Author: SallyCat

Samhain – a Time to Remember

Samhain (pronounced Sow-in or Sahm-hayn), known most popularly as Halloween, marks the end of the third and final harvest, is a day to commune with and remember the dead, and is a celebration of the eternal cycle of reincarnation. Samhain is the most coveted sabbat by many Pagan traditions.

A little background on Pagan holidays. The Sun marks the year at four clear points called the Quarter Days – in the Northern Hemisphere. These days: Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, and Autumnal Equinox. The Celts divided the year in to eight by inserting the four Cross Quarter Days at October 31st (Samhain), February 1st (Imbolc), May 1st (Beltane) and August 1st (Lughnasad). These points are roughly half the number of days between the Solstices and the Equinoxes. Each of these days is considered a sabbat. A sabbat is a holy days among Celtic Pagans.

Pagans believe in both a Goddess and a God. The focus of most pagans is on the Goddess and she was found in trinity in the Celtic world. As a Virgin, we first see her at Imbolc as Bride. She has a Mother aspect, both Beltane and Lughnasad – times of fertility and harvest. It is here at Samhain that we meet the Goddess in Her third aspect, one that causes the most problems for many of us: the Crone.

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Witches – a Different Perspective

Halloween Witch

angel copyright 6-26-99
Petals and Thorns

Each year they parade her about,
the traditional Halloween Witch.
Misshapen green face, stringy scraps of hair,
a toothless mouth beneath her deformed nose.
Gnarled knobby fingers twisted into a claw
protracting from a bent and twisted torso
that lurches about on wobbly legs.

Most think this abject image to be the creation
of a prejudiced mind or merely a Halloween caraicature.
I disagree.
I believe this to be how Witches were really seen.

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Halloween Fun for Kids

Okay – these are not mine but great ideas….from a Pagan site that I spend lots of time on! Here’s to a witchy sense of humor!

Witches Hat Cookies

32 Kisses milk chocolates, unwrapped
1 package (11 1/2 ounces) fudge-striped shortbread cookies (32)
1 tube (4.25 ounces) orange or red icing

  1. Attach 1 milk choclate Kiss to bottom of each chocolate cookie bottom, using icing.

  2. Pipe icing around base of chocolate candy.

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Dust Bunnies – YES! Dust Bunnies!

Because sometimes we all need a laugh!   Please – do not recommend! There are more important stories for the Rec List – and this is too long for Froggy Bottom Cafe! Found this on another site I visit…with...

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A Time for Reflection – Autumn

The past few weeks have been emotional and created a fair amount of soul searching. Part of the emotion is the aftermath of Katrina, part related to politics and the future for the United States as we believed in it, and part is...

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