Author: Spike

CARTOON: Bass Ackwards

I hope everyone will allow me to indulge in a little self-congratulation: This comic marks #200!  I started making Political Animals as a way to voice my frustration with the way things are and try to expose the inconsistencies in the right wing’s logic.  Thanks to BooMan for providing this forum and thanks to all of you who read my attempts at humor and have such kind things to say.

That being said, today’s cartoon deals with an issue I find troubling, not just because of the issue itself but because of the lack of coverage it’s getting (we’ve all heard that before).  Now, I realize that there’s only so much time in a news show and the rumored Nick Lachey/Jessica Simpson break-up does take precedence, of course, but I wish the  MSM would spend just a little time on the government’s discussions on amending or abolishing the Posse Comitatus and allowing the military a police role here at home (because the National Guard is over fighting in Iraq).  The cartoon speculates on how things got so messed up.

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Political Animals – Featuring an All-Nude Cast!

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CARTOON: Kiss and Tell

You’ve got to figure when people like Chris Matthews, Judith Miller, Joe Scarborough, Karl Rove, etc. travel in the same social circles (and jump between jobs in government and media), this PlameGate kind of stuff was gonna happen.  I’m hoping to see “Good Night, And Good Luck” sometime soon and I’m having trouble imagining Edward R. Murrow taking part in these sorts of activities.  Can you imagine Murrow and Joe McCarthy at the same cocktail parties?

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Political Animals – Featuring an All-Nude Cast!

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CARTOON: Not-So-Secret Ad-Mier-er

Apparently religion is now a consideration for government positions.  Anyone who’s ever read much about the Founders knows that they were far from the idealized Christians that Robertson, Falwell and Company present them as.  In fact, weren’t a lot of them deists?  Just imagine what the Religious Right would say about those guys if they came back today!

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Political Animals – Featuring an All-Nude Cast!

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CARTOON: Clean-Up in the Aisles of Power

Does anyone see the “Shame, Shame” moment in the House as a turning point?  Maybe the Dems will start showing some pluck.  They definitely need to get more vocal on the floor of the House and show some outrage.  Besides, it gives the media some theater to over-report and might start spotlighting what’s going on.

Hope you enjoy tonight’s cartoon:

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