get it together.
there was something about some dems meeting and deciding on a new slogan. there was something about the dnc and the ndn giving money for nothing. something about orange. something war and numbery. Something z-mas, froggy, and edgy.
there is something else: our world is broken.
let’s put it back together.
we can fix it. we actually need leaders to help us do it. we actually have a system to choose leaders.
get it together.
whether the criminals are deposed for their crimes or they aren’t, we still have the naked cold hard seriousness of what the usa has done these last years. the system is ours for the fixing. that’s what the constitution actually says.
its bad out there. its falling apart at home. we can do better. a lot fucking better. but everybody who understands the program will need to settle down and to remember to breathe.
we have differences. differences work. and enemies exploit differences. there is no code. either you are helping get it together or not. everybody who wants to get out from under might try and look at the complex things they are doing through this simple filter.
if you get it: get it together.
let’s see how that works out.
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