Author: Spike

CARTOON: No Volunteers?

Cross-posted at MyLeftWing.

Kicking off what should prove to be a very interesting week.  

Today’s cartoon deals with something I don’t get.  The Right makes such a big deal about border security and how easy it was for the 9/11 hijackers to get in and stay in the U.S. after their visas expired, yet now it turns out that illegal immigrants have been found to be working at military bases across the country and you don’t hear much of anything about it in the MSM.  Why not?  

It seems to me this once again puts the lie to Bush’s claims of “making America safer” whether it is regarding disaster preparedness (Katrina and New Orleans) or illegals on bases.  If honest people who are just looking for a better life can slip past security, what about someone who really means to do us some harm?

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Political Animals – Featuring an All-Nude Cast!

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CARTOON: The Emperor Has No Competence

Continuing with my tradition of a groaner at the end of the week to lighten the mood.  Hope it gives you a chuckle.

By the way, I watched Hardball last night and some GOP strategist was on. He said that since Fitzgerald isn’t going to make a report, it indicates that there won’t be any charges.  Talk about creating your own reality.  No one knows what will happen, but the Republicans seem to be in wish mode.

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Political Animals – Featuring an All-Nude Cast!

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CARTOON: You Can’t Spell ‘Leak Indictment’ Without D-I-C-K

I figure I’d better post this cartoon before the other shoe drops on the Bush Administration.  If it does at all, of course.  I’m trying not to get all keyed up about it because the infamous “Kerry’s ahead in the exit polls” incident is still fresh in my memory and I don’t want to feel that kind of trauma again.

Still, “interesting times” could be upon us very soon.

Hope you like tonight’s cartoon!

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P.S. – I feel a little “sheepish” asking about this, but are there other web sites out there that would also enjoy these cartoons?  Getting my voice heard here has been very gratifying and so I’ve decided that I’d like to see if I can widen the cartoon’s audience.  Thanks!

Political Animals – Featuring an All-Nude Cast!

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