Author: RustyPipes

Tea, Bread, Sheep and a Donkey

Members of Christian Peacemaker Teams in Palestine live and work alongside the people of Hebron and the South Hebron hills, trying to prevent abuse of Palestinian civilians by their non-violent presence and documenting abuses...

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"May we no longer be silent"

Reprinted by Permission from Friends of Sabeel The Episcopal Bishop of Washington DC, The Rt. Rev. John Bryson Chane, delivered a powerful sermon Sunday, October 5, at St. Columba Church, the largest Episcopal church in DC, on...

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Pro-Downs, Pro-Choice Democrat

Several years ago, when I was very far along in my pregnancy, I was presented with a choice: I could carry the pregnancy through to term or I could abort the fetus.  I had just found out that the fetus had trisomy-21 or...

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