnate, a tool that would pry into the medical, financial, travel and educational transactions of law-abiding citizens.

Proponents say the electronic dragnet is necessary to protect the United States against future terrorist attacks.

The good news is that some conservative groups are also concerned about the VeriChip. I feel good that I have finally found some common ground with THEM. That gives me some hope….(not much.)

During a telephone conference with reporters Wednesday, members of groups representing the political spectrum — from the conservative Eagle Forum to the left-wing American Civil Liberties Union — united to drum up support for legislation that would withhold funding for the TIA until questions about the program’s potential for abuse were addressed.

“It’s totally contrary to the freedoms that the war on terrorism aims to protect,” said Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.). Wyden’s amendment — which blocks funding for the electronic dragnet until the administration submits a detailed report to lawmakers regarding the program’s scope and impact on civil liberties — was unanimously passed by the Senate in January.

The measure, which was tacked onto a spending package, needs to be adopted by the House before becoming law.

But some conservative analysts, such as the Heritage Foundation’s Paul Rosenzweig, argue the Wyden amendment goes too far.

In an online analysis, Rosenzweig argues that if the measure becomes law, it could hamper law enforcement efforts to stop future terrorist attacks.

The press conference also addressed concerns about the creation of a central database that would store citizens’ personal transactions and information.

“The mere gathering of this information is a risk,” said Barbara Simons of the Association for Computing Machinery, a nonpartisan international organization with 75,000 members.

ACM sent a letter to Congress in January questioning the feasibility of the TIA’s stated goals.

Not only would a central database be a potential magnet for hackers, but it could also be targeted by terrorists themselves who are looking to steal an innocent person’s identity and mask their own, Simons said.

Department of Defense officials have consistently said that the TIA will not pose privacy concerns.


Why should we be concerned? Freedom. Freedom. Remember that? Kos member ‘retired’ says it elegantly here-

“I think we’re crossing the line from respecting individuals despite their subtle differences, into the process of viewing the differences first and foresaking the individual as a whole. I think maybe refining this argument (the battle between freedom and
efficiency) would make more people stand up to protect the rights of the individual as whole being, instead of selling off the individual pieces through biometric technology and in the process stripping the individual down to nothing more than the sum of his or her parts.

What we need to do is keep all those parts together as a whole individual, and demand that the rights of that individual supercede any efficiency gained from extricating certain parts of their identity.

An example of abuse:

We are working on a device which will reduce that time by as much as 60%. The results of implants on 8 PEOPLE-(my insert) prisoners yielded the following results:  

?Implants served as surveillance monitoring device for threat group activity.

?Implants disabled two subjects during an assault on correctional staff.  

?Universal side effects in all 8 test subjects revealted that when implant was set to 116 MHz all subjects became lethargic and slept an average of 18-22 hours per day.

(Picture a country of permanent Couch Potatoes)  

?All subjects refused recreation periods for 14 days during the 116 MHz test evaluation, 7 of the 8 subjects did not exercise, in the cell or out of the cell and 5 or the 8 subjects refused showers up to three days at a time.  

?Each subject was monitored for aggressive activitiy during the test period and the finding are conclusive that 7 our of the 8 test subjects exhibited no agression, even when provoked.

?Each subject experienced only minor bleeding from the nose and ears 48 hours after the implant due to initial adjustment.  

?Each subject had no knowledge of the implant for the test period and each implant was retrieved under the guise of medical treatment.  It should be noted that the test period was for less than two months. However, during that period substantial data was gathered by our research and development team which suggests that the implants exceed expected results. One of the major concerns of Security and the R & D team was that the test subject would discover the chemial imbalance during the initial adjustment period and the test would have to be scurbbed. However, due to advanced technological developments in the sedatives administered, the 48 hour adjustment period can be attributed t prescription medication given to the test subjects after the implant procedure.  One of the concerns raised by R & D was the cause of the bleeding and how to eliminate that problem. Unexplained bleeding might cause the subject to inquire further about his “routine” visit to the infirmary or health care facility.


This is just ONE example of how a CHIPPED person can be controlled. Think about this. Under the guise of a ‘good idea’- medical info, prevent kidnapping etc., one could also be programmed for …well..what else? Just imagine. And if you still don’t think the VeriChip has this potential, think again. They now have a REWRITABLE Chip. So Once you are chipped those who have access may now have the capability to rewrite the info in the CHIP!

In addition to the GrandPrix solution, Impinj’s RFID product line includes the ZumaRFIDTM tag chip, the world’s first rewriteable Class 0 chip with long-range and high-speed readability and rewriteability. Available today in production-volume quantities, ZumaRFID has up to 192 bits of lockable memory, which can be used to store 2 independent 96 bit EPCs, or user data, and includes consumer privacy features such as the ability to disable or “kill” fielded tags.


No more Democrats. Just rewrite the chip and we’ll all be Republicans. That’s assuming that THEY own this.
But if you still don’t think this technology is one that should be WATCHED carefully, here’s a link to get on the Want to be Chipped list.

Big Brother or VeriChip Update

I am extremely concerned about the future uses of the VeriChip or RFID tag. In my view, the thought that my every move could be tracked, from shopping to sleeping is violating.

If you have ever been robbed, raped or stalked you will understand that feeling.

I subscribe to a VeriChip Alert newsletter and have received this latest report.

Here’s the most up to date information about the Verichip:

-Applied Digital is talking with credit card companies about eventually using the VeriChip as a backup way of identifying cardholders

-The Verichip will replace ATM cards in the not so distant future

-A Netherlands nightclub owner had the VeriChip implanted in certain customers that frequent his discos and to allow access into VIP lounges

-Just a few weeks ago, a journalist from a ski magazine called the company to inquire about using the Verichip to replace ski lift tickets at a local resort

-The chip, like many other new technologies, raises questions about privacy all over the world

-The Verichip will change the way companies decide how to market and sell their products

-The Verichip will be used for advanced sales tactics

-Soon, a medical patient that has the Verichip with high cholesterol will be bombarded with e-mails and pamphlets from the makers of Medication. How? They’ve got all their info on the Verichip

-Quite possible, companies with advanced technology, will be able to scan an implanted person from any distance, then within seconds, compile their info into marketing campaigns and sales tactics that relate to their specific body type, medical condition,
even recently eaten foods!

-New Study Being Taken Regarding The Verichip: BIGresearch and Artafact have launched a new qualitative/quantitative syndicated report to track consumer awareness, attitudes and opinions about the wave of Verichip hitting the markets

-A new study of over 8,500 adults will explore the impact the recent publicity around new Verichip

-The study will also look at the sources of information consumers use to get and stay informed about The Verichip

-After a study fielded in September 2004, 72% of the respondents had never heard of Verichip and had no
idea what it was.  Those that were aware (28%) had educated themselves via the Internet versus hearing about it from traditional mass media like television, radio and print. Over 8,000 consumers participated in the September survey.

-This next study will also explore what companies and organizations are emerging for consumers as good sources of information about the Verichip and other RFID applications.

-In the first wave of the study, nearly two-thirds of Verichip aware adults were concerned about the potential for privacy abuse and no source was recognized by them as a resource for good information.
Most don’t trust the government.


Say No To Being Chipped!

For more information on the VeriChip click here LINK

Feeding Tube is the Weapon of Mass Destruction

Militia to the rescue-or American made Insurgents Have we come to this? The local American militia are ready to do battle? I’ve researched these groups a lot and one thing that connects them is how much they hate the government in their personal lives.
“I’ve got some very angry Michigan militia folks chomping at the bit …”

“Shall we save Terri Schiavo?

“The Courts say NO

“The Law Makers say NO

“The Executives say NO

“It’s time for us to say: ‘Let’s Roll!’

Norm Olson, senior adviser to the Michigan militia and pastor of a strong right-to-life church in Wolverine, said Tuesday he had put together an unarmed coalition of state militias that were prepared to storm the Florida hospice where Terri Schiavo has been left to die, and take her to a safe house.

Olson said he needed only the OK from Schiavo’s father, Robert Schindler, either directly or through his attorney David Gibbs, to put the plan, called “Operation Resurrection,” into action on Sunday.

Olson said that last Thursday he phoned Gibbs’ secretary with a message that he had organized 1,500 to 2,000 militia members from Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia and Michigan, who were ready to remove Schiavo from the hospice and take her in a convoy to a safe house.

Olson said he never was able to speak directly to the Schindlers or Gibbs.

Apparently the FBI was contacted. More

“Gibbs probably told the Schindlers not to get the militia involved. That’s why Schindler came out with statement that he did not want any civil disobedience. Now they’re begging for someone to do something, but it’s too late,” Olson said.

Olson said the militias needed time to arrange for an ambulance, medical support staff and a safe house before the plan could be put into action.

“We would have overwhelmed the local law enforcement,” Olson said, adding the militias would not have been armed.

Olson said the other reason for the plan was to put Florida Republican Gov. Jeb Bush, the brother of the U.S. president, on the spot.

“He would have had to send in state police or the National Guard to turn us away,” Olson said. “None of us believe that he is helpless. He is the chief officer of the state and has the power of executive clemency. (Jeb) Bush was a liar when he said he couldn’t do it. He knows his office has to represent the people. And judges have to know they are not infallible. All this was thwarted by Gibbs.”

He said the march to the hospice would have been similar to the massive March on Washington led by Martin Luther King in 1963.

“We were just going to push people out of the way. It was the mood and the heartbeat of America,” he said.

“In reality there are four branches of government in America, and we the people are the fourth. That’s what our march was going to do: Show the American people that we were still in control.”

“We the people are the final judges, not the black-robed demons. I do not believe that 70 percent of the American people thought it was wrong for government to get involved. They turned around when they believed Terri Schiavo’s was a lost cause and wanted to be on the winning side.”

“America has lost hope because, where there’s life there’s hope, but it is the black-robed devils who are deciding who lives and dies.”

“We should all err on the side of life, whether it’s an unborn American or someone facing the end of life. The feeding tube is like an umbilical cord or premature babies in an ICU (intensive care unit).

“The case of Terri Schiavo is tragic, macabre, dark and evil,” Olson said.

A Call to Action …

Excerpts from Norm Olson’s e-mails, in chronological order, to southern militias as he prepared a plan to organize a mass confrontation with Florida state law enforcement with a goal of removing Terri Schiavo from the hospice where she is dying to a safe house:

Wednesday, March 23:

“Are there militia in Florida who are willing to go rescue Terri?

“How about Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana?

“I’ve got some very angry Michigan militia folks chomping at the bit …”

“Shall we save Terri Schiavo?

“The Courts say NO

“The Law Makers say NO

“The Executives say NO

“It’s time for us to say: ‘Let’s Roll!’

Thursday, March 24:

“Florida Militia: Please contact me. We’re going to need several hundred willing to storm the building. I suspect that hundreds of ‘civilians’ may go with us. There is very little time, but I’ve got people ready to roll tonight.”

“Failure is very probable, but not to try is to fail already.”

“Too small of a force will mean total failure. It is a ‘Bridge Too Far’ but with enough people it may work.

“It isn’t a commando raid or sneak attack. It is a mass saturation of people able to overwhelm the minimal forces there at this time.”

“A large scale military assault need not be bloody. As much as we might like to, care must be taken to avoid inflicting injury on the bad guys.”

Sunday, March 27:

“I would ask Mr. and Mrs. Schindler to make the following statement:

‘We have said that we do not want civil disobedience to save Terri’s life. But time is nearly gone. We are asking that the militia and concerned citizens intervene immediately, doing WHATEVER IS NECESSARY to save our daughter.” (emphasis in the original)

“I’m at a total loss as to what to do. Unless the parents ask for our help, we would be walking into a disaster… I can imagine that the pacifists (spineless Christians and others) would actually oppose OUR effort to save Terri, saying that civil disobedience is against God’s Will…”

“Without the Schlinders’ clear and decisive call to the militia, we would be faced with civilians who would oppose us for resorting to civil disobedience to free Terri. As much as I would want to try, it is a mission impossible. There is just no workable plan.”


The Republicans seemed to have started another “Iraq War” here at home and the American “Insurgents” will come out of the wood work.

I never thought a feeding tube would be the weapon of mass destruction.

God save us…

Moon over America

What next? All the loonies have come home to rest..or take over.

Notes from Father’s message to members:

…What are we centered on that brings us into relationship with one another? What is our relationship with True Parents centered on? Our lives and relationships are different than the ideal that was held at the time of the Creation. We have to know this; it ought to be carved into our bones.

We have to cut off our past relationships. Without doing that, the ideal, the model for individuals  and families cannot be made. It is a time of great change. It is the time after the coming of heaven; we have to turn everything upside down. We have to put an end to relationships that resulted from the Fall and start again from oneself. We have to find the origin that is centered on true love, true life and true bloodline. The first step in our belief is reorganizing and setting up one’s original self and original family. If you don’t know this, you have no connection to the kingdom of heaven. We have to cut off relationships that resulted from the Fall and start a new era, as if we are starting on a clean sheet of white paper.

 True resurrection requires indemnity; not only that, it requires revolution. The conscience is the same. After a revolution of conscience, blood relationships remain. We have to reach the state of direct dominion. We have to overcome.



The Washington Times owner’s most recent of many consistent entreaties to toss democracy on the scrap-heap along with Communism:

The United States is proud of its democratic system, which carries the idea of brotherhood. She has to adopt the ideas of Parents and Godism. We have to discard relationships that resulted from the Fall.
It is time to have a new organization in a new era; then we can start with a strong mind. All of us have to have positive, active minds. As was done in Korea, you have to provide Divine Principle education to senators, congressmen, high national officials and those on the local level.


  1. Ever since the Garden of Eden, mankind has pursued the wrong relationships and forms of government.
  2. Human beings are loyal to brothers. Instead, they should be bowing down to the True Parents.
  3. The result of their sinful ways is democracy.
  4. But the proper and ultimate relationship, Moon says, is sworn obedience to parents. (He calls himself the True Father.)
  5. The U.S., therefore, must replace democracy with “Godism.”
  6. Moon urges his followers to continue laying the groundwork for his policy ideas by winning access to the U.S. Congress.


I feel like I am stuck in a bad movie.