This encapsulates our country’s politics of late nicely.

Under Bush Administration initiatives, the American people now have the newly expanded freedom to be unemployed, to be homeless, to be deprived of medical insurance, and to be unable to afford prescription drugs without fear of government interference!

They now have the newly expanded freedom to breathe polluted air, to fear new mercury levels, to see great forests being thinned and pristine lands drilled for oil, and to remain helpless as the planet succumbs to global warming.

They are more free to live with skyrocketing deficits, reduced social programs, exorbitant energy costs, and tax cuts for the wealthy.

They are more free to die in illegal wars, to have their civil liberties disintegrate and see their personal choices invaded by the religious right.

They are more free to be hated by the world community and feared by nations who respected them in the past.

We get to those conclusions from this:


1. Claimed Product: The War on Terror! – Keeping America Safe!

Actual Ingredients:
 Terror tactics designed to create a frightened, trusting public willing to believe that we are hated because we are free. Fear mongering designed to give President full, undemocratic war powers to carry out PNAC plans. All the while the real threat to America’s safety is increasing. The Bush administration’s environmental  policies alone are a greater threat to life than any terrorist.

2. Claimed Product: The Patriot Act

Actual Ingredients: Violations of civil rights, due process, habeas corpus and other protections provided by the US Constitution in the guise of security measures. The upset of the vital balance of power in US government, placing unnecessarily greater power in hands of executive branch.

3. Claimed Product: Homeland Security

Actual Ingredients: Selective contracts for the party faithful.  Gaping loopholes in cargo, nuclear plant and aviation safety; Chemical industry protected from implementing costly security standards. Cities funded without regard  to risk levels.

4. Claimed Product: Operation Iraqi Freedom!

Actual Ingredients: Violations of International Law, Geneva Conventions. Control of Iraq oil reserves and pipelines; prisoner abuse and torture; Indiscriminant killingof civilians; chaos, confusion, continued death and destruction. Construction of largest US embassy in the world; construction of 14 permanent US military bases. Huge profits for Halliburton, Carlyle Group, other US contractors. Note: This product was sold to the public as Operation Protect America from a Threat of WMD yet the public never noticed that the label did not match the sales pitch.

5. Claimed Product:  No Child Left Behind

Actual Ingredients: Unrealistic and educationally unsound under-funded testing program; dissatisfied teachers, parents, administrators and students.  Huge profits for manufacturers of practice and testing materials. Cuts in state and local funding for implementation of mandated program.

6. Claimed Product: Clear Skies

Actual Ingredients: More time for power plants, factories and refineries to reduce their air pollution. More pollution than allowed in present Clean Air Act. Increased caps on emissions of mercury, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide. Restrictions on states to call for end of upwind pollution by other states.

7. Claimed Product:  Healthy Forests

Actual Ingredients: Severe limits on public participation; provisions for logging industry to cut down trees across 31,250 square miles of National Forests. No protection for homes nor for prevention of shrub land fires on private lands in southern California, the site of more than 90% of all fires in the state.

8. Claimed Product:  Medicare Reform

Actual Ingredients: Massive taxpayer handout to drug companies; ban on U.S. government to negotiate lower drug prices for senior citizens. Increases of 18%, to be followed by another 12% in contributions to Medicare coverage by seniors. Continued outrageous costs of prescription medications with only minor discounts.


Bushco’s New Business: "Nation Building"

Or I should say Bush’s Hit List.

As Bush and company continue to dismantle America’s Democracy, they begin a list to build up future democracies.

This is justified because of “the dangers of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.”

 (Cross posted from Rosee’s Rest Stop)

“US intelligence services are drawing up a secret watch-list of 25 countries in which instability might lead to US intervention, according to officials in charge of a new office set up to co-ordinate planning for nation-building and conflict prevention.

The list will be composed and revised every six months by the National Intelligence Council, which collates intelligence for strategic planning, according to Carlos Pascual, head of the newly formed office of reconstruction and stabilisation.

The new State Department office amounts to recognition by the Bush administration that it needs to get better at nation-building, a concept it once scorned as social work disguised as foreign policy, following its failures in Iraq.

Mr Pascual told a conference last week on reconstructing and stabilising war-torn states that the NIC would identify countries of “greatest instability and risk” to clarify priorities and allocate resources. The watch-list was classified, according to a spokesperson. However, another official gave the example of Nepal, saying it was the subject of a study on fragile states by USAid, the government aid agency. USAid declined to comment.

Although Mr Pascual, a former ambassador, will lead the co-ordination between civilian agencies and the Pentagon, officials stressed the new office did not mean the US was bent on nation-building through military action.

Mr Pascual said conflict prevention and postwar reconstruction had become a “mainstream foreign-policy challenge” because of the dangers of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.”


Well, we all know the real facts behind the real terror and real weapons of mass destruction.(Bush, Cheney, Rove, Greed, Lies etc.,).

This is just Bush’s Business Plan per usual.

King Karl-The Clever One-Did it Again

It became quite clear to me early on that Bush was not the leader of the goose-stepping GOPs. Bush’s babysitter, puppet-meister, and ‘architect’ since the 70s, Karl Rove is calling the shots, still.

Who would have thought that using Social Security as a wedge issue, diversionary tactic would be a secret political weapon?

(Cross posted from Rosee’s Rest Stop)

Think Karl Rove is losing on Social Security and Schiavo? Those are mere tactical skirmishes–he’s got a grander prize in mind.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
{Photo credit goes to Dood (Bood) Abides}

“Yet as ugly as the Social Security debate has been for Bush and the GOP, it has served–perhaps intentionally–one salutary purpose: distracting Democrats while Republicans legislate, with ungodly brio, the rest of their agenda.

Class-action reform, the bankruptcy bill, drilling for oil in the Alaskan wilderness: Republicans are teeing up pet legislation and knocking it down the fairway like Tiger Woods with a brisk wind at his back. “Without Social Security,” Grover Norquist, a Rove confidant and head of Americans for Tax Reform, told me, “this other stuff would’ve been the front line of battle. Instead, Democrats are holding us up on Social Security, while we get everything else we want done.”

Like Moore, Norquist concedes that Social Security reform (at least any version featuring private accounts) is unlikely to be passed this year. But this, he contends, would hardly be catastrophic for Republicans–and he has a point. “On Social Security, we’re playing on our field,” Norquist says. “What would a Democratic win be? The status quo! Not exactly exciting for the party of progressivism.”

In keeping the various breeds of elephant inside the Republican tent, Rove has his hands full. But while he may not qualify as a political Einstein–his tactics often crude (and even thuggish), his strategies susceptible to overreach–there’s no gainsaying his achievements or overstating his ambitions. Today Rove (whom Bush has dubbed “The Architect”) wields more power than any party operative since his hero Mark Hanna a century ago. If the GOP gains further ground in 2006, Rove’s influence will only grow. And if a Rove-guided Republican takes the White House in 2008 . . . well, maybe we better not go there. The Rove primary is unsettling enough; a Grand Rove Party would border on terrifying.”


We may be kissing King Karl’s boots in 2008, and here I’ve been worrying about those who kiss Bush’s ass…

Manchurian Candidates & Big Brother

Big Brother is here to stay-VeriChips or RFIDs

(cross posted from Rosee”Rest Stop)

Ever since I ‘discovered’ info about RFIDs I’ve become fascinated and appalled at the potential negative ramifications. On one hand the RFID’s in the manufacturing and retail fields for inventory tracking seems appropriate. RFIDs in the LINK defense, Homeland Security, food LINK and health fields  LINKare worrisome. They become even more diabolical in the creditcard, drivers license and personal ID realm.
I’ve discovered that the RFID technology has been around for several years and has been improved and now called the Veri chip.
 (Click on for bigger picture)

The VeriChip, the size of a grain of rice can be implanted easily and unsuspectingly. Once implanted a person, animal or thing can be tracked by GPS satellites and portable scanners by anyone or government or organization that is so inclined, for whatever purpose. Once a person has been chipped That person is no longer FREE. That person simply becomes a piece of inventory. Think about this.

The VeriChip has been marketed and purchased by many foreign establishments http://www.idworldonline.com/. This product is being PR’d by a group called WISE Media http://www.wisemedia.it/communications.htm – owned and operated by Scientologists. http://www.wise.org/   Scientology is a Greed-cult with a despicable history. http://www.xenu.net/ http://www.wise.org/en_US/membership/about/pg003.html http://www.wise.org/en_US/membership/about/pg002.html

Back in the 80s I worked for a software company Real World. I recently came upon the below mentioned software company’s website. The owner of this company was my CEO and is a scientologist. I share this link to show the embeddedness of scientology and this is only one example. If you check out some of the other links you’ll find lots more scientology/mainstream connections. He is now doing business with the following:

“About Competence Software LINK

Competence Software, founded in 1992, provides computer and web based training products which help corporate employees understand and communicate in the areas of business finance, investing and information technology. Over 500,000 of its Financial Competence® and Investment Competence® courses are in use by individuals and corporations large and small. Courses from Competence Software have been voted “Best of Breed” by leading on line learning and training organizations like Click2Learn, New York Institute of Finance, etc. It’s client list includes corporate giants like Merrill Lynch, Citibank, Dow Chemical, DuPont, IBM Credit Corp., General Electric, Barclays Bank, Bank of America, Dun and Bradstreet, 3M, Volvo, Columbia Gas, T. Rowe Price, Chevron, Sprint, Bell South, Office Depot. John Deere, Nortel, Johnson Controls, Ingersoll Rand, Cargil, Burger King, Mail Boxes Etc., Cytec, Nestlé Canada, Royal Bank of Canada, Pitney Bowes and the US Federal Reserve Bank. Educational clients include University of Toledo, Penn State, University of Chicago, University of Nevada Las Vegas, National Academy of Finance, etc.”


I am not going to mention names because I have a legal gag order as a result of a lawsuit I had with the original software company.

Because of my past run-in with scientology I am extremely aware of the dangers of mind-control and equate the future of the VeriChip as a very similar intrusion. It will be the ultimate RAPE of multitudes of unsuspecting people. Babies are already being implanted in come ‘testing grounds’ as are the elderly, parolees and some medical patients and/or ‘guinea pigs.’

I know this sounds so Sci-Fi but it is reality of the times. If any of you have been involved in a cult, you know how even one’s Free Will can be snatched. I also have a theory that much of the Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome form those in the military is a result of the ‘brainwashing’ process that they have to go through. When they leave the military some cannot de-assimilate. Much like with the process of hynosis-some people can be hypnotized easily and others cannot. I think the same is possible in brainwashing- some are very susceptible and others, who are aware, can fight it. But the way the majority of our society has been dumbed-down by the media etc., we are primed for ‘snatching.’
If you don’t believe this I highly recommend the book Snapping by Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman.
 Snapping Book

So not only will the government and the powers within, but a pseudo religious cult will have dibs on you. Supposedly we will have the ‘choice-to-be-chipped’ at first and under certain situations. This will come under the guise of credit card security, drivers license ID tags and other seemingly ‘safe and practical’ considerations.

Finally, one can take the Privacy Option Check List Test given below.  An essential aspect to keep in mind, however, is that in choosing your options, assume that Any and Everyone has access — acquired legally or illegally, via purchase or other means — to any and all of the information that can be gleamed (and/or inferred) from the lack of privacy.

            * A device which monitors where your automobile is during selected/all times.

            * A device which monitors who is in your house during selected/all times.

            * A device which monitors who is in your office during selected/all times.

            * Devices monitoring selected/all public places that you frequent.

            * Devices monitoring selected/all private places that you frequent.

            * A device which monitors selected/all communications you send or receive.

            * A device which monitors where you are during selected/all times.

            * A device which controls your mood and/or your physical body.

            * A device which when triggered remotely can terminate your life.



Please people be aware of this future which is coming. I don’t think we can stop it as the technology is already here and around us. But when you are asked, somewhere down the line, if you are even asked, opt out of getting ‘chipped.’

Have You Risen Above the Fray?

When do you choose to keep the Bush feeding tube shoved down your throat or opt to get it out and start “living” again?
That is the question.

We are still in Iraq. The Democrats and Republicans are still shrilling over Terri Schiavo with hypocrisy strong on both sides. When will we rise above the bullshit? America has been crucified long enough by the corrupt, lying, greed-full Bush administration.
Neither political party has shown much integrity, honor or honesty of any value of late. The media continues to work hard on dumbing down the populace and the majority blindly marches to the cliff…

Bushco continues to threaten Iran, North Korea, China, Pakistan and god knows who else. Nothing is improving domestically. The rich are getting richer and the American people are being brainwashed into submission. We can still rant and rave but no one is really able to take any viable actions.

I apologize for being so cynical. I do have some hope…I think..

The Bush Plan Book

I need to share this ‘thing’ I found here Command and Control Research Program at the The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Networks and Information Integration (OASD-NII) web site.
Just Read it and I hope you can see what I see here. I am beyond words.

The Threat

The most pressing threats of the new security environment are violent reactions to the world’s movement toward a single international system
marked by the free movement of people, investment,goods, and ideas.

The attacks of September 11th
and the overt hostility toward what is perceived to be a heavily American globalization make it plain that this evolution will be neither easy nor without significant peril. Yet, this movement is not so much a function of American efforts to promote any ideology as it is due to the attraction that many aspects of the Western economic model hold.

Not withstanding recessions and inequities, the complex adaptive economic system that we call free enterprise has proven to be a much more efficient producer of goods and services than command economies or more traditional economies, an efficiency that manifests itself in the increased quantity of goods and services available. It is the promise not of mass
consumption but of consumption by the masses, the idea that everyone can aspire to material goods and a better life, that is attracting support for change.

In addition, the introduction of new information
technologies stands to further enhance this
productivity and attraction. America may aspire to influence the direction and timing of this change, but it cannot control it.

Democratic government, the complex adaptive
political system, is the necessary complement to this complex adaptive economic system. Again, the
reason is practical rather than ideological.

Responsive government is needed to cope with the accelerating pace of political and social change that accompanies the free market and information-driven globalization, both to curb the potential abuses of the free market system and to enforce the competition that drives increased efficiency. In essence, it is the “feedback loop” that focuses the economic effort and ensures that efficient free enterprise does not sink into inefficient monopolies or corrupt oligarchies.

The movement toward a new international system
has also been marked by an expanding information
revolution and the spread of the free, mass culture of the West, abetted by a pervasive global media whose reach has been further expanded by the revolution in information technology (embodied in
Effects-Based Operations 4
the Internet).

This media revolution has not only heightened demand for the goods that a more efficient free market economy can bring, but also increased demand for more open and flexible government.

Again, the information revolution is not the result of any American effort to create democratic bastions, support the free press, or promote information technology.

Rather, it results from the spread of the information itself and the resulting increased awareness around the world of how life might be different and how governments might be better.

This awareness lends force to the entire movement for change, political and economic, as well as social.

The course of this internationalization has not and will not be smooth.

Expectations raised by the expanding media will exceed the ability of governments and economies to deliver.

There will be violent reactions and often destabilizing changes in established cultures and institutions. And, those who oppose change will see conflict as a way to disrupt the movement toward globalization.

The anti-Western violence of al-Qaida is only one manifestation of a problem that is likely to continue as long as the process of globalization continues.

Herein lies the threat to American security. The United States can control neither the movement toward a new international system nor the violent reactions to it, yet the United States, its citizens, and its interests will clearly be a principal target. To make
matters worse, the free trade and travel that are part of globalization make the United States and the West vulnerable in ways that they have never been before. Ocean barriers are no longer protection against terrorism in an era of mass air travel and still more massive trade.

Amidst this turmoil, a strategy of “forward defense” takes on a new meaning, and the traditional military missions of deterrence, presence, and crisis response take on a new significance.

Over the past 50 years, the United States’ forward defense strategy has rested on three pillars: the economy, politics and culture, and the military.

Since September 11, 2001, this strategy has taken on a new urgency. The pace of the transition in which we are engaged is likely to be at least in part a function of the internal and regional stability surrounding it.

The greater the instability and conflict, the slower the pace is likely to be and the more prolonged the threat to the United States. By aiding the transition to a successful and speedy conclusion, we therefore lessen the danger to ourselves at home and abroad.

The forward strategy thus rests on a paradox. It must seek both stability and highly-disruptive change.

How then do military forces contribute?

The Military Role-

The lasting solutions to the unrest wrought by
globalization are political, social, and economic in nature, not military. This is because the root causes of the instability are themselves political, social, and economic in nature. Thus, the United States and the West can influence global evolution only to the
degree that their businessmen, teachers, diplomats, and journalists are free to play a role. But, these varied roles, like the change as a whole, demand a basic local stability in order to succeed.

While our Effects-Based Operations forward military forces certainly may have a role in influencing local militaries, their crucial role is not as an agent of change. Their real role is to create and/or reinforce the stability that political, social, and economic change requires.

The role of military
forces is not to solve all of the social, political, and economic dilemmas; it is to buy time.

Military forces buy time in a very immediate sense by dealing with the symptoms of unrest: meeting threats to American and Western nationals; containing crises; supporting local efforts to handle unrest; and countering opportunistic threats from other local states.

However, perhaps the most significant military contribution is not dealing with the symptoms of instability, but acting as the forward deterrent that underpins long-term stability, a force whose presence and capabilities support an enduring peace within which change can occur.

We can conceive of the economic, socio-political,
and military roles in forward defense as a series of
overlapping circles, depicted in Figure 1. Each
element has a distinctively different function in the
strategy. Each overlaps and supports the other
elements. These overlaps are instructive. For
example, by opening new markets, businessmen
also engage in people-to-people contacts that help
to expand the cultural and political frontiers.

Yet, despite the overlap, the role of the businessman clearly remains economic. Similarly, a diplomat might aid business in opening new markets or
expanding investments while continuing to execute
U.S. policy. This overlap of functions is also
apparent in the military domain.

One role of military forces in forward defense, for example, may be to keep the seas safe for commerce. Another may be to engage people-to-people contacts, e.g. exercises with local militaries.

However, while each of the latter roles may be important, they describe only those areas in which the military role overlaps and directly
supports the economic and political elements.

In this sense, they are missions that are peripheral to the actual and most critical military role of creating and maintaining the basic local stability.

It is this role of deterrence and crisis response that is the true contribution of the military pillar.

In describing this role and the context of effects based operations, our problem is complicated by
Effects-Based Operations  

Forward Defense the fact that we tend to look at military efforts in terms of reactive operations such as the evacuation of American nationals threatened by
local terrorism, or crisis responses to block local

Such operations deal with the symptoms of the instability and the incipient failures of local deterrence. As such, they are but one part of the real contribution of constructing and acting as the guarantor of local stability.

Strategic Deterrence and the New Security Environment Post-September 11th strategic deterrence has two dimensions: homeland defense and forward
defense, deterrence and containment.

During the Cold War, strategic deterrence tended to be defined predominantly in terms of strategic
nuclear deterrence. This is certainly understandable given the stakes involved in a nuclear conflagration, however this strategic nuclear deterrence was paralleled by a broader dimension that might be termed conventional or non-strategic nuclear deterrence. Both remain a fundamental part of our security, but the latter dimension in particular lies at the heart of our post-September 11th problem and the need for effects-based operations.

Strategic Nuclear Deterrence

The nuclear deterrence of the Cold War rested on
the threat of retaliation. It worked because each
nuclear-armed power could threaten opponents…

Downloadable book

This is my last diary for awhile. It answers the questions that I have been asking myself since BUSHCO came into power in 2000. How and what happened to America.

I found it while searching through Mind-Control web sites.

Having been a victim of ‘scientology in the work place’ years ago, I saw the dangers of mass mind-set control in many areas of the political discourse we have been ‘suffering’ these last few years.

“Transformational Technologies” is the buzzword. Check out the links above, read these downloadable books, and come to your own conclusions. Money, Greed at any cost. Blind loyalty for the almighty dollar.

After Schiavo and Easter comes Social Security

Hope everyone has a nice Easter this Sunday.

Congress will be back to work shortly afterwards. We cannot let the Terri situation distract us from the fight to save Social Security.

I do not trust anything the Bush Administration does or says because they play by their own Rules of Law. Even though we have been told that the Privatization of SS is dead in the water..well, the Dems have been wrong before and our lack of power is obvious.

This is a gentle reminder why we need to keep an eye on the Social Security ball. The below information are two good reminders why we can’t let Social Security get into the wrong hands.

This LINK gives a good explanation of Social Security Privatization.
This snippet is an important point to remember why messing with SS is not a good idea. Unless you can see into the future and know you won’t become disabled or die, you should be concerned with this:

Social Security

Privatizing puts survivors and disability protection in jeopardy.
Privatization plans that involve diverting funds in the Social Security system to personal savings accounts would drastically cut survivors and disability benefits. Since privatization plans call for diverting as much as forty percent of payroll taxes to private investment accounts, survivor and disability protection levels would be cut to accommodate a smaller Social Security Trust Fund. This is a critical issue which has been largely ignored by proponents of privatization.

Today, workers who become disabled or die can rely on Social Security for a basic income for themselves and/or their families. This is true even for younger workers who have not had many years to pay into the system. But if Social Security were replaced with a private accounts plan, workers who face death or disability would be forced to rely primarily on their own investments for income. If they are young and have not had sufficient time to accumulate funds in their personal accounts, they could be putting their families in serious jeopardy.


Another reason to not want privatization is the Greed and Corruption Factors of those who might be given the opportunity to handle ‘your’ money.

Mar. 23, 2005 Mutual Fund Manager Putnam Pays $40 Million Fine to Settle SEC Enforcement Action

Mar. 23, 2005 Citigroup Pays $20 Million to Settle SEC Action Relating to Mutual Fund Sales Practices

Mar. 21, 2005 SEC Charges Time Warner with Fraud, Aiding and Abetting Frauds by Others, and Violating a Prior Cease-and-Desist Order; CFO, Controller, and Deputy Controller Charged with Causing Reporting Violations

See this link at the SEC for more violations SEC

Democracy IS working in Iraq

I love the irony. Hurrah for Iraq standing on principle.

“You don’t do the work, you don’t get paid.”

Iraq Halts Contract Payments to Raytheon, Maersk, Official Says

March 22 (Bloomberg) — Iraq’s interim government is refusing to make payments on some contracts with foreign companies including Raytheon Co. and A.P. Moeller-Maersk A/S because they overcharged or failed to deliver everything they promised, an official said.

`It’s a problem all ministries are dealing with because of the lack of paperwork provided by the U.S.-led administration on contracts they signed before handing over power in June,” Iraq’s deputy transport minister, Atta Nabil Hussain Auni Atta, said in a telephone interview from Amman, Jordan, on March 21.

Atta, 63 and a 30-year veteran at the ministry, said Raytheon hasn’t delivered an air-traffic control system to Baghdad airport, and the government is withholding a $19 million payment. James Fetig, a spokesman for the Waltham, Massachusetts- based defense contractor, declined to comment on the matter.

The Coalition Provisional Authority, led by U.S. Ambassador Paul Bremer, awarded billions of dollars of contracts to foreign companies including Halliburton Co. during the 14 months it administered Iraq after the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein’s regime.


Maybe Bush’s spread of democracy around the world is a good thing. We can’t stand up to Bush here because we are now in a Theocracy, but new Democracies can. What goes around comes around.

Is this the real reason for Gas and Oil Increases?

Africa. Is our attention being diverted because of this?

New Sources of Oil

January 20, 2005 – West African oil holds great promise for companies in search of diverse sources. But it’s giving U.S. national security planners a new gulf to worry about: the Gulf of Guinea.

Imports from Nigeria have almost doubled in the last two years, and U.S. companies led by Irving, Texas-based ExxonMobil Corp. is beginning to produce from new fields in the deep waters off Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea and further south off Angola.

More below

Yet much like the Persian Gulf countries, the Gulf of Guinea nations harbor terrorists and insurrectionists who pose a big threat to the flow of oil, particularly from onshore fields in Nigeria’s Niger River delta.

When a rebel group threatened to attack Nigerian oil installations in early October, prices rose to $50 a barrel.

The rebels now say they’ve reached a truce with the government. Still, fears about continued violence in Nigeria and Iraq coupled with concerns about the slow pace of recovery in Gulf of Mexico oil output pushed crude close to $55 a barrel as of Friday.


Is this some of the reason why we are not helping out more in Sudan?

Gulf of Guinea Oil vital for U.S.

Ten years after the discovery of vast quantities of oil and gas in its waters by ExxonMobil, tiny Equatorial Guinea now produces 440,000 barrels of oil daily, almost half the yield of Nigeria. Within five years it will probably become Africa’s second biggest producer and one of the US’s largest providers. According to the IMF, its income from oil and gas is about $1bn a year based on 1992 oil prices and output. It is more likely that its income from oil is $3bn.

Large quantities of oil have also been discovered in the waters off the tiny neighbouring island of Sao Tome e Principe, where over 20 oil companies have bid for the right to drill. The U.S. is negotiating with the government of this island to establish a strategic regional base there.

The African Oil Policy Group, a Washington lobbying group, reported to the House of Representatives African Subcommittee in 2002, “the Gulf of Guinea oil basin in West Africa, with greater western and southern Africa and its attendant market of 250 million people located astride key sea lanes of communication, [is] a vital interest in U.S. national security calculations”.

The U.S. has used the “war on terrorism” to increase its military presence in Africa.

General James Jones, commander of the US European command with responsibility for African operations, on the eve of President Bush’s visit to Africa in June 03 stated that the US was trying to negotiate the long term use of a “family” of military bases across Africa. Augmenting these bases would be a strong U.S. Navy and Marine force operating in the Gulf of Guinea off the coast of West Africa “The carrier battle groups of the future may not spend six months in the Mediterranean sea,” Jones said “but I’ll bet they spend half the time going down the west coast of Africa”.


I’m just asking as I find this curious.