Author: Spike

CARTOON: Could the Troops Use Trent Lott’s Hair for Armor?

I saw this article in The Salt Lake Tribune and it really chapped by butt.  How there can still be unarmored Humvees being used in Iraq is beyond me.  I did a cartoon when it first came to light that troops were improvising their own armor and suggested that Bush donate his armored limos to the war effort or at least ride in an unarmored vehicle to share the risk with his troops until they have all the protection they need.

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CARTOON: Rendering Assistance

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think McCain’s defense bill amendment will dissuade the Bush bunch from using torture. They’ll either send detainees overseas for “questioning” or hire on “interrogators” as employees of some other non-defense government department.  They seem to love playing those kinds of games.

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