Author: SlackerInc

Is True Progressivism Dead?

Does it have any chance in this country, or can it only succeed to the limited degree “stealth progressives” can trick tightfisted, selfish voters into supporting government spending by convincing them they are...

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Bush makes a good move on Social Security

Not this whole business of diverting payroll taxes to stock market accounts.  That just makes the financing of SS worse.  But his embrace of the Pozen proposal for progressive price indexing is a very encouraging, and...

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Opportunity for Democrats in the Heartland

When I read this letter to the editor in our local paper (the Kirksville Daily Express), I couldn’t help but pass it on.  It’s people like this who, I believe, could be crucial to the Democrats’ chances to...

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Howard Dean’s "Big News"

I got this email today, as I’m sure many of you did: Dear Alan, Every four years, a few months before the presidential election, the Democratic Party puts staff and resources on the ground in a few battleground states...

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Sen. Byrd’s Racist ‘Skeletons’

As I noted in Carnacki’s diary, I can’t stand Robert Byrd.  And it drives me nuts that so many progressives, especially young ones, seem to idolise him.  Yup, he was solidly against the Iraq war, for...

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