Author: scribe

Who Are The Peacemakers?

Who Are The Peacemakers?

we all are
each time we pause to hold a child,
each time we extend a gentle hand
each good deed done
each kind word said
each moment of compassion felt
we are keeping the peace

each time we speak truth to power
each time we take a stand against harmful action
each time we defend those most vulnerable
each time we offer our talents for good use
each time we pause to keep ourselves even
each time we hold each other up
we are keeping the peace

each day we remember
that peace is the strongest fabric
that weaving peace takes more courage
than generating war
each day we choose to stay at the loom
weaving our portion, with steady hands
we are keeping the peace

(Crossposted at

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The need for wise warriors with "even minds"

Sometimes it’s all just “too much” to take in. From every direction there is mounting evidence that this country has gone off the rails totally, taken there by an administration so corrupt and incompetent it...

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A "Stepford Nominee" ..most definitely.

There are men who have high level “charismatic skills”, (even if they there’s noting of substance underneath them), who use them to effectively attract, capture and control certain women (and men) who are vulnerable to this.  I’ve lost count of how many times I have seen otherwise intelligent, powerful, apparently independent women, fall prey to men like this.  I believe Bush is one of these men, and this nominee is simply one more “Stepford” candidate for high office.

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TOWANDA! (a battle cry!)

What a revolting situation. Religious fundamentalists are everywhere, pulling political strings and buying off politicians all the way up to the Oval office, to back up their campaign to remove our hard won civil right to...

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They Let Them Drown

The knowledge was available for years, to everyone in charge of protecting Americans, at every level of local, state and federal government, of the certain effects of a powerful hurricane on New Orleans and the rest of the Gulf...

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