Author: S2


a loved one passed to me this thought:   when was the last time you didn’t feel like you were voting for the lesser of two evils? I know when the next time will be.

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Proposition 86

Propostion 86 Shall the California Constitution be changed to define marriage as a union of two persons, at least one of which is not an adherent to a bigotted ideology. Summary Changes the California Constitution to eliminate...

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un-defining terrorist

Is Barack Obama a terrorist? Could be. Isn’t Barack Obama a terrorist? He might be. Is Barack Obama a terrorist? He’s pals with terrorists. Isn’t Barack Obama a terrorist? I’m scared of him. Is Barack...

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use fear.

use fear. Now we know what the beginning of the great depression felt like.  Its a bit scary, and our media tries to keep the feeling at some remove, but when you are standing near the ocean, you just know its there. Here...

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change you can

change you can sorta pretend is going to happen after it doesn’t. yes we can.  or not. hope.  and more. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable...

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