Author: S2

who’s kidding Hu?

According to NPR this morning, a protester, who had infiltrated the press pool covering a closed event in the White house Rose Garden, was allowed to shout at the leader of China for several minutes before being taken away by...

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the rumsfeld problem: check. and mate

In a sudden shift in American foreign policy, Donald Rumsfeld was removed from his office after his fate was determined by President Bush. Mr. Bush’s decision was the result of a game of chess between the two men, in which...

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blame the flag

The blame the flag crowd is at it again.They say, What’s wrong with America? The flag, that’s who! Why doesn’t it inspire Americans to defend it better? How can it just sit there, waving in its endless...

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habeas corpus christi

Promoted from Diaries by Chris. I sure hope I’m allowed to do that. let us begin. The concept behind the phrase, habeas corpus (you have the body in Latin), is the foundation of one of our most basic democratic principals:...

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constitutional playbook

If we just take a bit of the constitution and move it around here, and sort of forget a little bit of a part over there, and hide a few phrases up over there, and redefine this word to mean its opposite, and kind-of forget to do...

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