Author: Superpole

Fired for Not Being Mormon?

Former executives from Bain Capital, a company founded by presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, have been accused of firing six out of seven members of a management team for not belonging to the Mormon church....

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Six Steps to Dis-Empower Wall St. again, it’s all about MONEY… impact how these corporations make profit, and they sit up and take notice every time.

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Feinstein’s "Investigation" of Torture

What a Load this is. Feinstein and her husband are worth what? Hundreds of millions.. classic case of conflict of interest.. CYA due to her husband’s defense...

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Democrats Complicit with Torture?

Now it all fits. For some time now I’ve been looking for the smoking gun: i.e. why did Pelosi preemptively take impeachment “off the table” back in 2006?? Some thoughts on torture from David Swanson: First,...

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