The Pecker Principle vs the Constitution

We are not all created equal. Proof- People born in Dafur vs. anywhere else. Proof-lots of prettier, smarter, wealthier and healthier people walking vs me. Proof- Still a man’s world vs. women. I could go on and on but hopefully you see where I’m going here.

I was blessed with a curious open mind. I can generally see both sides of an issue and some value of both sides of an argument. I agree with the NEED for the Rule of Law, a semblance of the 10 commandments and other helpful guidelines to live amicably with others, but NONE of it is set in stone, not really. The rules, the status quo, the wealth and health, even what constitute a sin all depends on who is in charge and running the group at any point in time.

The last six years have forced more contemplation about life, why are we here, what is my purpose, what do I believe etc., and have tested my soul beyond limits in so many ways.

My conclusions seem to change almost daily due to the outrageous events of the past Bush years. I have waivered between fear, isolation, craving some mind numbness just to quell my soul’s sadness and panic from the world’s chaos and madness. I feel more anti- (bad) men than ever. I  see very little if no equality anywhere for anyone unless one belongs to the good-ole boy club where the haves keep getting more and the have-nots have almost nothing left.

I see guns being the badge of acceptance, honor, righteousness to those who stand by the US constitution instead of standing by their fellow man. Maybe our constitution is a bit out-dated to the realities of today in so many ways.

I see justice still leans toward those with the wealthier peckers, no matter who or what has been victimized.

I see 1% of the population with more wealth than all the rest of us combined.

I see that as a woman, I am still threatened by men’s law regarding my body and choices.

I see that good health is only available to those who have the means to maintain a healthier life-style which costs lots of money to eat right and well, live warm and cleanly and can escape to small islands of resorts to appreciate unpoluted air, and can afford medical care and meds if they need it. (Not too mention the big companies who have ‘tested’ new products on us.)

I know that there are many good, honest loving people still out there/here, somewhere, but I see that our concerns are almost minisculed in value because there’s no money, stardom or pecker value given to them much anymore. I almost do not recognize good life anymore. There are just too many phallic/pecker symbols running the world right now. Bombs, pedophiles, chemical induced liars, those drunk with power..

I cannot even enjoy my celibacy in peace when I see the world being raped day after day under the guise of a misused piece of paper- the constitution and by greed, war lies etc.

The rules of law change constantly depending who’s in charge and what rules THEY deem right for them. The 10 commandments only apply to the little guy. Religion is so out of whack, I even wonder sometimes that maybe there are 20 or 1000 gods running the planet like the Greeks used to believe.

I could go on and on, but what’s the point? I don’t know what the Rules are anymore. I even use to go by the golden rule, do unto others.., but because of what’s been done to me and so many others by those in charge now, I’m afraid of what I will do in return. I don’t have any more cheeks to turn.

I am leaning more towards wanting a progressive socialistic society where fair is fair, and has a set of laws that are applied equally,  regardless if one has a pecker or not. If we have to have politics I want term limits. If we have to have hollywood, I want short term stardom so more people get a chance. If we have to have sports I want it the old-fashion way- skill not money or steroid induced. Where good people are free to be good people and work for the greater good. Where good behavior is rewarded and bad behavior is dealt with properly and not hidden in rehabs or covered up by cronies. And where money is a non-entity or at the very least equally distributed.

There use to be a sense of utopia in America- isn’t that why so many millions still want to come here? I think it was called the American Dream (which is now a nightmare’ cause if ya can’t keep it you’ll end up like me, in poverty.)  I do wonder why so many still keep coming here, they obviously don’t see what I see.

I have become a survivalist. I use to call it a survivor until dumb downing reality shows changed the meaning. I am also feeling like an insurgent. I so understand why they do what they do. Thanks George and his friends, for fucking up everything that once was America and freedom.

In September vote for change AND then get busy making REAL CHANGES. Share the wealth and keep the pecker in yer pants unless your lover really desires it. And maybe lets help make the US Constitution an up-to-date masterpiece that it was meant to be. It has a fairly decent foundation but it has really been mucked up and out-grown in so many ways. Please! I want to see life get better again in my lifetime. In your lifetime. In OUR lifetime.

The Alcohol Excuse and Foley

I am sick of sicko’s using The Alcohol Excuse and how many of us accept that. I have suffered tremendously at the hand of The Alcohol Excuse. Because of alcohol and blackouts and denial many ‘victims’ become the target yet again.

Because I was married to an alcoholic I am now maligned as the co-dependent enabler witchy bitch. Because I dared call the cops when my husband beat me, threatened my life or if he was driving drunk and he had to spend 4 months in jail for a second DUI, his family rescued him from me and protect him from me. I am the wrong one. When he is sober he seemed like such a nice guy…

He deserted all his responsibilities to escape ‘his conscious’ -me. The anger inside me is incredible because of the lack of justice as Bob Johnson’s diary The Foley Case.. so eloquently points out. Justice is needed before forgiveness.

My husband’s family has no knowledge of his actions against me, or of his perverted behaviour he practiced while drunk- like going out in public with a butt-plug while bingeing on viagara so he could get his thrills ‘talking up’ (his words) un-suspecting women etc., his porn addiction, masturbating while watching sports- talk about me being grossed out and stunned at some of this drunken behaviour. Cops would arrest him for being passed out in his ‘parked’ car and then tell me was  a perfect gentleman, and I’d yell at the cops for not keeping him over night and how bad he treated me at home when he was drunk. The good-old boys-club thing I guess. The cop would then tell me there was a full bottle of liquor still in the car. Why didn’t the cops confiscate that?

Because he suffered the convenient blackouts and tremors he has little if no memory of the horrendous things he did, that I suffered and witnessed, and all I have left is the anger. All I want from him is a remorseful apology and acknowledgement of the pain he caused so that I can move on. I’ll never get it- the justice part, so I have to deal with getting over the anger some how and hopefully be able to forgive him someday.

I bring this up because I noticed how angry Bob Johnson still sounded, years after his bad experience, which fortunately did not even get to the ‘rape’ part. It made me imagine all the pain of all of us who have suffered from someone else’s sickness who never paid the price for their hellish actions. And how The Alcohol Excuse conveniently ‘hides’ the atrocities that those who practice bad behaviour seems acceptable to many. Just go into rehab and the perp is ‘forgiven’ by society. Somehow compassion is being mis-directed in so many cases.

Until The Alcohol Excuse is no longer acceptable by our society these outrages will never cease. I mean, look at how even Bush, an alcoholic, has been accepted as a president.  Maybe alcohol IS the bigger issue here. Maybe pedophiles would not exist without it..Ya think? Why is there not more outrage at Foley from the other side? Do you think the same people who own and operate re-habs (or big-wig hideouts) are the same people who run NAMBLA and congress and churches…

Sorry for the ramblings, but after reading Bob Johnson’s diary and feeling his anger it just re-triggered mine.

Halliburton will protect us from Global Warming!

Finally, Halliburton is doing something good for the {CEOs} citizens of the world. Instead of robbing US they will be ‘balling’ us. Suit up:

Image Hosted by
Yeah, so we’ll look silly but all the big CEOs and rich people will be right there with us. Think of the fun sumo-belly fights we all can have..
The Formal Presentation
And here are the EASY operating instructions:

Image Hosted by

Again, Halliburton spends money wisely.

WTF is it with Bush and Dubai?

This favoritism between Dubai and Bush is mindboggling.

Bush Set to Approve Takeover of 9 Military Plants by Dubai

Is Bush planning on getting out of ‘Dodge’ and moving to Dubai once he leaves the White House?? Ya gotta wonder..

NGTON, April 27 — President Bush is expected on Friday to announce his approval of a deal under which a Dubai-owned company would take control of nine plants in the United States that manufacture parts for American military vehicles and aircraft, say two administration officials familiar with the terms of the deal.

The officials, who were granted anonymity so they could speak freely about something the president had not yet announced, said that the final details had not yet been set and that Mr. Bush might put conditions on the transaction to keep military technology in the United States.

But his action is almost certain to attract scrutiny in Congress, because of the political furor that erupted over the administration’s approval of a deal earlier this spring that would have given another Dubai-owned company, Dubai Ports World, leases to operate several American port terminals through its acquisition of a British company, the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company.

Do we really have to put up with this kind of betrayal for three more friggin’ years?!

RFID chips and Levi Jeans-Coming to a store near you

Nothing comes between me and my Levi’s except a RFID chip. So be careful where you put and take off your jeans cuz BIG BROTHER will be watching.

I received this Press Release as I subscribe to Spy Chip newsletters.

This RFID stuff bothers me a lot and it should concern you also.

“Make no mistake,” McIntyre adds. “Today’s RFID inventory tags could
evolve into embedded homing beacons. Unchecked, this technology could
become a Big Brother bonanza and a civil liberties nightmare.”

April 27, 2006

Levi Strauss Confirms RFID Test, Refuses to Disclose Location

It may be time to ditch your Dockers and lay off the Levi’s, say privacy
activists Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre. New information confirms
that Levi Strauss & Co. is violating a call for a moratorium on
item-level RFID by spychipping its clothing. What’s more, the company is
refusing to disclose the location of its U.S. test.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a controversial technology that
uses tiny microchips to track items from a distance. These RFID
microchips have earned the nickname “spychips” because each contains a
unique identification number, like a Social Security number for things,
that can be read silently and invisibly by radio waves. Over 40 of the
world’s leading privacy and civil liberties organizations have called
for a moratorium on chipping individual consumer items because the
technology can be used to track people without their knowledge or

Jeffrey Beckman, Director of Worldwide and U.S. Communications for Levi
Strauss, confirmed his company’s chipping program in an email exhange
with McIntyre, saying “a retail customer is testing RFID at one location
[in the U.S.]…on a few of our larger-volume core men’s Levi’s jeans
styles.” However, he refused to name the location.

“Out of respect for our customer’s wishes, we are not going to discuss
any specifics about their test,” he said. Beckman also confirmed the
company is tagging Levi Strauss clothing products, including Dockers
brand pants, at two of its franchise locations in Mexico.

McIntyre was tipped off to the activity by a mention in an industry
publication. The article indicated Levi Strauss was looking for
additional RFID “test partners.”

Albrecht believes the companies are keeping mum about the U.S. test
location in order to prevent a consumer backlash. Clothing retailer
Benetton was hit hard by a consumer boycott led by Albrecht in 2003 when
the company announced plans to embed RFID tags in its Sisley line of
women’s clothing. The resulting consumer outcry forced the company to
retreat from its plans and disclaim its intentions.

Levi Strauss can little afford similar problems with consumers. It is
one of the world’s largest brand-name apparel marketers with a presence
in more than 110 countries, but has suffered through several years of
declining sales as younger consumers gravitate to new brands. The
company has also been hurt by Wal-Mart’s decision to cut back on
inventory in a bid to shore up its own declining sales.

While Levi Strauss reports that its current RFID trials use external
RFID “hang tags” that can be clipped from the clothes and the focus is
on inventory management, not customer tracking, the company isn’t
guaranteeing how it will use RFID in the future.

“Companies like Levi Strauss are painting their RFID trials as
innocuous,” observes Albrecht. “But this technology is extraordinarily
dangerous. There is a reason why we have asked companies not to spychip
clothing. Few things are more intimately connected with an individual
than the clothes they wear.”

“Once clothing manufacturers begin applying RFID to hang tags, the
floodgates will open and we’ll soon find these things sewn into the hem
of our jeans,” Albrecht adds. “The problem with RFID is that it is
tracking technology, plain and simple.”

For those of you who aren’t familiar with RFID chips you can read more HERE and HERE.

America-The Good and the Bad-just another example

A good fifteen year old American citizen produces this
What Would Jesus Do video clip. A fifteen year old!

Please watch theis video! From a child’s point of view. I am humbled beyond belief.
And because of the division that BUSH (who I DESPISE beyond the Pale for what he has done to America and the World) has created in this country, this awe inspiring fifteen year old receives comments from those on the RIGHT like this in response:

She says she’s received a lot of positive feedback in short messages back to her site. And she understands that the fact that “people are on the web, and they just let loose.” But she was unprepared for the viciousness of the negative feedback–especially the ugly sexual slurs similar to those that Cindy Sheehan has faced. (If you can’t stand foul language, stop reading now.)

“It’s people like you who need to fucking die and get raped while your corpse rots in the sun,” said one e-mail Lowery shared with me. “Fuck you, I would jack off on your parents if I could. If you don’t like the team, get out of the park. That means take ur small dick and get the fuck off of my homeland you faggot chocolate gulper.”

“You are a TRAITOR to your country and should be executed for treason,” another one said. “All you do is bitch about the US. If you hate it so much, why don’t you GET THE FUCK OUT.”

“Why don’t you go masterbate [sic] to a pic of Sheehan and fuck off,” said a third.

“Are you a muslem [sic] terrorist?” asked another.

She says there was a threat against her that was circulating “on the conservative underground.” And she says she received one e-mail from someone who said, “Contact me ASAP. It concerns a danger to your life.”

When her mom called the number, the person who answered denied any knowledge of the threat, Lowery says.

Did this shock and disgust you?? I hope so. WTF do we do to stop this putrid rift in our country?

I am so .. I cannot even think of a word to describe the kind of despicable creatures that responded to this fifteen year old’s video.

9/11 Exploited Again. Shame on Bolton!

9/11 was the Republicans shining moment. At the expense of the dead and the survivors of that atrocious event, the Bush Administration took the unification of the world in their sympathy for America’s loss and ran IT into the ground.

The latest exploitation is from Bolton:

United Nations negotiations about Iran’s nuclear program shift to the full Security Council on Thursday, after the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. said Iran posed a threat comparable to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

“Just like September 11, only with nuclear weapons this time, that’s the threat. I think that is the threat,” ambassador John Bolton told ABC News’ Nightline program.

“I think it’s just facing reality. It’s not a happy reality, but it’s reality and if you don’t deal with it, it will become even more unpleasant.”
CNN Link

This is  a despicable ploy that feeds the fear factor to the koolaid drinkers.
I am so ashamed of these tactics that The Bushco liars continue to exploit.

Are they looking for support to attack Iran? Will this false premise be the ploy to rally the troops?
They are grasping at straws, and hunting for that proverbial needle in the haystack to justify their ongoing insanity.
9/11 gave them the entrance to wage a War on Iraq, the taliban, the terrorists of the world. It opened the doors to the public coffers which has been pilfered shamefully.
The Bushco has trampled on the backs of the victims of 9/11 and the American people, the Iraqi people, god-fearing people and apparently soon, the Iranian people.

When will we tire of having our faces ground into the mud and blood of all the exploited people by these sick, evil men? When?

Get Your Terror Insurance Here! w/poll

New Business Blooms in Iraq: Terror Insurance

The idea of insuring ordinary people in what may be the most violent place on earth came from Abbas Shaheed al-Taiee, an executive at the Iraq Insurance Company.

“It is a kind of gift to the Iraqi people,” said Mr. Shaheed, 53, a big, heavyset man with terribly serious eyes and a reputation as a master salesman. “We have expanded the principles of life insurance to cover everything that happens in Iraq.”

Amazingly, the company has yet to pay out on a single claim.

Ingenuity is a wonderful thing. If there are any insurance agents here could you come up with a Dissenter Insurance? We’re going to need it if we want to protest.

Now, such protesters are not only “obvious potential rioters,” but “terrorists.” The recent reauthorization of the PATRIOT Act, passed with widespread bipartisan support, included a new “anti-terrorist” provision allowing police to establish anti-protester “exclusion zones” at any event of “national significance.” (In Seattle, where this idea was first used and then legitimized by the courts, it was more honestly called a “no-protest zone,” an egregious violation of the First Amendment.)

The idea of all these harsh tactics is both to scare potentially sympathetic members of the public, who don’t necessarily want to be caught in a riot (police or otherwise), away from attending; and at the same time to legitimize whatever forms of police and jail abuse are inflicted on the protesters who do attend, in hopes they’ll think better of it next time. It’s worked, and in six years, as the crackdown grows ever-harsher, activists have yet to devise effective counter-measures.

Government cracks down on dissent in name of ‘anti-terrorism’

‘Let Freedom Ring’- This makes me want to protest MORE!

Everything is possible with God (THEY wish)

I use to believe stuff like that, but then I also use to believe that Honesty is the best Policy, Do unto others, The meek shall inherit the earth, man is basically good, America is the land of the free, etc. I use to believe in all the good stuff. Now I lay in bed at night questioning MY belief system.
We have been lied to so much, that distrust is at the forefront of anything I read or hear now a days. I feel so divided and like others have mentioned, almost succumbing to the numbness that THEY want us to succumb too.

When I read such blatant hypocrisy as this:

Harris tells Christian group she believes God wants her in public service
FORT LAUDERDALE — Finding inspiration from God, The Last of the Mohicans and The Lord of Rings, Katherine Harris told hundreds of conservative Christians Saturday that she is “a work in progress.”

She told the crowd that she studied under Francis Schaeffer in Geneva, Switzerland. Schaeffer is considered a founder of the modern evangelical movement, which encourages advocating Christian beliefs in public life. Schaeffer, in his book A Christian Manifesto, called for Christian activists to demand “biblical morality” in government affairs.

Determined to stay in the race, Harris said she is getting inspiration from Bill Bright’s book, The Joy of Supernatural Thinking — Believing in God for the Impossible.

Obviously she’s ‘preaching’ to her choir. And does anyone actually believe she’ll spend her 10 million dollar inheritance to become a senator? If you payed attention to the 2000 election and the part she played in Florida, there is no way one could see any god in her.

This led me to the koolaid thought. She is definitely a follower. She is a numb-nut.
One has to wonder if we are all being brainwashed by the Bush followers:

A Cult of Bush Worshippers Has Commandeered the U.S.

The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and … regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.

Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.

Mind-altering practices … are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).

The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel…

The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members (for example, the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar – or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity).

The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.
The leader is not accountable to any authorities…

The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members’ participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group…

The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.

Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.

The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.

The group is preoccupied with making money.

Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.

Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.

The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group.

They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave (or even consider leaving) the group.

Part of me says detach, move, get high or go crazy. The other part says expose, expose expose.

It’s hard work trying to stay a step ahead of THEM. THEY keep changing the rules and their use of god is downright painful to watch.
We must fight for God and Country, but it is a very different battle compared to Theirs.

The National Security Strategy (New World Order) doc.

This is chilling and just released:
The National Security Strategy March 2006
Each section is a link which then opens up to the plans for the National Security Strategy. It is so full of contradictions, rages against Saddam (still) and just plain bizarre-speak in some areas.
It is a long document, but if you really want to know what the US Government’s plan for the future is, this is a must read.
I think this is the New World Order in the buff.
This is the main document:

The National Security Strategy
March 2006

* Introduction

*Overview of America’s National Security Strategy

*Champion Aspirations for Human Dignity

*Strengthen Alliances to Defeat Global Terrorism and Work to Prevent Attacks Against Us and Our Friends

*Work with Other to Defuse Regional Conflicts

*Prevent Our Enemies from Threatening Us, Our Allies, and Our Friends with Weapons of Mass Destruction

*Ignite a New Era of Global Economic Growth through Free Markets and Free Trade

*Expand the Circle of Development by Opening Societies and Building the Infrastructure of Democracy

*Develop Agendas for Cooperative Action with the Other Main Centers of Global Power

*Transform America’s National Security Institutions to Meet the Challenges and Opportunities of the 21st Century

*Engage the Opportunities and Confront the Challenges of *Globalization


I am seriously concerned if any of this can be undone.
You decide.