Author: spiderleaf

Equal rights not a requirement for democracy

With all the doom and gloom coming out of Iraq, it’s hard to keep track of all the “compromises” and “good work” and “freedom building” that is being done to the Iraqi people. In this particular case women and their status under the new Constitution.

It ain’t pretty. Once the most secular nation in the Arabic middle-east, Iraq is now being turned to sharia law and women’s rights and freedoms, once enjoyed openly are under attack.

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What have you done for Boo lately?

… other than shit disturbing, snarking, participating in the FBC, researching and writing diaries and writing well informed comments that is….

Have you clicked on an ad? Bought something from Powell’s? Bought a bumper sticker or tee from the store?

I know I’ve been remiss in the clicking arena. BooTrib is such a valuable community and we all need to do our parts to help Boo sustain it (and himself) imnsho. 🙂

So click, shop & be merry!

(and of course, don’t stop shit disturbing or snarking … I know I won’t)

I suggest we use this diary to show our appreciation of the Boo & Susan show… they are truly the best of the blogging world… so kiss butt and take no prisoners 🙂

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Do you agree? Who cares?


Next time I think I’ll just slink off into a corner rather than expressing my opinions loudly and vocally… hmmm… on second thought, that would be boring and no one would talk to me. And since I’m such a narcissist, that would really suck. Big time.

Do we all need to agree here on BooTrib? Do we all need to have the same points of view? I sure as hell hope not, I didn’t move to Stepford did I?

No. We don’t. We don’t all need to support the Dems. Or support spiderleaf for dogcatcher (I figured that was as good a place as any to start, and since I am recently, ie today, unemployed I figured a change of scenery might be nice… be the change you seek and all…). But we do all need to support and embrace our community of misfits. If we don’t, who the hell else will? I don’t think we’ll be welcome at Freeperville or the Communist party blog or anything… and even if we were, are we better as a whole debating each other or fracturing off into ever smaller communities where we only reinforce each other without question? I know my answer. I stay. And I let y’all know when I disagree… but I do so respectfully (I didn’t rule out snark because how could I LIVE without it, but respect is another matter…) because I don’t have all the answers, no one does (unless you talk to God or Bill Gates directly, in which case drop me an email, maybe you can help me find a job…).

New members have joined. Members who aren’t necessarily used to our civility. ‘Older’ (I hate that term because I am still a spring chicken thank you very much!) members get cranky & pissed off. Oh well. Tell them about it. Everybody. No one is a sacred cow (except for Susan… sorry, but I draw a line somewhere…) Debate them the way you would like to be debated. Or walk away and don’t post… but whatever you do, do it with the knowledge that as a whole we can affect change, within ourselves and within others… alone we sit and scream at our TV’s. I pick together… always.

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