Author: Steve M.

Shut Up and Eat Your Benefit Cuts

Mistermix: Do you remember when one of the big MSM critiques of Democrats was the lack of optimism they showed, how they were always scolding and negative about our future, and how Americans, who are fundamentally optimistic,...

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Not Bad, Mitt, but Still a Few Rough Patches

Mitt Romney attacked Newt Gingrich at a campaign rally in Florida yesterday, and he did an adequate job, but there are a few kinks to work out: “We’re not choosing a talk show host,” Romney said, alluding to...

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They Wanna Kill Something

I’ve seen versions of this image for the past forty years. It’s a classic bit of pop culture: And it’s basically the way Republican voters feel right now (and pretty much all the time), which is why Newt...

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Better to Travel Angrily Than to Arrive

I know that Mitt Romney looks like a weak candidate right now, but he’s still awfully close to Obama even in that new Public Policy Polling survey, and I think even people who see him as hopeless and pathetic will agree...

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Will the Press Un-Gore Mitt Romney?

A lot of people are assuming that Mitt Romney is going to have some trouble in the general election because the mainstream press has decided he’s the new Al Gore. See, for instance, Dana Milbank: Romney, the conservative...

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