Author: Spike

CARTOON: On the Ropes, Off the Wagon

Everyone on the talking head shows has been calling for Bush to clean house.  I’m not sure he’s even physically capable of such a thing.

They say you shouldn’t kick someone when they’re down, but that’s what cartooning’s all about!  Hope you like it.

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Political Animals – Featuring an All-Nude Cast!

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CARTOON: Brain Cramp

Who knows what Fitzgerald has in store for us today.  One thing’s for sure: there’s a lot of people lying awake in their beds tonight in DC.

Let’s finish the week with – what else – an indictment cartoon.

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Political Animals – Featuring an All-Nude Cast!

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CARTOON: A Quick Trip

Apparently, the infant mortality rate in the U.S. hadn’t gone up in 4 decades, but Bush has broken the streak.  Do the people who put up crosses for aborted fetuses do the same for newborns who die of preventable diseases in the richest country in the world?  No they don’t and that’s messed up. Why do people become disposable after birth?

I try to vary the tone of my cartoons from light to biting.  Today’s is an attempt to punch the GOP right between the eyes because this is a disgrace.

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Political Animals – Featuring an All-Nude Cast!

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CARTOON: Technicalities

Hello everybody!  I usually post these a little later in the evening, but I’m going to be out so here’s a “sneak preview” of tomorrow’s cartoon.  It deals with the GOP’s desperate attempt to spin possible indictments as not worth the trouble, or “technicalities” as Sen. Hutchison called them (especially since Cheney’s name has come into the mix).  The only thing they’re spinning now is their wheels (which are going to come off the cart if the indictments do come down).

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Political Animals – Featuring an All-Nude Cast!

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