CARTOON: Search Me!

I haven’t seen any Sunday morning news shows yet, but I’m pretty blown away from the snippets I’ve read so far.  These guys must really think they’re above the law and the GOP leadership seems to agree with them.  Did you see the Bob Barr/Dana Rohrabacher discussion on CNN?  Atrios has some highlights at his sight.  This is crazy:

 BARR: And the Constitution be damned, Dana?

ROHRABACHER: Well, I’ll tell you something, if a nuclear weapon goes off in Washington, DC, or New York or Los Angeles, it’ll burn the Constitution as it does. So I’m very happy we have a president that’s going to wiretap people’s communication with people overseas to make sure that they’re not plotting to blow up one of our cities.

He acts like if the actual parchment gets destroyed that our Constitution ceases to exist.  That’s about as literal as you can get.

I hope I strike the right tone of irony and disgust in today’s cartoon.

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Political Animals – Featuring an All-Nude Cast!

Koufax Thanks

I’ve been renovating my blog recently and noticed it was getting a lot of traffic today so I checked the referrals and found that it was coming from Wampum’s Koufax Awards nominations.  I think the nominations are from BooTribbers.

If so, thanks for thinking of me!  

P.S. – It reminded me that I haven’t been over to nominate BT yet.  What categories is BooMan Tribune aspiring to?

P.P.S. – Anyone else that wants to mention me, feel free!  =^)

CARTOON: Say "Uncle"

How is it that Bush can say we don’t torture and then threaten his first veto on a bill because it attempts to explicitly ban torture?  It wasn’t long ago when it wouldn’t even have occurred to anyone to put such a provision into a bill.  Times have changed.

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Political Animals – Featuring an All-Nude Cast!

CARTOON: A Stirring Rendition

I usually save the “groaner” for Friday, but what the heck.  I was trying to come up with a dumb joke worthy of something as stupid as the “War on Christmas.”  I think I’ve succeeded.  Hopefully, with time, my reputation will recover.  =^)

Hope you like it!

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Political Animals – Featuring an All-Nude Cast!

CARTOON: The Unkindest Cuts

You know, I love how the White House is talking about troop levels being cut in Iraq if the elections go well.  This is just a week after calling Murtha and company quitters, cowards and worse for suggesting troop redeployments.

Apparently, Democrats can’t discuss force reductions because it will just make the insurgents fight harder.  Of course, if the insurgents fight harder, it’s also a sign that they are desperate and near collapse if there’s an election, power transfer or some other arbitrary “milestone” coming up.  So which is it?  Are they fighting harder because they are encouraged or desperate?

It reminds me of how during the election, Republicans said that the fact that there hadn’t been a terror attack on U.S. soil since 9/11 was reason to vote Republican, but if there was an attack, it’s still a reason to vote Republican because they would have a tougher response.

Lots of linguistic gymnastics are going on.  In the meantime, troops are dying almost by the day.

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Political Animals – Featuring an All-Nude Cast!

CARTOON: Saving Face

Has anyone else been following this face transplant story in France?  I’m not sure I understand why it’s such a breakthrough.  I would’ve thought that we’ve had the technology to do this for some time.  And why are their ethical concerns about a face transplant?  It’s one’s underlying bone structure that determines how one looks, for the most part, so it’s not like you’ll look a lot different (other than your nose and lips, I suppose).  In any event, it’s interesting.

Hope you like the cartoon.  It’s a groaner.

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Political Animals – Featuring an All-Nude Cast!